• "Betrayal is a necessary path to greatness—without it, true strength and purpose can't be found."
    Sep 16 2024
    "Betrayal is a necessary path to greatness—without it, true strength and purpose can't be found."

    Yet, the Bible reminds us in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter twenty-six, verse forty-eight: "Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: ‘The one I kiss is the man; arrest him.’" This Bible verse is about Judas, one of Jesus' friends, who decided to betray Him. Judas told the people who wanted to arrest Jesus that he would show them who Jesus was by giving Him a kiss, which was a sign of friendship, but he used it to betray Jesus.

    Embrace the paradox! Let “Holy Contradictions” inspire your day with a fresh perspective in less than 1 minute.

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "Authority should always be about power, control, and making others follow without question."
    Sep 15 2024
    "Authority should always be about power, control, and making others follow without question."

    But Jesus flips this idea on its head in the Gospel of Matthew 20:26: "But whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant." This verse means that if you want to be truly important or great, you should help and serve others instead of just thinking about yourself. Jesus teaches that being kind and putting others first is what makes someone great in God's eyes.

    Start your day by challenging what it means to be in charge! Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" and get a fresh, thoughtprovoking episode that will make you see life from a new angle, quicker than you can check your email.

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "Parenting should be about making sure our kids always make the right decisions, and never letting them fail."
    Sep 14 2024
    "Parenting should be about making sure our kids always make the right decisions, and never letting them fail."

    But ironically, the Bible tells us otherwise. In Proverbs chapter twenty-two, verse six : "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This verse encourages guiding children with wisdom, allowing them to grow and learn, even through mistakes.

    Embrace the holy paradoxes of parenting! Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" for daily inspiration, delivered faster than your kids can find their shoes.

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "True stewardship means holding on to everything tightly because it's yours to manage, right?"
    Sep 13 2024
    "True stewardship means holding on to everything tightly because it's yours to manage, right?"

    Ironically, the Bible teaches us that true stewardship is about letting go and recognizing that nothing really belongs to us.

    In Psalm 24:1, it says, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." This means that God made the whole world and everything in it, so it all belongs to Him. This includes the people, animals, plants, and everything we see and use on Earth.
    Ready for another twist on everyday truths?

    Follow "Holy Contradictions" and get a new perspective that might just turn your day around quicker than you think!

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "Hate is honest. Unlike love, it doesn’t ask for sacrifice or vulnerability. Maybe embracing hate is the only way to protect ourselves.."
    Sep 12 2024
    "Hate is honest. Unlike love, it doesn’t ask for sacrifice or vulnerability. Maybe embracing hate is the only way to protect ourselves from the pain that love inevitably brings."

    But in 1 John 4:20, it says: "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen." This verse challenges us to see that hate actually destroys our connection to both others and God."

    Start your day by unraveling divine contradictions! Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" and get a quick, thought-provoking message each morning, sure to make you reflect before your coffee even cools.

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "Pride is the key to happiness, and the more you exalt yourself, the better life will be."
    Sep 11 2024
    "Pride is the key to happiness, and the more you exalt yourself, the better life will be."

    But in Proverbs 16:18, we are told: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." This verse means that when people think too highly of themselves, they can end up getting into trouble. It teaches us to stay humble and not act like we're better than others.

    Start your day with a twist of divine irony! Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" and receive an inspiring thought in less than 1 minute with each episode, brightening your morning faster than your coffee can brew.

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "Why guard your heart when recklessness is the true path to freedom? After all, living on impulse feels liberating, right?"
    Sep 10 2024
    "Why guard your heart when recklessness is the true path to freedom? After all, living on impulse feels liberating, right?"

    But the Bible throws a wrench into this notion in Proverbs 4:23: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." This verse reveals that far from leading to freedom, an unguarded heart can lead to chaos, as all of our actions spring from its depths. Ready to challenge the freedom of recklessness? Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" and receive daily doses of irony faster than you can make a bad decision!

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min
  • "True perseverance means never facing failure, and if you're struggling, you're simply not trying hard enough."
    Sep 9 2024
    True perseverance means never facing failure, and if you're struggling, you're simply not trying hard enough."

    But the Bible shows us something very different. In James chapter one, verse twelve, it says: "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."

    This verse means that people who stay strong and keep trusting God when life is hard will be rewarded with eternal life, which God has promised to those who love Him. It’s like getting a special prize for being brave and faithful during tough times.

    Subscribe to "Holy Contradictions" and get your daily dose of uplifting wisdom that will challenge and inspire you, faster than you can blink!

    "Holy Contradictions: ❤️ Love, 😡 Hate, ✝️ Faith, and 🙏 Forgiveness in the Bible" is a compelling podcast series featuring the voice of Samuel Hollingsworth. Each 1-minute episode delves into the divine dualities within scripture, challenging listeners to rethink their understanding of love, hate, faith, and forgiveness through provocative theses and ironic twists. Every quote comes with a little sidekick explanation that even ten-year-olds can get.

    The series also touches on other significant biblical topics such as wisdom, justice, humility, hope, obedience, salvation, courage, community, repentance, and peace. With vivid imagery and thought-provoking content, "Holy Contradictions" offers a unique and enriching exploration of how these divine contradictions shape our faith and everyday lives.

    We get it – some folks see irony as the devil's plaything. But think of quoting common prejudices as just a sneaky way to spark interest in God's Word. After all, even the smallest of sins can sometimes serve a higher purpose. Remember Joseph's story in Genesis 50:20: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Let's keep the curiosity alive, explore the deeper meanings together, and approach each other with tolerance and indulgence. 🌟📖 Let's foster understanding and grow in faith as a community!
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    1 min