The Script Definition of evolution: From the Collins Dictionary, Evolution is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics. . For the past 40 plus years the evolution of this nation has been driven by the stimulus of the Cons (Rich Ultra Conservative Authoritarians). We have in truth adapted to them, evolved to their stimulus, and now have we become unsustainable, as we have adapted to their illusion. After 40 plus years have we adapted to them, have become a kind of Karen? What does it mean to be a Karin? Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors. . We feel there is nothing we can do? Except to cry and shake and look pathetic. I am being unfair, I know, but the political process has become a trap, and so many simply cannot see that. There is an illogic in trying to beat the game while the people that run the game change the rules to suit their advantage. That is the state of American politics and the media is there on all levels to support that. So the question, that begs to be answered is have we adapted ourselves to the Cons to a point where we have become non-survivable? That, I think is the key question that we must all ask ourselves. . Have we become self-correcting to the whims of the Cons? Do we give in or do what they think we should before they even ask? When our democracy is threatened do we think of our 401k and shut up? Do we automatically discount the incredible achievements of the “New Deal” when economics are talked about? Do you know the media is lying but don’t care? Have the idiots in the Republican Party yelled and screamed your higher functioning brain into neutral? When progressives are on television do you see a radical that wants to raise your taxes? Have we forgotten what a nation trying to be better is who we were and now we just want to make money and the rest be damned? . Remember the “Purity” tests of not too long ago? How there were always those that would tear you apart for not toeing their line as to what you should believe. What we didn’t know at the time but I’m sure many suspected was that there were Con trolls, looking to make sure the wounds inflicted were deep. The Cons paid for troll schools to give them the best of tools to make your life online as miserable as possible. To keep us divided as possible and cut each other’s social media threats. And we followed right along with their claims of “Freedom.” . We have adjusted to them in every way possible. There is a pile of bullshit on television daily, the biggest lies given the same weight as truth. We live in a time of control and yet fight for imaginary freedoms long gone. We have literally sold our freedoms for the warmth and faux success of a norm that squeezes everything but orthodoxy out of us. Your job demands orthodoxy, your television tells you what to think, replaces it with what the owners want, and tells you that is all normal. Entertainment tells the story the backers want to be told, the government is the best that money can buy, and our lives feel more and more helpless and hopeless. That protections we once considered secure are now relative to the norms the rich Cons and the angry Regressives pass into law, whenever they are in power. . Have we evolved into a nation of Karen’s, I guess for men Teds? How many times on Yahoo News do we see how someone “Owned” somebody else in the Con or Regressive ranks? That’s what a “Karen or Ted” does! We have become so helpless that that’s all we do!! Who cares? The Cons and Regressives have coopted patriotism and effectiveness. But it was always the “New Dealers” that won World War Two, beat Grandpa’s Cons great depression, went to the moon, built the one time greatest infrastructure in the world, and had a nation of mostly happy people. That was what Progressives can do! What happened to those Progressives? Dissolved into purity contests and watching our nation turn into Russia. Substituting a fight against vaccines for one of white power of listening to Russian agents and some idiot dance troupe owner spewing lies and more lies. . There is only one way out because they have closed the trap tighter and tighter while we have listened to ground game and $15 dollars an hour as the fix for everything. We support a party that has only one real option, promising economic betterment as opposed to anything real. And when they can’t deliver…Getting out of this will require a real evolution, not some fake bullshit! An evolution based on owning ourselves, setting our own norms, building ourselves and others, basing our lives in truth as reality, logic, ethics, and honesty of intent. To understand the Foundations Process is to simply own yourself. To enable the giant...