• Dayan Yechezkel Abramsky II – Clashes, Victories & Losses
    Oct 14 2024

    His arrival to England was accompanied both by miracles and threats. Soon thereafter he was elected as the Av Beis Din in London, where he faced many battles: the non-religious lay leadership, the dangers of the Blitz during WWII and a family that was becoming fragmented. His tenacity and resilience saw him succeed and his influence on British Jewry extends to the present day.

    Moving to Eretz Yisrael in 1951 brought new challenges and new opportunities for Torah. However his son Chimen was an enigma to the end; a genius who fought for the Jews but lost his Judaism.


    This conversation delves into the life and legacy of Dayan Abramsky, a prominent Jewish leader in London during the mid 20th century. It explores his resilience through adversity, his commitment to maintaining kosher standards, and his significant role in the Jewish community during World War II.

    The discussion highlights almost miraculous escapes and the personal sacrifices made by him and his family. This conversation delves into the life and legacy, exploring the complexities of his family dynamics, particularly the ideological conflicts faced by his son Chimen, who became a communist despite his father's religious background. Anecdotes and reflections on his character and teachings provide a rich context for understanding his contributions to Jewish life and thought.


    Dayan Abramsky was instrumental in raising the standards of Judaism in England.

    Courtroom battles highlighted the importance of truth in Jewish law.

    Abramsky’s family faced immense struggles during the Soviet era.

    Innovative solutions were necessary to address wartime challenges.

    Chimen's political journey reflects a complex relationship with his father's legacy.

    influence on British Jewry is still felt today.

    The contradictions in Chimen's life highlight the complexities of identity.


    00:00 The Miraculous Stories of Survival

    06:35 Challenges of Jewish Leadership in London

    10:51 The Fight for Kosher Standards

    15:29 Courtroom Battles and Upholding Truth

    17:56 Family Struggles and Personal Sacrifices

    20:19 Community Engagement and Responsibilities

    23:09 Innovative Solutions During Wartime

    34:33 Chimen's Political Journey and Ideological Conflicts

    39:34 Dayan Abramsky’s Influence and Legacy in Israel

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    55 mins
  • Dayan Yechezkel Abramsky I - Rosh Hashana Episode
    Oct 1 2024

    Brought up in a village which did not have a minyan of Jews; a self-taught child genius.

    His life was shattered by the Russian civil war and the new anti-religious communist Soviet Union. He was hounded, arrested and eventually imprisoned in Siberia, but his faith remained untouched.

    His thoughts and writings on Prayer emerge through this period of his life.


    This conversation delves into the life of Dayan Abramsky, a Jewish figure who faced immense challenges during the Soviet regime. It explores his arrest, the impact on his family, his resilience in the face of adversity, and the international efforts made for his release. The discussion also highlights his reflections on faith, prayer, and the significance of Eretz Yisrael in Jewish identity.


    Faith played a crucial role in survival during hardships.

    The Chafetz Chaim's letter was pivotal in seeking help.

    Rav Abramsky’s early education shaped his future leadership.

    The civil war in Russia had devastating effects on the Jews.

    Important ideas for prayers on Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur


    00:00 The Arrest and Its Impact

    03:12 Survival in Adversity

    06:02 The early years of Dayan Abramsky

    08:54 Education and Influences

    11:45 The Turbulent Times of War

    15:09 Resistance Against Oppression

    18:02 The Struggles of Jewish Life in the Soviet Union

    20:53 Imprisonment and Interrogation

    24:14 International Efforts for Release

    27:07 Reflections on Suffering and Faith

    29:55 The Journey to Freedom

    33:13 The Aftermath and New Beginnings

    36:06 The Connection to Eretz Yisrael

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    44 mins
  • Medieval England II - Apostates, Criminals & Leaders
    Sep 24 2024
    Jews paid the Crown for the privilege of getting married, divorced or converted. London ran into politics with its synagogues, Norwich became the first city for blood libels, yet the priests of Canterbury were fully supported by the Jews. Despite these difficulties, Torah scholarship and even Kabbalah flourished in England. And that’s besides the 6,000 herrings….


    This conversation explores the history of Jewish communities in Medieval England, focusing on their relationships with Christian society, the roles of Jewish women, the various cities with Jewish populations, the impact of the blood libels and the contributions of notable Jewish scholars like Rabbi Elia Menachem of London.


    Women in Jewish communities had significant economic roles.

    Blood libel accusations led to widespread violence against Jews.

    Jewish marriages were heavily taxed by the crown.

    The Jewish community in Canterbury was notably resilient.

    Historical records show a complex relationship between Jews and Christians.


    02:19 The Role of Women in Medieval Jewish Society

    11:42 Marriage vs Economic Dynamics in Jewish Communities

    15:15 Canterbury, Oxford & London

    20:27 The conversion of Christians to Judaism

    34:17 The Influence of Jewish Scholars in Medieval England

    38:31 Rabbi Elia: A Multifaceted Leader in Jewish Life

    48:31 Crime and Community

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    54 mins
  • Medieval England I - Promise, Opportunity & Betrayal
    Sep 17 2024

    Invited to settle by William the Conqueror, when Winchester was the capital city, the 220 year history of Jews in England is seen as a narrative of money-lending and expulsion.

    But the real story is far more gripping. Jews settled across the Land, becoming the wealthiest in the process. Women were advisors to the royal court and an ancient Roman gold coin ended up in Britain, along with its invaders.


    This conversation explores the complex history of Jewish life in medieval England, focusing on the arrival of Jews, their integration into society, the role of moneylending, and the significant figure of Licoricia of Winchester. It discusses the impact of royal decrees on Jewish autonomy, the influence of the church, and the tragic end of Licoricia, while also reflecting on the evolving roles of Jewish women during this period.


    Jews became wealthy within 60 years of arriving in England.

    Licoricia of Winchester was a prominent Jewish businesswoman.

    The church played a subtle yet powerful role in Jewish life.

    Licoricia's life reflects the challenges faced by Jews.

    The decline of Jewish prosperity began in the 13th century. Jewish women were actively involved in business.


    00:00 The Historical Context of Jewish Life in England

    02:48 The Roman coin that arrived from Judea in 71CE

    06:01 The Role of Jewish Moneylending in English Society

    18:51 Licoricia of Winchester: A Case Study

    24:50 The Church's Influence on Jewish Life

    28:03 The Aftermath of Licoricia's Life

    40:47 Conclusion: Reflections on Jewish History in England

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    45 mins
  • Understanding Halacha, History & Change: Taking Interest on a Loan (feat. Dayan Y. Posen)
    Sep 10 2024
    The Torah explicitly forbids lending money at interest, yet the Hetter Iska document seems to allow it. Is it legal? Should we all have one? Did the 17th century create a watershed moment?


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    02:26 The Historical Context of Money in Jewish History

    08:11 The Role of the Vaad Arba Arotzos in Creating the Hetter Iska Document

    11:29 Navigating Financial Transactions within the Framework of Halacha

    19:27 Understanding the Document

    35:04 The Prohibition of Ribis (interest bearing loans)

    43:18 Different Types of Hetter iska

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Tisha B'Av Episode - The Hideout in Slovakia
    Aug 12 2024
    Rabbi Yossi Steiner spent the war years on the run - as a child - and survived through a series of miracles. He found himself alone in a ghetto, needing to take care of his 5 year old brother. He hid in a bunker for 9 months, whilst Nazis came searching with trained dogs. He crossed borders through forests and fields and spent months pretending to be a mute child. His story and that of the non-jewish family who saved him, must be heard... To see a clip of the bunker that saved R' Steiner, click here - https://www.jle.org.uk/pages/podcast


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:19 Life Before the War

    03:46 Imposition of Decrees and Restrictions

    06:14 Escape to Hungary

    09:38 Safety in Hungary and the Divide Between Hungarian Jews and Jewish Refugees

    13:25 Dangers for Foreign Jews in Hungary

    16:20 Desperate Attempts to Save Loved Ones

    21:52 Life Under False Identities

    27:03 Return to Slovakia

    29:00 Escape and Disappearance

    30:28 Hiding and Seeking Refuge

    31:57 The Mosulak Family's Heroic Act

    32:55 The Consequences of the Slovak Uprising

    34:22 Nazi Threats and Close Calls

    36:20 Living in Fear and Constant Danger

    37:19 Jan Mosulak's Courageous Denial

    43:29 Honoring the Mosulak Family

    46:40 The Fear and Resilience of a Child

    50:33 The Importance of Not Giving Up

    52:49 Finding Meaning in Loss and Tears

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    57 mins
  • Holocaust Identities IV - The Church, The Red Cross & Nuremberg
    Aug 11 2024
    1945. The war is over and Germany is in chaos. But now the church has to explain its silence. And two other groups emerge. There are thousands of Jewish orphans scattered across Europe. At the same time there are thousands of Nazis on the run. Will justice prevail?


    00:00 The Church's Denial and Defense

    04:19 Suppression of the Draft Encyclical

    16:17 Treatment of Jewish Children in Convents

    25:43 Collaboration with the International Red Cross

    28:06 Complicity and Deficient Moral Map

    30:30 Complicity of the Red Cross and the Catholic Church

    38:39 The Role of the Red Cross in Aiding Nazis

    46:10 The Vatican's Opposition to the Nuremberg Trials

    54:39 Positive Contributions of the Red Cross and the Church

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Holocaust Identities III - Hitler’s Olympics, Nation & Church
    Aug 5 2024

    Berlin 1936 saw Germany win more Gold medals than any other country, while the world looked on. But at what price?

    How aware was the Church of Jewish persecution? What role did the ordinary German play in Hitler’s regime? And what motivated those who saved Jews?


    00:00 The Berlin Olympics of 1936: Hitler's Showcase

    05:04 Calls to Boycott or Relocate the Olympics

    09:42 Why Did Ordinary Germans Participate in the Holocaust?

    18:42 The Role of Obedience and Peer Pressure

    23:24 The Church's Influence on Anti-Semitism

    28:36 The Catholic Church's Silence and Inaction

    31:27 Debating the Motivation behind the Church's Inaction

    49:24 Individuals and Churches that Actively Helped and Saved Jews

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    58 mins