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Dream 1: Katie's Posey's dream with the Nazi's, Jewish Children and Paris
3 Step Approach: T.E.A. = Titles, Emotions, Actions
- Title 1 - Saving Jewish Children from the Nazi's
- Title 2 - Anxiety About Saving Jewish Children (& Consequences)
- Title 3 - Fear of Escaping the Nazi's in Paris
- Emotion 1 - Fear
- Emotion 2 - Anxiety
- Actions - Saving Children, Escaping
Literal Elements for Katie:
- Katie is a Holocaust Researcher/Historian
- Katie was going through a huge change at the time of this dream.
- Katie was experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety in real life at the time.
Dream Gems for This Dream:
- Nazi's - Those who persecute others for different beliefs
- Jewish Children - Could have represented Katie, as well as being a literal element because Katie works in that field.
- Paris - For Katie, Paris represented a familiar, comfortable place she loves. She was going from a place she loved to moving to a new area literally.
Interpretation: The dream reflects that you were going through a difficult time of persecution in your life with much uncertainty which created a lot of fear and anxiety.
Type of Dream: Processing Dream: Processing the emotions of what she was experiencing at the time.
Source of Dream: Soul (Mind, Will, Emotions)
Dream 2: Jennifer's Dream of going to school in a van with others:
- Title 1 - Along for the Ride
- Title 2 - Picking up Cousin at School
- Title 3 - Unexpected Family Time
- Emotions felt positive, comfortable
- Actions were going to school, returning from recess, along for a ride
Literal Elements for Jennifer:
- This ended up being a foretelling dream that happened later in the day
- She had been on recess from a group she was involved in
- Cousin Cindy represents mothering, relatable, comfortable.
- Private Schools for Jennifer represent education with more resources. She had been involved in a ministry that had more resources.
Dream Gems for this Dream:
- Cousin Cindy - Motherly, Comfortable, Relatable
- Van - A ministry
- Recess - having taken a break from ministry
- Elementary School - The length of time the ministry had been operating... just a short time.
- Private School - A Private Ministry, A ministry with resources
Interpretation: The dream revealed Jennifer would soon return from a recess from ministry, being given an opportunity to participate in a ministry she's comfortable with, enjoys, and one that has many resources available. (This was also a PRIVATE ministry (like the school). Jennifer received an email later that day inviting her back!)
Type of Dream: Foretelling Dream - Something being shown to you prior to it happening.
Source of Dream: Spirit (Only God can know the future and it was for encouragement that she would be invited back into a ministry)
Jedi Dream Tips:
- Titling your dream is the most important part of interpretation
- Emotions are usually the anchor to reality and what the dream is about.
- Most dreams are us processing our emotions or issues.
- One word can unlock entire dream
- Dreams from God will have Scripture
- Remember to give/get honest feedback vs. Constructive Criticism