
  • Toby Leary: The Second Amendment, Massachusetts History, Civil Rights, and Corruption
    Dec 30 2024

    Toby Leary is the CEO and co-founder of Cape Gun Works which is located in the heart of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They are the premier provider for firearm training, safety, purchasing, and education in the state. For decades, Massachusetts has been under assault by certain feeble minded politicians who go against the constitution and attack the personal and God given freedoms we all hold as American citizens.

    Toby is a lifelong shooter, Second Amendment advocate, and chairman of the Civil Rights coalition. He also is the voice and producer of the podcast, RapidFire, which is a talk show that covers all things Second Amendment.

    Join Melissa and Kevin as they host patriot, hero, and Mayflower descendant, Toby Leary in their first interview produced at their home studio in America's Hometown. If you have enjoyed blasting off with us thus far, get ready for the roof to be blown off with Toby Leary!

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    1 hr and 45 mins
  • The Soul Eating Spirit of Alcoholism and Addiction
    Nov 25 2024

    Alcoholism and addiction are a plague that has enveloped the entire planet for ages. There is not a single person on earth who has not been affected by this demon in some way, shape, or form. Most people are not aware of the severity regarding the control it has upon billions of people's lives. It is a topic of taboo, and that is why we want to share our own personal experiences with alcoholism. We hope that by having this conversation it can offer insight on this issue and provide a light for those who are seeking support. The ever-controlling powers that be have given most of humanity ONE substance to partake in, and it just so happens to be the most destructive drug on the planet, alcohol. Would you venture to guess this was by design? Join us as we talk about a topic that society likes to sweep under the rug.

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    50 mins
  • Project Blue Beam
    Oct 8 2024

    Project Blue Beam is a theory brought to light by Canadian journalist, Serge Monast. He had a strong interest in politics, science, and technology, which all play a crucial role in the Project Blue Beam theory proposed by him in the 1990s. The crux of this theory involves a plot between NASA and the United Nations to initiate a series of events that would ultimately usher in a New World Order with a one-world government and one-world religion. Some of these events include a false flag alien invasion, man made earthquakes, the antichrist, hologram technology, and individuals hearing voices in their heads from “artificial gods”. We know, this all sounds quite kooky. However, in 2024, when you look into the technologies from the patent office, military contractors, and now even drones and lasers for civilian use, this theory does not seem too far-fetched at all. In this episode, we walk through each stage of Project Blue Beam, while providing our insight and analysis the entire way. Let’s blast off!

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    37 mins
  • Weather Modification and CHEMTRAILS: The Negative Effects of Solar Geoengineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection…with a splash of HAARP
    Aug 8 2024

    It is time to discuss the giant elephant in the sky. Those lingering and eerie webs being sprayed above us. The pilots playing tic-tac-toe with their on and off switch for the poison. Most likely, all of them are newly licensed and have no idea what they are actually spraying.

    Here’s how we imagine a hypothetical reason given from a higher up chain of command would go: “These chemicals are to assist in decreasing the devastating effects of man-made climate change, to help save the planet. So go spray this gaseous suspension of fine solid and liquid particles out of your plane over the whole globe, including densely populated areas, to dim the sun. It will help decrease our carbon footprint ten-fold, and we need your help to solve this impending disaster now!” They would be quite persuasive, we imagine.

    Most people recall learning at some point what a “contrail” or condensation trail was. That white trail behind a plane that lasts 3-5 seconds and then disappears and dissipates. The contrail is formed behind the engine of a plane at several miles above the earth's surface due to a combination of engine exhaust, changes to air pressure, cruising altitude, and the dispersal of water vapor which then crystallizes forming the condensation trail before your eyes. A few seconds later it disappears.

    Contrails are not the focus of this discussion but are vital to understanding the different types of trails being left behind our planes. In this episode we discuss the trails that never disappear. In fact, they stick around and spread out, sometimes joining up with others over time to form a cloud blanket in the sky to dim the sun. They have also invented machines to pump out large clouds into the atmosphere for weather modification. As of recently they have begun pumping “chemical clouds” into the atmosphere to fight climate change. Historically, it was spun as the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory. It was “Debunked”. Most people are not cognizant that there is controversy over airplanes, their exhaust, chemical aerosols, and weather modification. This podcast is for them and this episode is to assist in spreading and raising awareness surrounding this issue. We are sick of unelected bureaucrats and corrupted politicians conducting their affairs in any order they wish with no repercussions. They seem to be free from the law and all consequences.

    Our skies and air are part of all life's freedom to prosper. The ecosystem has had enough and every living creature is affected. It is time to give humanity true free and clean energy technology and the climate change debate and charade is distinguished, immediately. It was set up by design to divide us. We need action now: return our skies, atmosphere, and weather to its natural state and begin the implementation of free clean energy solutions worldwide.




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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • The It Can’t Be a Joke Revolution and Initiatives
    Apr 29 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the It Can’t Be a Joke Revolution and Initiatives that we believe would usher in a new era for humanity where peace and abundance prosper and the power is returned to all individuals worldwide. Hunger, poverty, and war could be ended if humanity is consciously aware of the technologies that have been hoarded from us and the lies that we have been force fed.

    The It Can’t Be a Joke Revolution and Initiatives:

    Zero Point Energy: We claim it from the Military Industrial Complex and Intelligence Agencies.

    Human Trafficking aka modern day slavery: We destroy this evil satanic industry from the top down. Cutting the head off of the snake and prosecuting every member involved.

    Child Protective Services: Complete investigation into this corrupt organization.

    Put an end to solar geoengineering, stratosphere aerosol injection, and weather manipulation.

    Abolish CIA, FBI, NSA and any other corrupt 3 letter agency and replace or rework them with TRANSPARENT organizations that do not work against their own citizens.

    The debt banking system completely reworked with a fair plausible system of loans that do not keep people as time slaves to the banks.

    Martial Law and The Draft: They are outdated and unlawful.

    Native American Assistance: Increase land size of reservations with ample assistance provided for health and mental wellbeing.

    No privatization of mass amounts of land to any single individual or corporation. Land belongs to the people of earth, not people like Bill Gates who enjoy playing god.

    No patenting of seeds like Monsanto does which in turn strangles farmers of their rights to reap and sew their own harvests.

    Whistleblower protection always. No more people speaking out against corruption getting murdered made to look like a suicide.

    Veterans deserve the highest quality of care and compensation.

    All organized religions to start paying taxes.

    All women’s rights decided upon by women, not men.

    No more federal taxes or severe drop in taxes owed to the federal government money laundering machine for the Military Industrial Complex.

    Abolition and destruction of secret societies worldwide like the Illuminati, Freemasons, and Skull and Bones.

    Make public the truths being hidden by the Military Industrial Complex in relation to UFOS, Zero Point Energy, Ancient History, 9/11, and JFK just to name a few.

    Abolish the Federal Reserve, Central Bank, and World Bank for their role in keeping humanity as their time slaves.

    Freedom of Speech and Journalism always and the disbandment of Mainstream Media for propaganda, media manipulation, censorship, and their role in brainwashing the masses.

    Restore power to the States and Militias of those States.

    No more spying on citizens by our corrupt intelligence agencies.

    Set up a Direct Democracy: Each citizen votes on the laws being passed.

    Release all UFO knowledge and reverse engineered technology hoarded by the Military Industrial Complex.

    Free Healthcare for all.

    2nd Amendment rights always.

    Real education reform for all schools public and private.

    Telecommunications and utilities free for all.


    1. Have backup plan
    2. Food and water reserves
    3. Have self defense
    4. Get a generator
    5. Get a map for navigation
    6. Get a wood fire stove
    7. Start a farm on your lawn
    8. Say no to eminent domain and a draft, if initiated

    Merch Shop: https://00253f-19.myshopify.com

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    42 mins
  • Human Trafficking: Whistleblowers, Survivors, and the Evil Incarnate
    Mar 9 2024

    In this episode, we discuss the most important atrocity today that is plaguing humanity, that is human trafficking. This heinous crime profits $150 billion a year while 25 million people are enslaved and trafficked across the globe. All the while this entire world of countries can only pool together 124 million a year to combat it. Why are the governments around the world not uniting to end it?

    It makes you wonder, who are the elitist scum who run these illegal EVIL organization and how many of them are there? How involved is Hollywood? Or our politicians and "elite" of society?

    NO ONE should ever have to go through the horrors of human trafficking. Since the governments wont, WE need to unite to save our brothers and sisters being kept in bondage.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery and Collusion
    Feb 26 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the most important atrocity that is plaguing humanity right now, and that is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar a year illegal operation, yet we only spend 124 million a year trying to combat it. With the wars in Ukraine and Israel, thousands of people are being abducted and trafficked across the globe. We need to end this catastrophic act of evil and free everyone being kept as slaves. The mainstream media barely scratches the surface on how terrible human trafficking actually is. They only present what the propaganda machine wants the people to see, and that is that the wars in Israel and Ukraine are going great and that the allies of the US are winning but need more money. All the while, an insurrection and coup is unfolding in the United States. Seven million undocumented people from all over the globe have crossed the border over the past 3 years. This is the size of a small country. A COUP is taking place before our eyes.

    Kathy Sorenson doc on X: https://x.com/RedpillDrifter/status/1758027680954667426?s=20

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • The Truth Behind 9/11: Corruption to its Core (Part 2)
    Feb 10 2024

    Join Melissa and Kevin as they dive into PART 2 of a topic that resonates with sorrow for most Patriotic Americans, and that is 9/11. It has been 23 years since the attacks, yet it is rarely discussed anymore as time keeps moving forward with new wars, catastrophic events, and endless brainwashing by the media.

    Melissa and Kevin dive into the science of the collapse, World Trade Center buildings 1,2 AND 7, money embezzlement, financial record destruction, the Pentagon, insurance policies and Larry Silverstein, secret society Skull and Bones, terrorism domestic and abroad, Shanksville, and the massive coverup and corruption that surrounds the entire event.

    Time for people to beg held accountable for their actions.

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    40 mins