
  • Jorma Kaukonen Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Sep 19 2024
    Jorma Kaukonen Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Let your fingers do the running to the play button. Please! One of the greatest, funnest, most illuminating conversations I’ve had the privilege to share, Jorma Kaukonen, iconic legend, musical hero, rock god, (I mean, come on!) exceeded all expectations and then some. From early days in Pakistan with one pop 45 to Ricky Nelson, and Buddy Holly, 15-year-old returning expat Jorma, took up guitar and soon was in his first band, The Triumphs, with bandmate, Jack Casady, still his bandmate and best friend today, 65+ years later. Beyond amazing. And the fact that they were rehearsing moments before Jorma and I went Live blows my mind. A testament to their ongoing greatness. We talked about Antioch, and not exactly being encouraged to return. Janis, and The Typewriter Tape, San Francisco, Monterey, Hendrix, Jerry, Marty, Paul, Grace, and Jorma’s nickname that became The Jefferson Airplane - his invite to Jack Casady. Psychedelia, Surrealistic Pillow, the making of––in my top 5, and it was made in less than two weeks! Woodstock - getting in and getting out and Grace Slick’s unforgettable - “Good Morning, People.” What was unforgettable for Jorma. Goosebumps for me. Hot Tuna, how and why it started and continues to flourish. Jorma and Jack! The recent end of Hot Tuna Electric - the why - simple - not totally undoable. The Book, Been So Long - chock full of golden nuggets like those shared here. Years of teaching and concerts culminating in The Fur Peace Ranch, now sold, but will be picking up in Jorma and Vanessa’s new locale. To keep up with the indefatigable Mr. Kaukonen https://jormakaukonen.com The cherry on top of this chat that seemed to fly by in an instant was Jorma indulging this rabid Airplane/Surrealistic Pillow fan, playing his Embryonic Journey, with a fab Jack sidebar (see the Live comments) and then a gorgeous, Take Your Time, for his daughter. This is one for the books. I’ll cherish it always. Because Jorma’s so important to me it was important that I do right by him. So grateful it was so much fun. I’m gonna be smiling for a long time to come. Jorma Kaukonen Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 9/18/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3XowPt2
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Rumer Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Sep 12 2024
    Rumer Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson It had been too long, too many years, since I’d last seen Rumer, whom I first heard about through our mutual friend, the late, J Marshall Craig a decade ago. As soon as I had my first taste I became obsessed with her and made it my quest to have her sing in my living room. I saw her perform at a benefit concert for Jeff Jones about 10 yrs ago and vowed to make it happen. A great friend and collaborator of the late, beloved PF Sloan, Rumer oft lived across the country and abroad, I met her at last at PF’s memorial 9 yrs ago, just after he’d performed in the living room. Rumer and I became fast friends and I’ve listened to her in heavy rotation almost non-stop since. We came thisclose to her appearing at Women Who Write in 2016, and it’s taken all this time to get her on Game Changers… good things come to those who wait. We went deep today, fittingly on 9/11. First, into Rumer’s past. Her humble beginnings, at the time, one of seven siblings. A secret revealed long ago, which led to unwarranted shame, and an ongoing almost unfathomable generosity. The origin of her name, another sweet, and loving familiar story. Adele, the 16-year-old down the street who had the record deal that Sara sought, La Honda, her early band, the years, the hard work, finding the right producer and manager, and grit determination that finally paid off. Her platinum debut album, Seasons of My Soul, which garnered her numerous Brit and MOJO Award nominations and a couple of wins. Performing in the UK with Dionne Warwick and meeting her musical director, Rob Shirakbari, who would become Rumer’s partner in music and life, Elton John became enamored of her talent, an oh-so-sweet story there! Touring brought her to the United States, where she began a long ongoing collaborative relationship with Burt Bacharach, to the White House to sing for the Obamas, to Jimmy Webb to sing his P.F. Sloan, and ultimately to sing it with the man himself, so important to this day as we ready to vote, to Daryl Hall and his Daryl House, great story about that, an email from Richard Carpenter, after being likened to his sister for years, a series of albums, motherhood, moving to Arkansas, a visit back to LA, where last we met, first giggling like girls in my car and then at a party at Stephen Bishop’s, her Nashville Tears, then back to the UK. where she, husband Rob, and son, Denny, currently reside, and where Rumer will be performing her now Triple Platinum, Seasons of My Soul, to a Sold Out crowd, and soon, a new album, with her 9/11 song, will drop. Rumer shared her September 11th story, and I, mine. I’m so grateful to have had this reunion with Rumer, a treasured friend, and an artist I adore to my core, who gives me goosebumps every time I hear her sing. Her Slow remains in my top 5 of all time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvYUfwMBCrU. Her duet of I Can’t Go For That with Daryl Hall is unforgettable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzr6mvDar30 as is her cover of his Sara Smile - that her first given name is Sara, just makes it that much sweeter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh7y--Mc7kk. Rumer has the voice of an angel and the soul of one. Rumer Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 9/11/24, 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3MIVDaA
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    1 hr and 24 mins
  • Ritch Shydner Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson - Part Deux!
    Sep 5 2024
    Ritch Shydner Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson - Part Deux Ritch Shydner could come back every week and we’d never run out of things to discuss, it would always be entertaining, and he’d always be funny. Co-host! There are no accidents. Losing his signal last week on the road in Georgia was a blessing. We got a Shydner double dip. This conversation with the standup comedian who holds the distinction of making a dozen appearances on Carson’s Tonight Show, as well as numerous appearances on Letterman and Leno, had fabulous stories about the former and the latter, Sam Kinison, their 80s NY road trip before Sam’s superstardom, and how their debauchery almost cost Ritch big time, Roseanne, who handed Ritch his segue from front of the camera to writer, Jeff Foxworthy, a natural after only a few weeks of standup, who created a new joke form, Bill Maher, and True Story, Mike Binder, and Miind of The Married Man, and Robert Klein who shared a most unlikely kinship… there were gems aplenty. But, it was Ritch’s poignant, heartfelt recounting of his parents’ 72-year marriage, his father’s drinking, his mother’s rolling pin, the silent years after graduating law school and choosing comedy, Ritch’s redemption, and then getting sober, making amends, his father following suit on both, and the shift in their relationship for the 36 years that followed until just last month when his dad was transitioning this earthly world. Moving, beyond words… and, funny! I so enjoyed every word, every moment, with this self-aware, humble, wildly intelligent - emotionally as well as intellectually, ever-evolving, hysterically funny man. Do I need a reason to have a Part 3? Ritch Shydner Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson - Part Deux! Wednesday, 9/4/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3MA59wu
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Ritch Shydner Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Aug 29 2024
    Ritch Shydner Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Well, that was a first! On the road with Ronna and Ritch Shydner as they traveled from Florida back home to North Carolina. Literally, in the car, in the fading light, in rural Georgia, with intermittent signal. It was as much a surprise to me as to you! Kinda like doing an interview in a disco with strobe lights. Trooper Ritch didn’t want to cancel even though he was in the midst of family tragedy, having very recently lost his dad, and was out of state with his mom to help. I knew all that, the driving adventure, not so much. Please forgive the challenges and appreciate the funny that Ritch is even in the midst of this! We talked the swing states as they drove through one, the DNC, new hope, sugar addiction, intermittent dieting, the no-matter-what club for drinking and drugging that just doesn’t work with salt and sweets. Ritch’s very early standup days, whilst in law school, getting the degree but opting out, what joy for his parents! Trying LA, choosing NY, the crowd he came up with, the clubs he came up in, in the stand-up 80s heyday, meeting Carol, doing his first Carson, still high, hitting bottom, a Mark who saved him, and then we lost him, again literally, just when we were about to hear a GREAT story… so… there will be a Part 2, for sure! Safe travels, you two. Heartfelt condolences. Thanks for being willing. Next time Ritch will be sitting still in a well-lit room where we can see his whole handsome face. Sendng love. Apologies to all who hung in and those who din’t… we’ll make it up to you! Most remarkable… even with all of this- Ritch was still HYSTERICAL! Ritch Shydner Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 8/28/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3T9afn8
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    56 mins
  • Will Lee Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Aug 22 2024
    Will Lee Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Head to head with the DNC, two news junkies didn’t walk into a bar but did get lost in conversation and fun. It’s easy when one of them is Grammy Winner, crazy talented, lovely, humble human, Will Lee. It’s been a few years and a world of changes since last we spoke, this time focusing on the road to sobriety, many moons ago, what led there, the price of using, meeting Paul Schaffer, a relationship that changed his life, the two of them holding the distinction of being on Late Show With David Letterman from day one with The World’s Most Dangerous Band, until the final days with the CBS Orchestra, also giving Will the world’s record for the longest-running bassist on late-night television. Will talked about the original band of 4, Hiram Bullock, Steve Jordan, how and why it morphed, some standout moments… Warren Zevon’s last show, Will’s MacArthur Park with Jimmy Webb… his hero, Ringo, making an appearance… Beatlemania, period. Where it all started for Will, The Ed Sullivan Show, the Fab Four, all of whom Will would come to play with, even John in unique fashion. An incredible story about Paul, a Hofner, and a call from “P,” and how his Fab Faux came to be. Will’s account of how he conquered Revolution #9 and playing The White Album, heretofore never heard by Beatles sound engineer and producer, Geoff Emerick. Crazily, I was there that night- the story has a bittersweet postscript. We talked about Will’s new single, It’s All Too Much, and his new video, Hey Shorty, and how that came to be, why he’s off to Japan tomorrow and the fame he found there. I’ve known Will for decades… with each that passes, I adore him more. He’s a rare success, who’s gotten to play with just about everyone, all of his heroes, night, after night, year after year, for 33 of them, and everyone it seems, without exception, loves and respects him. It’s a life well-lived filled with gratitude and appreciation, which makes it all the sweeter. He closed with The Beatles, I Will…how damn fitting, Will! For all things Will www.willlee.com Will Lee Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 8/21/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3SUv19Z
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Josh Sussman On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Aug 15 2024
    Josh Sussman on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson What fun, as I expected! What edutainment, that I couldn’t have anticipated! We got the inside scoop on the differences of the pre and post-pandemic biz scene from SAG Award Winner, Josh Sussman. Fascinating, insightful, delightful! Booking his first audition for My Crazy Life, playing Tom Green’s best friend, Derek, who ironically, my wasband worked with on The New Tom Green Show back in those days, and for the past 20+ years has been one of Tom’s best in the reals… Josh took us from his last in-person audition, for Mr. Mayor, with Ted Danson, which he also booked, and which was delayed due to the COVID craziness, resuming at the height of the pandemic with full protocols in place, and how different that experience was from Glee, where freedom reigned supreme. How once the show dropped and fame hit, watching some of the actors change, perhaps not for the better. From the Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Drake and Josh (different Josh), Wizards of Waverly Place, Warren the Ape, Josh was scoring so many shows, he had to turn down commercials, a luxury most actors no longer seem to be facing. Post-pandemic and strike, there’s less work, and what there is seems to be harder to score. Who’s getting the gigs and how? Josh’s booking odds were crazy high, he’s still doing pretty well considering the rumblings of others I’ve heard lately who’ve yet to score from a self-tape. Josh is currently filming a role he garnered from one. Not to say it came easy. The auditions have been way fewer and farther apart and the bookings have been as well. Josh’s pre-pandemic audition discipline which served him so well, doesn’t quite translate completely to this virtual new world. But, he’s working on that and finding his way. Josh took us from receiving his sides to delivering them, and the steps he takes to stand out. As a self-tape newcomer, I ate his wisdom up. Josh had early COVID and lost his smeller, no lasting effects there… he found love… lasting effects there… he’s thoughtful, kind, hard-working, and very, very funny. I so enjoyed every moment of this and will cherish the take-aways. JB Self-Tapes, you’ve been plugged. Be like Josh. Memorize. Turn it around quicker than quick. Find a way to be different. And stay positive, even when you don’t much like it. Can’t wait to see this film he’s working on, whatever it is. And may this year see him co-starring with Muppets... in something... anything! Come on! Josh Sussman on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 8/14/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/4dLOLnZ
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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Cathy Moriarty On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Aug 8 2024
    Cathy Moriarty Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Girl Crush! I’ve had one for years on Academy Award Nominee, Cathy Moriarty, now after spending a virtual hour with her, forgetaboutit! I always knew she was an incredible actress, whether making me laugh or cry, but, what an amazing woman… mother, daughter, loyal friend, and pet rescuer. We talked the Bronx, where we both come from, Alexanders, our mothers, gratefully still with us, Cathy’s pre-Pesci discovery acting days… high school drama, plays, dinner theatre, no agent, no professional training, but grabbing stage time wherever she could, auditioning and then a bathing suit contest to win a coveted pair of shoes that would change her stars. The trifecta at 17, the beforementioned Pesci, DeNiro, and Scorcese––Raging Bull. Her first film which led to that Oscar nod, on-the-job master classes, and a friendship with her character’s namesake that would last the rest of Vikki LaMotta’s lifetime. Neighbors. Belushi’s last film. Ackroyd’s kindness. All Cathy learned about comedy from them. Soapdish, how she almost didn’t get it, who almost did, one of Cathy’s favorite films for so many reasons. A horrible car accident, getting back to work… Kindergarten Cop, Forget Paris, Casper, Speilberg, Eric Idle, Copland, Stallone, more DeNiro, Analyze That, and how easy they are together. Despite all the work, Cathy’s so un-Hollywood. Unfazed by celebrity and stardom, she dreamt of being a great actress not a movie star. A mother, who loves to cook, and thanks to Marty’s mother (Scorcese) she prides herself on making the best sauce and meatballs around, she’s also a savvy businesswoman who’s owned a few restaurants and very successful pizzerias. We’re regulars at the Encino location. There was so much more to talk about than we had time for - there’s a slice of pizza in our future… I have witnesses! What started out as respect, and adoration… I adore, more! Cathy Moriarty on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Wednesday, 8/7/24, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/3YDw0PC
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Greg Mullavey On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
    Jul 25 2024
    Greg Mullavey on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson When one of my life’s heroes walks off the screen into the reals and supersedes all expectations, that’s a home run. So goes it with Mary Hartman Mary Hartman’s, Greg Mullavey. I got a taste interviewing him on the Zoom a few years ago, but this go ‘round witnessing him honoring his craft onstage at The Garry Marshall Theatre as Jules Feiffer, in The People VS Lenny Bruce, being eyeball to eyeball sans screens for the first after the show, sharing a warm hug, and culminating with this chat, a master class on auditioning, acting and keeping it real, on screen, on stage, and in life, well, wow! We talked Greg’s early days, his pro-basball playing father, a Red Sox, a White Sox, who went on to coach the Dodgers, first in Brooklyn then in LA which got Greg to Hollywood and transitioned him from stage to screen and back again. A late bloomer, first appearing onstage in the Army post his philosophy degree, 100+ shows later from Broadway to stages across the country to Los Angeles, most recently reprising his role as King Lear, Off-Broadway, 25 years later, and hoping to do so yet again. We talked acting school - his cronies, Jack Nicholson, Dennis Hopper, and Harry Dean Stanton, and how a certain someone scored an Easy Ride… his first TV role opposite Telly Savalas, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman––Louise Lasser, Norman Lear, Mary Kay Place, Dabney Coleman, Martin Mull, Fred Willard… Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice and how both went over with his folks… meeting Meredith MacCrae, their high profile marriage, his Broadway debut (the thrill), opposite Mia Farrow, co-starring off-Broadway with Marlo Thomas, iCarly and a new generation and his ongoing important theatrical collaborations with lawyer Martin Garbus and playwright Susan Charlotte shining a spotlight on human rights. We talked health, well-being, supplements, COVID, how he met Ariana, his partner of 25ish years, and why they made it legal. Greg’s still starring on stage appearing on screen, coaching young actors, with no evidence of slowing down. And he’s still learning lines - King Lear, for heaven’s sake. I’ll have what he’s having! I adored Greg Mullavey before I met him - now getting to know this talented, whipsmart, inspiring, warm, kind, generous, compassionate man, I adore, more! Greg Mullavey on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson SPECIAL TIME **Wednesday, 7/24/24, 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET** Streamed Live on my Facebook Replay here: https://bit.ly/4ddycRR
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    1 hr and 15 mins