
  • Worthy Fighting
    Jun 23 2023
    Being a worthy fighter is of great value, to you and to your Maker. You no longer sit and harbour what the enemy gives you, but you fight it with good. Good emotions, good thoughts, good actions. You become a formidable opponent to evil and you reap the rewards that come from positive reactions. It is most certainly not easy, and you can fall down many times, but is a true warrior defined in the perfection of no falter, or in the advancement despite such falter? It doesn't matter if you fall, it matters when you get up!
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    16 mins
  • Pure Intentions
    Jun 22 2023
    Sometimes what we say isn't always what we mean. Either the good intention in our hearts doesn't always make it out to the forefront, or the bad intentions make it through disguised as something else. The Lord God sees within you, what you think and what your motives are, and He can help you in both of the scenarios above. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason will only cause you to pay for it later, while doing the right thing with pure intentions will please your Father and clear the way for more of the good that you ought to have, both on the inside and on the outside.
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    12 mins
  • Honest Living
    Jun 21 2023
    Being honest is not always easy. Most of us with good intentions want to be honest, but on the outside it doesn't always happen that way. We trade our honesty for temporary things, whether under peer pressure, or the illusion that things will be better or we will feel better if we do that thing. That's not what the Lord had in mind. The Lord God calls us to be honest, in every area of our lives, to show integrity even when no-one is looking. And when we are, we will reap the blessings that come from it, with peace being the first one at the door. An honest living is a peaceful living. No looking over your shoulder, no guilt, just peace, which makes way for joy. Being honest comes from a pure heart, and a pure heart comes from the help of God.
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    13 mins
  • Genuine Faith
    Jun 20 2023
    Faith is the basis of all things good. It is our starting point on which to build and so naturally would need to be solid and firm. If your faith is weak you will achieve little, but if your faith is strong you can change things in your life and in the lives of others as well. Your heart-engraved, rock-bound faith can also put you in a position of authority over your trials, to succeed in them and live the life that the Lord God intended in the first place. A life of peace and joy. Surface-level faith will keep you grounded, while bona fide, genuine faith will help you to fly.
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    12 mins
  • True Worship
    Jun 19 2023
    Worship. The act of giving glory to God. In adoration we praise our Lord and worship Him, and this should come from the heart, in spirit and in truth. But our lips are not the only channel for praise and worship. The way we conduct ourselves in life is a form of true worship, because it goes beyond our lips and into the way we feel and act. We show our Father how much we really love Him and trust Him by the way we carry ourselves, in a peaceful, positive, and righteous manner, and this brings glory to His name. The act of true worship.
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    15 mins
  • Remember The Reason
    Jun 16 2023
    Sometimes even when we do the right thing and take the right steps, we may still fall despondent, and things may still not work out the way we thought. But in our tiredness and lack of enthusiasm is when we need to remember the reason. Remember why we started in the first place, remember all that the Lord has told us and showed us, remember why we need to keep moving forward. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted, and He can help you to see these reasons if you aren't able to. And if you pay enough attention, the Lord God may even show you what He sees. Reasons that we aren't aware of, but that are so special and precious that our hearts are deeply moved to not give up.
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    18 mins
  • Staying Alert
    Jun 15 2023
    Our days are filled with good things. Planning, and thinking, and doing. Days that are reasonably predictable until the unpredictable happens. This is where being alert is important. Because in your day there may be the unplanned or the unknown. A simple occurrence, good or bad, which was not seen at the outset of your day. But if you are alert in your thinking you have a better chance at handling that occurence in the right way. And if you should still fall emotionally because of that occurence, being alert and attentive will help you gain the wisdom on how to not fall the next time around. And when you take the Lord with you He can help you to do this. To be alert and recognise stumbling blocks on their way, and surpass them.
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    11 mins
  • Cleaning House
    Jun 14 2023
    Keeping a good attitude is not always easy. In fact, it is downright difficult on some days. But as many have said, what you think is what you become. Your thoughts are the deciding factor in how you see life, and how you handle what it gives you. Unforgiveness, anger, or any other negative thought is the clutter that dirties your home. To handle life and all that comes with it in the best possible way you can, is to clean house. Clear out the negative and put in the positive. Positive thoughts of reassurance and reliance on the Lord, and His promises. And then your clean house will affect the way you handle life, in a way that is peaceful and good.
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    11 mins