
  • Episode 43 - Meaning of 'Ik Onkar'
    Jun 11 2022
    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/JournalofLife Baisakhi marks the beginning of the harvesting season. It also marks the day when Guru Gobind Singh Ji marked the beginning of Khalsa. So, there could not have been a better day to re-visit the Moolmantra of Japuji Sahib (part of Guru Granth Sahib), which we have all heard being recited in Gurudwaras and try and find out the priceless meaning it holds for everyone of us. Hope you guys like this episode.
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    47 mins
  • Episode 42|| In Conversation Episode#4|| Decoding: The Psychology of Weak People
    Oct 3 2021
    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/JournalofLife One of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson's most famous quote says, "And if you think strong men are hurtful, wait until you see what weak men are capable of." Now, the narrative that most of us have been listening to since childhood says that the one who has the power oppresses and exploits people and they hurt the weak ones. So, is Jordan Peterson saying just the opposite or is he actually clarifying what we have always seen right in front of our eyes but never really understood. What did Ayn Rand want to tell us by creating the character named 'Ellsworth Toohey' in her classic novel: 'The Fountainhead'. We also know, that most of Swami Vivekananda's teachings revolved around the principle of Strength. Now, the question arises what does Strength mean? Why did Swami Ji preach Strength all his life? What makes weak people dangerous? How to identify weak people around you? How to be strong in the face of inequality and injustice? Discussing all of these questions and much more in the latest episode. Hope you guys like it!!
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    47 mins
  • Episode 41 || In Conversation #3 || Science v/S Religion
    Sep 20 2021

    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/JournalofLife

    There is often a lot of conversation in the intellectual circles regarding the debate of Science and Religion. Generally, the conventional images associated with that of a man dedicated to science is of rationality and empiricism whereas, Religion is often associated with orthodoxy and conservatism. Is this image true? What is the need and purpose of religion? Why do people look for religion? What do we mean by Religion? What is the need for Science? What is the objective of Science? Are any of the two Dispensable? What happens if you remove any of the two from the equation. What are the implication of both of them on an individual, socio political level!? Discussing all of the above and much more in the upcoming episode of 'In Conversation' on our podcast: ' Journal of Life'. Hope you guys like it!!

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    1 hr
  • Episode 40|| In Conversation #2 || The Medium is the Message
    Sep 5 2021

    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/JournalofLife

    There has been a surge in our information sources in the past decade or so especially with the advent of social media. Most of the community is gathering their information from one or the pother social media platform. Now, here is a food for thought: What if the info is not just info but a means to manipulate and control? How do we decide if the platform owner is not just using the platform but filtering the info too according to their own whims? In such a situation how does one remain uninfluenced? Marshal McLuhan's Theory sheds light on this issue. Also, what is the importance of language? How does Language shape reality? How is language being attacked in the contemporary world? Discussing all of these questions and much more in the new episode of 'In conversation' series of our podcast 'Journal of Life.' Hope you guys like it!!

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    53 mins
  • Episode 39||In Conversation #01|| Reality and Connecting to Life
    Aug 1 2021

    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/JournalofLife

    A lot of people have been widely investigating into the idea that the current generation has already entered in a Huxlian Dystopia. Among those who have presented substantive theories as to what we are dealing with today, Jean Baudillard and Mark Fisher are the two most prominent ones. Their theories on Simulacra and Simulation, Hyper reality and Capitalist Realism can help us understand the current situation in a far better way.

    Is there any alternative to Capitalism? What is reality? Do we know what is Real anymore? How is the market seducing us towards Hyperreality?Discussing both of these theories along with their sociological, economic, cultural and religious impacts in this beautiful free-flowing and spontaneous conversation with two of my friends one of whom is a writer, poet and a spiritual seeker. the other is a philosophically inclined Jungian analyst with a bend towards Filmmaking. Hope you like this conversation and do let me know what you think of it.

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    1 hr
  • Episode 38 - Whom to Trust?
    Jul 28 2021

    Please subscribe our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/1y-XsgeD0wA

    All of us irrespective of our caste, creed, background go through very similar problems in our lives in most of the cases. Difficulty in trusting people can easily be said to be one of those problems.

    Our lives includes a number of people, family, friend.ds, colleagues, neighbors etc. We have a relationship with each of them. We expect them to be a certain way but they eventually don't. This makes us feel stupid of ourselves for trusting. All the betrayals, all the hardships, the breakups , the spoilt relationships result into us turning into careful rather doubtful people. We can't really seem to understand whom to trust and whom to not! What is the real meaning of trust? How and whom should we trust? We all have trust issues. Discussing all these questions in this episode. Hope you guys like it!!

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    16 mins
  • Episode 37 - Significance of Art and Philosophy
    Jun 26 2021

    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/JournalofLife

    Everything that we have or achieve in this world always tends to get deteriorated. Every order constructed in this world tends to become chaotic with time. Be it our own bodies, our wealth, money, respect , social status or anything else. Thus, it can be rightly said that here is an existential fear and insecurity that is inbuilt in our system. To solve this existential problem, great German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer gave two ways: one of which was the company of Art and Philosophy. Here is a video discussing the significance of Art and Philosophy and how they can help us resolve this existential problem. Hope you guys like it.

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    13 mins
  • Episode 36 - Why are Super-Heroes attractive?
    May 31 2021

    Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/JournalofLife

    Episode Details: The craze around SuperHero movies are on a rise and doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. Marvel and DC movies like Avengers and Justice League are made at exorbitant prices and are also bringing in huge numbers at the box office in return. For a normal moviegoer, these superhero movies are a form of entertainment. But are they merely that? What is the reason that they seem so relatable and appealing despite being the farthest from the reality of our daily lives. Here is a video discussing the Psychological aspect of the Superhero craze and the imagery that these heroes are presented with. Hope you guys like it.

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    15 mins