• Iterating through our podcast editing work
    Aug 7 2022

    Podcast editing looks like a logical, methodical task to do for clients. Well, let us tell you, you'd be wrong. Sorry but it must be said. And must be talked about. And not only are there many tricky aspects of this job/career but they don't all happen at once. All 4 of us are at very different stages of our podcast editing life and yet, we're still able to dip into those experiences to help each other out. It's that complicated. And lovely. And complex.

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter:  https://globalpodcasteditors.substack.com/

    Full information in the YouTube video notes (where you can also watch the live video): https://youtu.be/wk_aQ6ZDf-w

    Editors In This Chat:
    -Jessica Rodriguez, (Houston, Texas, U.S.), https://www.avirtualteam.com//,   https://www.instagram.com/jessicapodcastpro/.

    -Marcus dePaula (Nashville, Tenn, U.S.)
    ​ @meonlylouder on both Twitter and IG,  http://meonlylouder.com/services

    -Nick Thomson (Manchester, UK), https://www.ant-podcastmanagement.com/about, Twitter: @podcastant

    -Steph Fuccio (American expat in Spain): Host! https://www.stephfuccio.com, @stephfuccio everywhere

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community: Guest

    Live Chats on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GlobalPodcastEditors

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    50 mins
  • Stability and creativity in our podcast editing work
    Jul 21 2022

    Transitioning into podcast editing from another space like music production is not as easy as it seems. Today we've got 2 editors, 1 from North Macedonia and 1 from the U.S., who are still struggling with some branding, client, and creative issues with this very transition. Jennifer Navarrete is hosting this session because Steph is out sick. With her 17 years of experience in the space,  Jennifer brings heaps of insight to the conversation.  (Thanks Jennifer, for helping us keep the lives going during this disruption!)

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter:  https://globalpodcasteditors.substack.com/

    Full information in the YouTube video notes (where you can also watch the live video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbOPkytfAgI

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    Jennifer (Texas, USA)  https://twitter.com/epodcaster   
    Angelina Gurrola, (Chicago, IL, USA), www.theintentionaledit.com
    Filip Krstevski (Stip, North Macedonia) www.fixingyourpodcast.com/

    National Podcast Posting Month: https://www.facebook.com/groups/napodpomo/

    Guest Editor: Avi Anderson, http://avianderson.com/

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community: Guest

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    39 mins
  • Staying true to ourselves as podcast editors (July 7, 2022 live)
    Jul 7 2022

    From Brazil, Spain, the UK, and the US we're talking about podcast editing issues that hurt our heads. Creativity in editing, the challenges of learning a DAW, and value matching (and not) with potential clients. This conversation gets very real fast, so get ready to think, feel and comment to help us out, cause although we got some ideas from each other and the folks in the chat room, we need more. We need you!

     Full information in the YouTube video notes (where you can also watch the live video):

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter:  https://globalpodcasteditors.substack.com/

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    Bekah Johnson, (U.S.), https://www.bekahjohnsonmedia.com/
    Samuel Jacintho (Curitiba, Brazil),https://podcasteditor.pro/
    Charles Commins (Warrington, UK), https://vibrantsoundmedia.com/
    Steph Fuccio (American expat in Spain): Host!

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community: Guest

    Dialogue Editor: Marissa Svaleson of Prairie Rose Podcast Production,  www.prairierosevirtualsolutions.com


    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    50 mins
  • Valuing our podcast editing time and other editor challenges (and possible solutions): Live Chat June 16, 2022
    Jun 17 2022

    Have you ever edited a podcast episode so many times that you thought your eyes would fall out? Are client boundaries super hard to put up and maintain? If you're having any of these challenges then this episode is for you because so are we!

    Our guests for these chats changes every two weeks and this week we've got one podcast editor from the UK and three from the U.S. One of us is in Texas, the other in Minnesota and I'm in Split, Croatia. 

     Full information in the YouTube video notes (where you can also watch the live video):

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter:  https://globalpodcasteditors.substack.com/

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    -Rachel Hanson (Minnesota, U.S.) https://racheledits.co/
    -Matt Cheney, (UK) https://www.kult.media/
    -Steve Sanchez (Texas, USA) www.transductionpost.com/
    -Steph Fuccio (American expat in Croatia): Host! https://www.stephfuccio.com/

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community:

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    40 mins
  • What's your podcast editing USP (unique selling point...or proposition? Live Chat June 2, 2022
    Jun 4 2022

    In this chat, we've got one podcast editor from Jamaica, one from the UK, and two from the U.S. (one is IN the U.S. and the other (me!) is IN Croatia) sharing our podcast editing for clients challenges, well, mostly. 

     Full information in the YouTube video notes (where you can also watch the live video):

    We dove into scaling and disassembling our businesses, venting about certain recording platforms that many people love, and sharing a fascination with a piece of tech you may not spend a lot of time ogling over. But we did (well, Neal didn't but that's so like him!) What I'm saying is that it's a good geeky time indeed.

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter:

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    -Alexandra Stennett, (Kingston, Jamaica) listenerstoclients.com
    -Steve Stewart (USA) return Editor! www.podcasteditoracademy.com?aff=stephfuccio
    -Neal Veglio (Oxford, UK), podknowspodcasting.co.uk
    -Steph Fuccio (American expat in Croatia): Host! , https://www.stephfuccio.com/

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community:

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    50 mins
  • Podcast Editing Client Communication is Tricky (May 26, 2022 Live Global Podcast Editor Chat)
    May 26 2022

    You can watch this chat on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnBM9SXYqNU

    In this chat, we're diving into speed editing after your technology crashes, building in firm contract deadlines to get rid of the awkward return from hiatus wait, and balancing creative growth with making a living and so much more. We've got a Canadian editor (Mary), an American editor (Amelia), a Romanian editor in the UK (Erik), and an American editor (Steph) in Split, Croatia.

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter: https://globalpodcasteditors.substack...

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    - Mary Chan (Victoria, Canada) www.organizedsound.ca/podcast/
    -Amelia Hruby (Nebraska, USA) www.softersounds.studio/
    -Erik Bria (London, UK) erikbria.com/
    -Steph Fuccio (American expat in Croatia): Host! , https://www.stephfuccio.com/

    More info about the Global Podcast Editor Community:

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    49 mins
  • How many times do you follow up with a potential podcast editing client? (May 12, 2022 GPE Live Chat)
    May 12 2022

    Perfectionism, client expectations, and constant upskilling with 1 Algerian editor, 2 South African editors (1 in Turkey)& 1 American editor in Croatia.

    Sign up for our podcast editing newsletter: https://globalpodcasteditors.substack...

    The podcast editors in this chat are:
    -Jody Julius (South Africa)  https://www.audiopodproductions.co.za/
    -Karim Benyagoub (Algeria), mostadigital.com/
    -John  Bartmann (South Africa) https://howimakemusic.com/
    -Steph Fuccio (American expat in Croatia): Host! , https://www.stephfuccio.com/

    -Vordio: https://vordio.net/

    Production Details:
    -Music: All I Need by Scott Andrew Michael (2018) through Melodie
    -Hosted on Buzzsprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1907332

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    45 mins
  • Find podcast editing clients in community spaces (GPE Live Chat)
    Apr 28 2022

    Check out the Global Podcast Editors newsletter: https://globalpodcasteditors.substack.com/

    This chat includes:
    -Stephanie Fuccio (Host) American digital nomad in Croatia: https://www.stephfuccio.com/
    -Puneeth Shenoy, India, https://www.podcastpundits.com/
    -Mark Wakely, UK, https://1386audio.com/

    Event Overview:
    Twice a month a small group of global podcast editors gets together for a LIVE chat on the Global Podcast Editors YouTube channel. Three of the participants are rotating guests from our global community and then there's me (top left with the pink mic cover!)

    We dig into our recent podcast editing work and discuss any business and/or technical challenges and successes.

    We're an international group so the times of our chats are also rotating each month so that we can have as many of you from as many places in the world on the chats as possible.

    Full chat info and sign up here: https://www.stephfuccio.com/globalpodcasteditors

    Production Details:
    Recorded via Streamyard (single track): https://streamyard.com?pal=5673660346007552
    -Edited by Stephanie Fuccio: https://www.stephfuccio.com/editing.html
    -Editing with Hindenburg: https://hindenburg.com/ and Acon Digital's DeVerberate and -Extract: Dialogue plug-ins
    -Music: All I Need by Scott Andrew Michael (2018) through Melodie
    -Hosted on Buzzsprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1907332

    We've got a tool that finds you the right people so you can spend time engaging with them, instead of researching who they are!

    Watch the demo here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJh1IcQWAg&t=1029s

    Order your Engagement Bunny packet here: https://form.jotform.com/222105866578362

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    42 mins