• QC Family Tree: Greg Jarrell
    Jan 21 2025
    In this episode, Greg Jarrell, Chief Door Answerer at QC (Queen City) Family Tree (an intentional downtown community in Charlotte), Co-leader & saxaphone player with the Carolina Social Music Club (a jazz and justice group), graduate of Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (BTSRichmond), Appalachian State University (Boone, NC), married to partner and co-community minister, Helms Jarrell and author of OUR TRESPASSES (White Churches and the Taking of American Neighborhoods) introduces us to the Second Ward of Charlotte (a neighborhood) and its history. Hear Greg introduce his book and explore Black displacement from the past and the suffering that continues today. Don't forget that BWIM NC will host our annual "Symposium" on Thursday, September 11, 2025, 9:30 a.m.--2:30 p.m. at Hayes Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh. Please join us on this special day to connect with other Baptist women in ministry and be challenged by women preaching and teaching God's Word. Find us on Facebook (Baptist Women in Ministry of North Carolina) and Instagram (bwimnorthcarolina). To support the work of BWIM NC, click www.bwimnc.org/donate for online giving OR mail a personal, church or organizational check to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC 27612. Donations go directly toward the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring, virtual "lunch & learns," scholarships for women divinity students, and outreach events like this podcast, and other special activities. #bwimnc
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    47 mins
  • Chowan University's First Woman President: Rosemary M. Thomas
    Jan 21 2025

    In this episode, BWIM NC meets Dr. Rosemary M. Thomas, the first woman President of Chowan University. With an extensive background in university and foundation management, Dr. Thomas, who asked to be called Rosemary, is equipped with leadership skills that will move Chowan University forward. Rosemary is committed to community service, volunteerism and organizational leadership, especially with women's groups, (like the West Virginia Rhododendron Girls State. A graduate of Clemson University, University of South Carolina, West Virginia University with post-doctoral studies at Harvard University. Dr. Thomas is the 24th President of Chowan University.

    Don't forget that BWIM NC will host our annual "Symposium" on Thursday, September 11, 2025, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Hayes Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh. Please join us on this special day to connect with other Baptist women in ministry and be challenged by women preaching and teaching God's Word. Find us on Facebook (Baptist Women in Ministry of North Carolina) and Instagram (bwimnorthcarolina).

    To support the work of BWIM NC, click www.bwimnc.org/donate for online giving OR mail a personal, church or organizational check to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC 27612. Donations go directly toward the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring, virtual "lunch & learns," scholarships for women divinity students, and outreach events like this podcast, and other special activities. #bwimnc

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    34 mins
  • CBF Global Missions Cyprus: Stella Lail Perrin
    Apr 10 2024
    BWIM NC Podcast "Gathering at the Well" Ka'thy Gore Chappell, Executive Director, Baptist Women in Ministry of North Carolina interviews Rev. Stella Lail Perrin, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Field Personnel to Cyprus cbf.net/perrin Rev. Stella Lail Perrin Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Field Personnel in Cyprus "working with asylum seekers to build beloved community" In this episode, Stella Lail Perrin, CBF Field Personnel in Cyprus, introduces us to an international ministry in the country of Cyprus, located in the European Union. With a mission to work with asylum seekers in order to build a beloved community, Stella will be living in a place that is considered an island country in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the third largest and third-most populated island in the Mediterranean. Cyprus is also considered a transportation hub and, currently, described as a country that receives more asylum seekers than anywhere else in the world. Stella, an ordained minister, divorced, mother of three has now relocated to Cyprus and is beginning her first year of ministry in a different culture. Courageously, she is making herself available to people where they are and experiencing life out of her comfort zone by listening to God's call on her life. Stella is a graduate of Gardner-Webb University and Gardner-Webb School of Divinity; her areas of study include psychology, counseling and theology. Professionally, Stella has served church congregations in North Carolina in full-time ministry; she describes herself as a person who is committed to missions, an explorer of different cultures and a world traveler. In this podcast, Stella tells her story of her call to global missions, the soul searching that accompanied her missions training, the opportunity to partner with CBF Global as well as a local organization in Cyprus. This Baptist woman in ministry is eager to do kingdom work in Cyprus as she engages asylum seekers through her genuine people skills and in-depth pastoral care. With hope and her life in Christ, Stella seeks to minister to the whole person; her scripture verse is John 10:10. For more information on Rev. Stella Lail Perrin, click cbf.net/perrin. Don't forget BWIM NC will host our annual "Symposium" celebrating the 60th anniversary of the ordination of Addie Davis on Thursday, September 12, 2024, 9:30 AM-2;30 PM, at Watts Street Baptist Church, Durham. The first Southern Baptist woman to be ordained, Addie Davis, actually celebrated this milestone event at Watts Street. So, please join us on this special day to connect with other Baptist women in ministry, be challenged by women proclaiming God's Word as well as celebrating this momentous occasion. Find us on Facebook (Baptist Women in Ministry of North Caroina), Instagram (BWIMNORTHCAROLINA) and Twitter (@bwimc). TO support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/support.html for online giving OR mail a check to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC 27612. Donations go directly toward the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gathering, mentoring programs, virtual "lunch and learn" events, scholarships for women divinity students, and outreach programs like this podcast #bwimnc
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    36 mins
  • Pastors for NC Children: Suzanne Parker Miller
    Mar 7 2024
    In this episode, Suzanne Parker-Miller, Executive Director and founder of Pastors for North Carolina Children, introduces us to an ecumenical ministry that mobilizes faith communities to advocate for public education. Suzanne, a minister in the Moravian Church, lives in Raleigh with her spouse and two children and is an active supporter of the Wake County Public School System. Pastors for North Carolina Children invites faith communities across North Carolina to join in supporting public school neighbors; works to ensure all North Carolina children have an equal chance to learn and grow; is an independent, non-partisan ministry and mission group that strives to engage a diverse range of faith communities. For more information on Pastors for North Carolina Children, click pastorsforncchildren.org Don't forget BWIM NC will host our annual "Symposium" celebrating the 60th anniversary of the ordination of Addie Davis on Thursday, September 12, 2024, 10;00 AM--2:30 PM at Watts Street Baptist Church Durham. The first Southern Baptist woman to be ordained, Addie Davis actually celebrated this milestone event at Watts Street. So, please join us on this special day to connect with other Baptist women in ministry, be challenged by women proclaiming God's Word as well as celebrating this momentous occasion. Find us on Facebook (Baptist Women in Ministry of North Carolina), Instagram (bwimnorthcarolina) and Twitter (@bwimnc). To support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/support.html for online giving OR mail checks to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh NC 27612. Donations go directly toward the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring programs, virtual "lunch-and-learn" events, scholarships for women divinity students, and outreach programs like this podcast. #bwimnc
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    43 mins
  • On The Hill: Rev. Jennifer Hawks
    Jul 6 2023
    In this episode, Rev. Jennifer Hawks, lawyer and ordained minister, introduces us to the work and ministry of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC) and educates us about Christian nationalism. The BJC, located in Washington, D.C., is a faith-based organization that advocates for the historic Baptist principle of religious liberty. Rev. Hawks is the Associate General Counsel for the BJC where she provides legal analysis on church-state issues that arise before Congress, the courts, and administrative agencies. She also assists in educational efforts and responds to pastors and other constituents who have questions about church-state matters. For more information on the Baptist Joint Committee, click bjconline.org .   Prior to arriving in Washington, D.C., Jennifer served as the Director of Advocacy and Outreach Services for the Family Abuse Center in Waco, Texas, worked for two judges in the state of Mississippi, and served as a staff attorney for the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Jennifer has also served in ministry positions in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Texas. She has published papers in Texas Baptist Historical Society and Baptist History and Heritage Journal. A graduate of Mississippi College and the University of Mississippi School of Law, Jennifer Hawks earned a Master of Divinity degree from George W, Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University. She is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court, Texas and Mississippi bars, and she was ordained into the Gospel Ministry by McLean Baptist Church in McLean, Virginia.   Season 3 is coming in fall 2023! We'll talk with The Bunce Sisters, a writing team who brings us the weekly reflection titled, "The Welcome Table."  For more information on the Bunce Sisters, The Welcome Table and The Traveling Table Summer Series, click thewelcometableco@gmail.com .    Don't forget! BWIM NC will host our annual "Symposium" centering around the theme of PLAY. Join us at Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Chapel Hill on Thursday, September 14 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. for this exciting gathering.   Connect with us! Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @bwimnc and @bwimnorthcarolina. To support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/giving OR mail checks to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC 27612. Donations go directly toward the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring programs, virtual lunch-and-learn events, scholarships for future women ministers and outreach programs like this podcast. 
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    35 mins
  • A Theology of Technology: Rev. Jonathan Boggs and Jeff Spargo, MDiv
    Jun 2 2023
    Rev. Jonathan Boggs and Jeff Spargo, MDiv, share their divine calling to develop a theology of technology through the media non-profit, Parable Media, Inc. This organization engages in inspiring storytelling for churches, Christian non-profits, and individuals through services like website design, photography, graphic design, and more. In this episode, Jonathan speaks to his journey as an undergrad, his transition to divinity school at Campbell University, the launch of Parable Media, and its expansion of virtual technology ministries during Covid-19. Jeff also shares about his theological education at Gardner-Webb University, joining the expanding team at Parable Media, and embracing a call to non-profit work through financial development and communication. Both Jonathan and Jeff affirm the positive influences from Baptist Women in Ministry; Jayne Davis, First Baptist Church, Wilmington; and Wanda Kidd, CBFNC Campus Ministry (Western Carolina). You can learn more about Parable Media's ministry and projects at https://www.parablemedia.org/   Coming to BWIM NC in July is a podcast with Jennifer Hawk who is a lawyer and ordained minister with the Baptist Joint Committee ON THE HILL!  Jennifer's podcast will introduce us to the work and ministry of the BJC and also educate us more fully on Christian Nationalism. Don't forget, BWIM NC will host their annual "Symposium" centering around the theme of PLAY. Join us at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Chapel Hill on Thursday, September 14 from 10am-2pm for this exciting gathering.    You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @bwimnc and @bwimnorthcarolina. To support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/giving OR mail checks to Esther Soud Parker, 7913 Ocoee Court Raleigh, NC  27612. Donations go directly towards the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring progams, local lunch-and-learn events, scholarships for future women ministers and outreach programs like this podcast.  
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    36 mins
  • Billboard Ministry: Rev. Kristen Tucker
    Mar 24 2023

    In this episode, Rev. Kristen Tucker shares her story as a woman called by God for ministry and more specifically, pastor of First Baptist Church in Smithfield, NC. Kristen talks about the diversity of her work as a minister, transitioning as pastor of Saturday night church at Pritchard “at the South End” in Charlotte to senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Smithfield with a church billboard on the I-95 corridor. Listen to this interesting story to know Kristen better and learn about the process of church decision making and bold steps forward.

      Coming to BWIM NC in April and May are podcasts with Jonathan Boggs & Jeff Spargo with Parable Media and Jennifer Hawks with Baptist Joint Committee.  Coming in September is the 2023 BWIM NC "Symposium" at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Chapel Hill. SAVE-THE-DATE for Thursday, September 14 featuring the theme of PLAY. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @bwimnc and and @bwimnorthcarolina.     To support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/giving OR mail checks to Esther Soud Parker, BWIM NC Treasurer, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC  27612.  Donations go directly towards supporting North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring programs, local lunch-and-learn events, scholarships for future female ministers, and outreach programs like this podcast.
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    35 mins
  • Holistic Financial Wellness: Rob Fox and Jim Morrison
    Feb 24 2023

     In this episode, Ka’thy Gore Chappell, Executive Director, BWIM NC interviews Rob Fox, President, CBF Church Benefits Board, and Jim Morrison, Director, Financial Wellness Initiative, about the importance of embracing financial wellness throughout one’s career, not just at or preparing for retirement. The podcast, including salary and benefits negotiations targets women in ministry and is also beneficial to men. You can learn about the Church Benefits Board at www.churchbenefits.org .

    Coming to BWIM NC in September is the 2023 BWIM NC "Symposium" at Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Chapel Hill. With a theme of “PLAY,” please SAVE-THE-DATE for Thursday, September 14 (10 am—2 pm). You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @bwimnc and @bwimnorthcarolina.  

    To support the work of BWIM NC, click bwimnc.org/giving OR mail checks to Esther Soud Parker, BWIM NC Treasurer, 7913 Ocoee Court, Raleigh, NC  27612.  Donations go directly towards the support of North Carolina women in ministry through annual gatherings, mentoring programs, local lunch-and-learn events, scholarships for future female ministers, and outreach programs like this podcast. #bwimnc 


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    35 mins