• Ego - the biggest hurdle for progress | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.208
    Jan 26 2025

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    Ego - the biggest hurdle for progress | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.208
    Recorded on 4 January 2025 with worldwide participants.

    0:00 Intro
    0:17 What is the ego and why is it the biggest hurdle?
    2:14 Is it because we start defining everything we see as a reality and become stubborn in our thinking - is that ego?
    9:01 To remove the ego and achieve the truth of existence, do we need to let go of all definitions in the mind?
    15:08 Babaji's quote "actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they pretend to be"
    22:55 If a student authorises the Guru to remove the ego, how does the Guru help to remove it?
    25:07 How does the technique of meditation help to dissolve this ego?
    29:54 If the ego is removed, does that mean everything disappears?
    32:53 When Babaji says that He takes a risk when teaching the student - does that mean the teaching is an automatic thing that happens?
    35:43 Throughout the day, what is the best way to be aware of the movements of the ego and transcend those ego movements?
    37:19 Properties and relationships have given me comfort but not happiness. Yet I am attached knowing well that everything will go one day - is it all ego-doing?
    38:45 How is ego different from confidence?
    40:09 In relationships, how do we interact with ego-minded people, when in disagreements or arguments and not losing our own spiritual path?
    43:15 Why does this Maya exist? How do childhood issues affect your spiritual journey?
    47:55 How to overcome resistance, frustration, misery, distraction with our daily practice of meditation?
    49:43 During meditation, eyes open halfway which distracts. How to avoid this?
    50:53 How can I feel more love in taking care of elderly parents during the last periods of their life.
    54:22 In what sense are we saying that the world is unreal?
    57:19 How to detach from the constant narrative in the mind when meditating or chanting?
    58:55 Is ok to use the breath to focus?

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    1 hr
  • Eligibility of the Disciple | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.207
    Jan 19 2025

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    Eligibility of the Disciple | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.207
    Recorded on 12th December 2024 with Malaysian participants.

    0:00 Intro
    0:20 Viveka Choodamani Chapter 4, Verse 17
    2:55 With constant meditation, will the mind slowly recede and start detaching from the worldly illusion, and start longing for Liberation?
    13:04 When in Babaji's presence, the mind is peaceful and the longing for Liberation grows but when we are back to our daily lives, we get consumed by our responsibilities and the longing for Liberation lessens.
    20:32 In ancient scriptures there are instances when Self Realized masters lost control of their mental desires and emotions. How is this possible?
    26:36 Viveka Choodamani Chapter 11, Verse 56
    27:52 How to stay sustained in our daily sadhana and eventually attain Liberation?
    35:23 What is the concept of Advaita and how to gradually move from duality to non-duality?
    41:32 What is the analogy of the earthen pots as individuals within the space?
    45:32 Viveka Choodamani Chapter 11, Verse 57 & 58
    46:49 We know how crucial our daily sadhana is yet we sometimes slip - why is this?
    54:26 Why is the Truth bitter? Is it because we are always looking for quick solutions or an easy way out?


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    58 mins
  • What is Consciousness? | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.206
    Jan 12 2025

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    What is Consciousness? | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.206
    Recorded on 30 November 2024 with worldwide participants.

    0:00 Intro
    0:20 How has consciousness arisen within unconscious matter?
    7:19 Is consciousness beyond the experiences of thoughts and sensations from our sensory organs?
    9:00 Are there different individual consciousnesses within the one consciousness?
    16:11 When the mind is still, you become aware of the real Self, the pure consciousness?
    17:43 Is the instruction to 'just watch' in meditation the same as being aware of that consciousness of existence?
    19:21 When the mind is totally quiet, does one experience anything in that state?
    20:30 Many people are scared of no longer experiencing anything.
    25:35 Is the goal of evolution of living organisms to develop a brain intelligent enough to realise that we need to become peaceful?
    28:30 Does anything exist outside of our consciousness?
    35:13 Do we have to stop making assumptions about anything?
    39:48 What happens to the consciousness at the time of birth and death?
    40:32 Within scientific community it is said that, "no science achieves maturity without a system of measurement." Will science have to change in order to understand consciousness?
    42:25 By a tiny part of Parabrahman's imagination, the world appeared as his dream?
    44:07 Is it important to think of consciousness in Indian yogic terms?
    46:48 What does Babaji mean by the consciousness dilutes from birth to birth?
    48:16 Is science as it exists now, also a product of imagination, creativity?
    49:50 What is happening to the consciousness in someone who is mentally challenged?
    51:50 What is the difference between the state of unconsciousness and pure consciousness?
    53:29 Can quietness of mind take us to understanding the consciousness?
    55:02 If I pray, does my individual consciousness link to the all-pervaded consciousness?
    58:23 Is consciousness the same as Atma?
    1:00:38 When a Self Realised master drops the body, are there no longer any thoughts?

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    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Shaping a Better Future | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.205
    Jan 5 2025

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    Shaping a better future | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.205
    Recorded on 31st December 2023 with worldwide participants

    0:00 Intro
    0:08 How do we shape a better future for ourself?
    1:27 How can we remove or change our latent tendencies?
    5:19 Should we focus on our Self rather than the body and mind?
    7:33 So how we perceive ourself is important?
    8:40 Do all bodies and beings exist in one consciousness?
    11:58 The Truth of our Existence revealed when we silence the mind.
    15:30 Mind when it is silent it is pure consciousness and when it moves it is mind?
    18:12 Knowledge requires a mind but awareness does not?
    19:34 The wheel/axle analogy - what is beyond the almost stationary point at the middle of the axle?
    24:46 Are awareness and existence the same?
    26:26 Is it ok to consider consciousness as a field of all possibilities?
    26:45 At every moment we have a chance to be aware of the Self as opposed to the mind and body?
    28:33 What is everywhere, we don't notice.
    33:27 Latent tendencies, acquired habits and previous resolutions.
    34:54 Do we hold our current situation by holding on to our thoughts?
    38:55 Having a silent mind versus changing our thinking when in the world.
    43:41 How do we know when we are Self Realised?
    45:31 Do we have to keep our mind quiet at the time of death?
    47:59 What is the true meaning of dharma? Is it a part of Brahman or is it an imagination?
    51:29 During the five year Tapas, was it the higher consciousness that prompted Babaji to be brought out of samadhi?
    53:22 Is the state of enlightenment permanent or does it have to be worked on all the time?
    58:20 Are there samskaras that continue to come up fro the past that we need to deal with consciously?
    1:02:33 Our final experiences are not happy ones, with the body failing, in pain.
    1:05:00 What causes the realisation that the world is not going to give what we are really seeking?
    1:08:17 How to work with Swamiji's image?

    Website: http://www.srby.org
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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shivarudrabalayogi/

    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Bhakti Marga: The Devotional Path | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.204
    Dec 28 2024

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    Bhakti Marga: The Devotional Path | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.203
    Recorded on 7th December 2024 with worldwide participants.

    0:00 Intro
    0:05 How do you define bhakti? Ramana Maharshi has said that bhakti is the mother of jnana.
    4:46 How can one devote their total attention to the Divinity which is all around? Is bhakti possible with or without image?
    8:04 Is it possible to have devotion to the Divinity without taking a deity as your focus?
    12:10 If I do rituals to one particular deity, can that benefit my mind and how can it expand my love to the pure formless Divinity?
    19:35 When in the duality and you perceive your Deity as higher than you, does it help the mind or is it also a process of going to the ultimate?
    23:40 For busy householders, can everyday rituals to a deity purify the mind?
    30:15 Is it wrong to worship deities with certain expectations of results which that particular deity can bring?
    43:27 What are the stages of the devotion path?
    46:55 How do bhakti and dhyana (meditation) support each other?
    49:29 Is everyone capable of feeling that love in bhakti?
    51:34 Is love absent if I just practice meditation, without following the bhakti marga?
    52:54 Is it ok to focus our prayers to particular deities according to our needs?
    54:53 What is the difference to the bhakti Babaji had to Swamiji at the beginning compared to now?
    57:07 When Babaji talks about all the sages and deities, is that all Swamiji to you?

    Website: http://www.srby.org
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    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

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    58 mins
  • Viveka Choodamani Ch.4, vv.14-17 | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.203
    Dec 21 2024

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    Viveka Choodamani Ch.4, vv.14-17 | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.203
    Recorded on 21 November 2024 with Malaysian participants

    Babaji's commentary on the Viveka Choodamini is available to buy.
    A Modern Exposition by Shri Babaji of Adi Shankara’s famous commentary. This book contains the teachings that Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi Maharaj gave to Babaji during the twenty years of selfless service to His beloved Guru in the Dehra Dun Ashram.

    Digital version https://shivarudrabalayogi.org/product/viveka-choodamani-the-crest-jewel-of-discrimination-digital-pdf/
    Physical version: https://shivarudrabalayogi.org/product/viveka-choodamani-the-crest-jewel-of-discrimination/

    0:00 Introduction
    0:13 Viveka Choodamani, Chapter 4 - Eligibility of the Disciple
    1:41 Despite being sincere to Babaji and Swamiji as Gurus in life, why do we sometimes fail to practice meditation diligently? How to develop sincerity in one's thoughts and actions?
    7:04 The only person who can determine our sincerity is we ourself, as we know where our thoughts. are?
    8:03 Chapter 4, verse 14
    9:05 What is the importance of auspicious time and place in reaching the Ultimate Truth and how do we convert the atmosphere into a conducive one?
    16:41 Chapter 4, verse 15
    18:04 Can one use the mind and its imaginations for self-inquiry towards Self-Realization? Does that mean that those who do not have a Guru can still achieve Self-Realization?
    26:05 Chapter 4, verse 16
    27:44 Can one gain real intelligence through meditation alone or are there other factors like reading, studying, observing, to gain such intelligence?
    34:34 There are many intelligent individuals who lack spiritual growth and focus on worldly achievements - does this mean they are intelligent but lack spiritual wisdom?
    46:54 Chapter 4, verse 17
    49:19 With constant meditation, will the mind slowly recede and detach itself from worldly illusions and only when we start longing for liberation, we are on the right path of spirituality.

    Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YHFKcPK_XT96VO7xuk6RQ

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    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

    Website: http://www.srby.org
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 2, verses 1-6 | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.202
    Dec 15 2024

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    Ashtavakra Gita - Chapter 2, verses 1-6 | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.202
    Recorded on 15 September 2024 with US participants

    Baba discusses the importance of faith, devotion, and attention in self-realization. He emphasizes that self-realization is not a gift but a result of following the master's teachings with seriousness and reverence. Baba explains that Self-Realization involves understanding the supreme consciousness and becoming quiet, which leads to the realization of the Self. He clarifies that Self realization and God realization are the same, as they both involve merging the individual self with the ultimate truth.

    0:00 Intro
    0:08 Introduction to the Asthavakra Gita
    0:43 Chapter 2, verse 1 - How do faith and devotion, attention and listening to Truth benefit us as well as meditation for silencing the mind to achieve Self Realization?
    11:11 "Though all the universe is within me, nothing is really mine as the real Self."
    17:02 Verse 3: "My consciousness has given up the universe as mine and the body as me, my total attention is on the awareness of existence which is the supreme consciousness and peace."
    24:26 The grace comes spontaneously if you have faith.
    26:02 What you think, it manifests.
    27:28 "The objects of the mind are not different from the mind, this universe is not different from the Self."
    30:09 Consciousness is the Truth and as that expands the universe expands?
    30:44 Verse 5: "On examination a cloth is found to be only thread, in the same way, on close examination the universe is nothing but the Self."
    34:43 Babaji's commentary on verse 5.
    37:55 How does a Self Realised person see the world?
    42:10 A Yogi doesn't get carried away, does not lose the conscious awareness of the Self.
    43:29 Can we endure the prarabdha karmas through daily practice Jangama Dhyana?
    45:52 The temporary nature of the universe, appearance value vs existence value.
    49:03 Is space ultimately also just a concept?
    50:00 Force is required to bring eyes and mind in between eyebrows in meditation.
    51:57 How personalities start and change.
    53:03 Babaji quote 'Everyday when you get to face tests and life, only then your worthiness is proven.'
    54:43 What is the difference between Self Realization and enlightenment?
    55:38 Where can one find the story of Ashtavakra and Shiva as the villager with the country made alcohol.
    56:46 Instructions come up in the mind in meditation like a mantra.
    57:49 In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna asks Arjuna to surrender on the battlefield, does this mean silencing the mind?
    59:32 Can meditation be concentrating on a feeling of the Self and trying to stay there? And to think of that feeling ourself meditation, reminding oneself that you are that Divine?
    1:00:52 Meditation technique is a balance of focusing with will power but also relaxing and surrendering?
    1:01:42 Difference between Self Realization and God Realization?
    1:02:21 Experiencing deities in meditation.
    1:04:48 A verse from one of the upanishads.
    1:07:25 A sensation which flows form the centre of my forehead to the centre of my head like something is being released? Is this good or am I overthinking?
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    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • The Mind in Peace and Happiness | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.201
    Dec 10 2024

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    The Mind in Peace and Happiness | In Quest of Truth - Q&A with Babaji, No.201
    Recorded on 2 November 2024 with worldwide participants.

    0:00 Introduction from Babaji on deepavali
    1:45 What does Babaji mean when He uses the term 'mind'?
    4:25 Explanation of the 'Falsely imagined individual self'
    9:04 What is happening in the mind when we are unhappy?
    16:52 Are we happy simply when a desire is being fulfilled?
    19:59 Is peace when we are not particularly happy, and not particularly unhappy?
    21:37 Is it correct that everything we do is simply aimed at being in peace and happiness?
    26:07 When I think of peace going on and on, it sounds bit boring?
    29:18 What is the meaning of 'Sat chit anandam'?
    36:25 Does one need to do longer meditations for the mind to stop over chattering in meditation?
    38:40 When one wakes up in the middle of the night and gets anxious, what to do at that time?
    38:33 If I am neither the doer or the enjoyer, who is it that is doing and enjoying? How to differentiate mind from the soul?
    42:41 Can one lower position of focus of attention in meditation if pain arises in the head when concentrating in between eyebrows?
    44:39 How can one overcome not recognising thoughts in meditation?
    48:15 Unless consciousness is connected to mind and body it cannot experience pain or pleasure, so who is experiencing mind or Atma?
    49:31 When we know we are not supposed to do something but can't restrain ourselves from doing it, how to control the mind?
    51:04 Advice on living with someone who suffers a lot and is confused.

    Website: http://www.srby.org
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    Register your free place for the live online meditation and Q&A with Babaji: https://www.shivarudrabalayogi.org/en/online-satsang

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    53 mins