• NEW BOOK: I Hit Drums - Intermediate 1
    Oct 6 2024

    The next book in the I Hit Drums series will be released 1st November 2024. Here's a little lowdown of what to expect!

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    1 min
  • Series Finale - Next Steps
    May 9 2023


    In the 18th and final episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast series, we cover the remainder of the book, where we'll set out the next steps involved in completing  "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide". These include:

    • 6 Steps When Learning a New Song
    • The Remaining 6 songs
    • Certification and Free Choice Usage

    If you've gotten this far in the series, THANK YOU! I hope everything we've covered so far will help guide you through the remaining pieces. Subscribe or follow my channels to be the first to hear about the next book in the Syllabus, which is currently being written. 

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    7 mins
  • Lesson 12 - Dynamics
    May 2 2023


    In the 17th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 76-78 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • Identifying Loud Strikes in Notation
    • Quarter Note Dynamic Exercises
    • 8th Note Dynamic Exercises

    The purpose of this lesson is to get the player used to controlling how hard a drum is hit. It's rare you'll hear grooves where every drum stays at a consistent volume throughout. Learning to control loud and quiet strikes, is learning to develop your own sound.

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    8 mins
  • Lesson 11 - Quarter Note Grooves + Play-along
    Apr 25 2023


    In the 16th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 70-75 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • Knowledge Checkpoint!
    • Quarter Note Grooves
    • "Where's the Sand From?" - Key Grooves and Play-along

    The purpose of this lesson is to get the player used to playing only quarter notes on the hi-hats or cymbal, rather than 8th notes, whilst still maintaining 8th note patterns between the Bass and Snare Drums.

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    13 mins
  • Lesson 10.2 - Open Hi-Hats Pt.2 + Play-along
    Apr 18 2023


    In the 15th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 65-69 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • Closing the Hi-hats with a Snare Drum
    • Opening the Hi-hats with a Snare Drum
    • "Bang the Plank" Play-along pointers

    The purpose of this lesson is to continue involving the 4th limb, in controlling the opening and closing of the Hi-hat cymbals whilst playing grooves and then putting this to use with the song "Bang the Plank"

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    12 mins
  • Lesson 10.1 - Open Hi-Hats Pt.1
    Apr 11 2023


    In the 14th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 62-64 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • Identifying Open and Closed Hi-hats
    • Closing the Hi-hats with a Bass drum
    • Opening the Hi-Hats with a Bass drum

    The purpose of this lesson is to start involving the 4th limb a little more and use it to control the opening and closing of the Hi-hat cymbals whilst playing grooves.

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    16 mins
  • Lesson 9 - Playing the Other Cymbals
    Apr 4 2023


    In the 13th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 58-61 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • Ride Cymbal Identification
    • "Savannah" Key Grooves on the Ride Cymbal
    • "Oh Yeah" Key Grooves on the Ride Cymbal
    • "Forget It" Play-along

    The purpose of this lesson is to take what was learned in previous Hi-hat grooves and apply the Ride Cymbal to those patterns.  This, along with what was learned in Lesson 8 should put you in a good position to try the next piece in the book "Forget It".

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    10 mins
  • Lesson 8.2 - "Tomorrow" Key Grooves & Play-along
    Mar 28 2023


    In the 12th episode of the "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" podcast, we cover pages 54-57 of the book, where you'll work though the following:

    • "Tomorrow" Key Grooves
    • "Tomorrow" song run through

    The purpose of this lesson is to take what was learned in exercise 8.1 and put that understanding of toms and fills into a song format and get you playing music!

    If you haven't already got your copy of "I Hit Drums - A Beginner's Guide" it can be purchased in the following places:

    Amazon - Paperback and eBook (other countries URL may differ from UK)

    Apple Books - eBook

    Kobo - eBook

    Get in Touch

    Instagram @ihitdrums

    Facebook /ihitdrumsuk

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    10 mins