• Episode 10: Tomorrow’s World
    Oct 13 2023

    Welcome to the last documentary-style package show of Season 1. Welcome to the world of tomorrow … which starts today.

    This episode, Tomorrow’s World, discusses how a path to combatting climate change can be made possible through the linchpin of dense and clean energy – an abundance of it, supplied through new and advanced energy technologies.

    Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined by Gridlocked creators Nick O’Hara and Mark Havenner who, through presenting a mixture of guest expert contribution alongside their own narration, introduce listeners to some of the key issues in breaking the ‘gridlock’ to a clean energy future.

    The episode starts with contributions from the planet’s most prominent architect, Lord Norman Foster, together with space architect, Guillermo Trotti. They discuss some of the ways in which design has always been at the heart of human progress, pivotal to creating a better tomorrow. 

    We hear from Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering, who introduces listeners to a new, advanced microreactor nuclear energy system, also known as the nuclear battery. This innovative new technology could provide the option to move away from an electrical grid model that is the product of a century-long co-evolution of markets, fossil fuels, and centralized power production.

    Jacopo and Norman Foster discuss nuclear batteries and their possible applications in delivering advanced industrial production systems – a combination that can transform the way we produce and consume energy, as well as transform our economies … creating tomorrow’s world, today.

    Leading meteorologist and climate scientist, Kerry Emanuel, discusses his optimism for the future decarbonization of our economies as we push for clean energy solutions – a theme picked up by civil engineer and environmental advocate, Kristin Zaitz.

    We hear one final time from former NASA deputy administrator and current director of MIT Media Lab, Dava Newman. The show ends with Dava and Nick O’Hara issuing a call to action for humanity, for us to meet the greatest challenge we’ve ever faced: to ensure that our children and grandchildren can inherit a liveable planet.  

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Jacopo Buongiorno
    • Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
    • Mothers for Nuclear
    • MIT Media Lab
    • Norman Foster Foundation
    • MIT Lorenz Center
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    49 mins
  • Episode 9: The Scientists
    Sep 20 2023

    In the podcast’s fourth panel discussion show, Gridlocked writer and producer Nick O’Hara is joined by:

    • Kerry Emanuel, professor emeritus of meteorology and co-founder of the MIT Lorenz Center; and
    • Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT professor of nuclear science and engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems.

    The panel builds on many of the issues raised in the previous Inflection Point episode of Gridlocked, addressing key considerations of how to decarbonize societies and combat climate change.

    In the show, Kerry and Jacopo cover different approaches to tackling climate change from a scientific perspective. They discuss the importance of cleaning up energy production and why popular approaches favored by some environmentalists – such as energy ‘demand reduction’ – do not work. They also discuss the importance of empirical evidence in environmental academic research.

    Our panelists discuss the costs and economic opportunities presented in efforts to clean up energy generation, together with examples of countries successfully reducing harmful emissions and the best energy mixes for achieving this.

    Jacopo and Kerry talk about the considerations at play in communicating science to the wider public and what types of messaging resonates (or not) with audiences, noting the current challenges in public discourse with many folks being mistrustful of ‘experts’. 

    The show ends with our guests talking about their levels of optimism for the future, and how hopeful they are that humanity will rise to the challenges presented by a changing climate.

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked 
    • Renovata
    • Jacopo Buongiorno
    • Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
    • Kerry Emanuel with the Dalai Lama
    • MIT Lorenz Center


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    49 mins
  • Episode 8: Inflection Point
    Sep 7 2023

    Humanity is at a juncture in history requiring us to make a fundamental shift to clean energy, in order to decarbonize our societies and combat climate change. The global economy needs to transition out of its current fossil fuel dependency … but how can this best be achieved?

    This episode, Inflection Point, discusses how advanced energy technologies – including small modular and micro nuclear reactors, together with renewables – can enable us to ‘turn the corner’ on climate change.

    Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined by Gridlocked creators Nick O’Hara and Mark Havenner who, through presenting a mixture of guest expert contribution alongside their own narration, introduce listeners to some of the key issues in unlocking a clean energy future.

    In this episode we hear more from Joshua Goldstein, who co-wrote the film Nuclear Now with Oliver Stone.

    Leading meteorologist and climate scientist, Kerry Emanuel, offers insights on potential energy mixes that can help us decarbonise our economies as we push for clean energy solutions. He is joined by civil engineer and environmental advocate, Kristin Zaitz. Together with Goldstein, they cover the theme of public acceptance for different energy sources, and how to discuss, debate and advocate energy policy issues.

    The show ends with insights from two contributors we heard from in the earlier Spaceship Earth episode: former NASA deputy administrator and current director of MIT Media Lab, Dava Newman, together with International Space Station architect Guillermo Trotti.

    This is the penultimate documentary show of the season and prepares the ground for the final show, in which we cover how to build a world for our children and grandchildren that is worth inheriting … how, if we seize this moment, we can create a brighter future. 

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
    • Mothers for Nuclear
    • MIT Media Lab
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    43 mins
  • Episode 7: The Advocate and the Professor
    Aug 1 2023

    In the podcast’s third panel discussion show, Gridlocked writer and producer Nick O’Hara is joined by:

    • Isabelle Boemeke, founder and executive director of Save Clean Energy and creator of online persona Isodope; and
    • Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT professor of nuclear science and engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems.

    The panel builds on many of the issues raised in the previous And Now for Nuclear episode of Gridlocked, addressing key considerations of nuclear energy and the role it can play in helping us ‘solve’ climate change.

    In the show, Isabelle and Jacopo discuss some of the perceived drawbacks of nuclear energy and the extent to which common objections to nuclear might be justified. These standard criticisms levelled at nuclear include the cost of building new nuclear plants, fears of radiation exposure and how nuclear waste (spent fuel) is handled and stored. 

    Our panellists also talk about security and the current hot topic of the war in Ukraine and whether it should give us pause for thought: should we be concerned that nuclear facilities might be vulnerable to attack/ sabotage from either state or non-state actors? 

    The show ends with Jacopo and Isabelle discussing the possibilities for nuclear and the extent to which right now might be considered to be nuclear energy’s “moment.”

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Jacopo Buongiorno
    • Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
    • Save Clean Energy
    • Isodope
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    1 hr
  • Episode 6: And Now for Nuclear
    Jul 7 2023

    Back in the 1950s, the world looked set to chart a course to a low carbon clean energy future, through the deployment of nuclear power. But humanity turned back from the future by curtailing nuclear expansion, and that one decision, above all others in living memory, almost certainly precipitated the climate crisis we now face.

    This episode, And Now for Nuclear, covers the reasons why many of us continue to oppose nuclear energy, despite the fact that it is the only energy source that is both clean and reliable, and can be deployed at large, strategic scale.

    Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined by Gridlocked creators Mark Havenner and Nick O’Hara who, through a mixture of narration and discussion, introduce listeners to some of the key issues when considering the matter of nuclear energy.

    In this episode we hear more from Joshua Goldstein, who co-wrote the film Nuclear Now with legendary director Oliver Stone.

    The show explains how nuclear energy works, and covers key considerations including safety, waste, cost and efficiency of nuclear energy.

    These matters are expertly presented by contributors to previous episodes of Gridlocked, including Kerry Emanuel, Jacopo Buongiorno and Kristin Zaitz. We also hear for the first time from Charlyne Smith, senior energy analyst at The Breakthrough Institute.

    Making an appearance once again is the planet’s leading living architect, Lord Norman Foster, who talks about nuclear energy’s safety record compared to those of other energy sources, together with nuclear waste. Foster argues that, “The big advantage of nuclear is the fact that the waste is tiny, and it’s controllable.” He goes on to say, “to separate facts from prejudice, the potential for clean energy is staring us in the face. We don’t need to cover the planet with solar panels.”

    Humanity’s future hangs in the balance, and much depends on the energy technologies we decide to prioritize in facing a climate emergency against the backdrop of increasing global demand for energy. So, why have we been overlooking nuclear?

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Jacopo Buongiorno
    • Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
    • Mothers for Nuclear
    • The Breakthrough Institute
    • Norman Foster Foundation


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    55 mins
  • Episode 5: The Problem Solver
    Jun 23 2023

    “Reliable power where and when it is needed will always and everywhere rank higher than emissions and pollution.”
    —Staffan Qvist

    In the podcast’s second panel discussion show, Gridlocked host Rolake Ojo is joined by special guest Staffan Qvist, CEO of tech consultancy, QuantifiedCarbon, and Gridlocked writer and producer, Nick O’Hara.

    The panel builds on some of the key issues raised in the previous Running into Reality episode of Gridlocked, addressing key issues on how to build a clean energy future.

    In the show, Staffan shares insights from his industrial decarbonization work, together with some reflections on his co-authored book, A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow.

    The conversation focuses on the need to shift away from humanity’s reliance on combustible fossil fuels, and on to hydrogen and electro-fuels coupled with direct low-carbon heat supply. The discussion covers Staffan’s groundbreaking ‘repowered fossil’ work. This includes looking at transforming coal and other power plants around the world, taking into account the significant vested interests associated with assets amounting to trillions of dollars, together with the value to local economies and jobs.

    The show ends with Staffan sharing what gives him cause for optimism about the future, as we focus our efforts on meeting the climate emergency facing humanity.

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • QuantifiedCarbon
    • Repower Coal
    • A Bright Future


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    42 mins
  • Episode 4: Running into Reality
    Jun 9 2023

    After every ‘green’ initiative in recent decades, humanity is still not on track to solve climate change. Despite this, many of us unquestionably support renewable energy sources like wind and solar, believing that they hold the key to combatting climate change.

    This episode, Running into Reality, delves into some key considerations in contemporary energy policy that most commentators hide away from. We question whether renewables are really such a good idea, and why it is that fossil fuel companies are among renewables’ biggest cheerleaders.

    Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined once again by Gridlocked creators Mark Havenner and Nick O’Hara who, through a mixture of narration and discussion, explore the realities of what prevailing preferences for renewable energy sources can actually deliver.

    In this episode we hear more from Joshua Goldstein, who co-wrote the newly released film Nuclear Now with legendary film director Oliver Stone.

    Listeners also hear contributions from Kristin Zaitz, who is a civil engineer working in California’s energy sector and co-founder of advocacy group Mothers for Nuclear. Also featured are renewable energy entrepreneur, Rob Freda, together with leading meteorologist and MIT professor emeritus, Kerry Emanuel.

    The show’s contributors discuss a number of key considerations, including: meeting the demands of electricity grids; pricing and subsidies; logistical capacity and acreage requirements, amongst others.

    If you’re ready to challenge everything you thought you knew about renewables, then ‘buckle up’ and tune in to Running into Reality.

    Suggested Links: 

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Mothers for Nuclear
    • GenH
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    50 mins
  • Episode 3: The Economist and the Engineer
    May 26 2023

    In the podcast’s first ever panel discussion show, Gridlocked writer and producer Nick O’Hara is joined by:

    • Pia Malaney, senior economist at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and co-founder of the Center for Innovation, Growth and Society – who features in the previous Spaceship Earth episode; and

    • Kristin Zaitz, civil engineer and co-founder, Mothers for Nuclear – who features in the Running into Reality episode that follows this panel show.

    The panel discusses some of the key issues raised in the previous episode of Gridlocked, addressing questions such as how we can all elevate our perspective to a Spaceship Earth mentality.

    The clear link between access to energy and economic development/ poverty reduction is discussed, including whether we should seek to ‘energy conserve’ our way out of climate change.

    The guests consider the question of agency and collective action, sharing their reflections on effective climate advocacy approaches to mobilizing action to flatten the curve on greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

    The show ends with Pia and Kristin sharing what gives them cause for optimism about the future, as we focus our efforts on meeting the climate emergency facing humanity.

    Suggested Links:

    • Gridlocked
    • Renovata
    • Mothers for Nuclear
    • Institute for New Economic Thinking
    • Center for Innovation, Growth and Society
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    46 mins