• Certainty
    Aug 7 2023
    We all want to always have all of the answers; to be certain of the outcomes associated with the choices we make. But I argue certainty is a fallacy and striving for it can actually stop you from living.
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    15 mins
  • A Full Heart
    May 21 2023
    Scientifically we are pre-disposed to negativity bias. But, it’s possible to overcome this adaptive evolutionary function and to retrain our brains. It only takes 20seconds to create positive structural change. So join me today for a discussion on the science behind having a full heart.
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    12 mins
  • Karma
    May 20 2023
    Is karma always a bad thing? And does karma or the notion that the universe brings you what you deserve actually exist? Join me today as I explore the research behind whether karma is real.
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    14 mins
  • Soulmates
    May 20 2023
    Soulmates are more than just some Hollywood notion. Science and religion support that conclusion that there is one special person that we connect with in a way we will never connect with anyone else. It’s about more than love and romance. Join me today to challenge your thinking about the connections we make in life.
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    14 mins
  • Perfectionism
    Apr 28 2023
    Perfectionism can be a double edged sword, allowing us to achieve and surpass goals, achieving “success”, but it comes at a cost - especially when you recognise that perfection doesn’t exist.
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    9 mins
  • Legacy
    Apr 26 2023
    While most folks focus on resolutions, statistically 80% quit them. Instead I challenge you to think about the legacy you want to leave and can leave - something that isn’t reserved only for big famous names.
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    10 mins
  • Kindness
    Apr 23 2023
    Today I want to explore kindness, and how we seem to have lost the inclination to be kind to strangers, and that any willingness to help a stranger is the exception, rather than the rule.
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    12 mins