In this season finale episode of Imago Dei, Chimwemwe and Mirriam tackle the myths and fallacies that women often fall prey to in their daily lives. As women of faith, they recognize the importance of dispelling these common misconceptions that can hinder our growth and impact as believers. Drawing on their own experiences and the wisdom of others, they delve into topics such as the myth of the "perfect" woman, the fallacy of the "strong, independent" woman, and the misconceptions surrounding gender roles in the church. Through honest and thought-provoking discussion, Chimwemwe and Mirriam provide practical insights and guidance on how to navigate these myths and fallacies, and ultimately live a life that embodies the Imago Dei. Join them for this season finale episode as they challenge us to break free from the limitations of these common misconceptions and embrace the fullness of who God created us to be as women.