
  • More than a hobby : A Celebration of Bellringing
    Dec 12 2024

    In a fitting finale to the Fun with Bells Podcast, show host Cathy Booth gives the fondest of farewells by foraging through all 75 episodes, to figure out the answer to the second biggest question of our time - why do we ring?

    Cathy riffs on six themes using some of the most memorable quotes from the 163 amazing guests she has interviewed over the past six years. In the end, it doesn’t really seem to matter whether someone’s at the early stages of ringing rounds or is scoring peals of 41 spliced major - what comes across loud and clear is the overwhelming sense of joy and discovery.

    And coincidentally, or not, both the world of bell ringing and this series of podcasts share one defining characteristic, - there really is something for everyone.

    All that remains, then, is an answer to the biggest question of all - which clearly is, which pub are we all going to after practice?

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    30 mins
  • Kent Young Ringers - The Organisers
    Nov 14 2024

    Want to know the secret to successfully setting up a competition-winning young ringers’ group while also securing the long-term future of ringing? Then listen up!

    In this episode, host Cathy Booth talks to Neil Jones, Jen Thomas, and Steph Runting from the Kent Young Ringers, who appear to have cracked the code!

    Recorded before the 2024 Ringing World National Youth Contest, this inspirational interview provides the recipe for success. Enthusiasm is a core ingredient, along with the right amount of encouragement, support, and investment. Add the right people with the right experience into the mix. Sprinkle liberally with fun, outings, competitions, even more fun, and maybe a badge or two. And don’t forget the magic ingredient – cake!

    This episode is guaranteed to remind you all of the joys of ringing.

    Top five takeaways

    • Want to start a young ringers’ group or put on some taster sessions? See if your church is linked to any local schools.
    • Social media can be key to attracting young people – make sure you keep your platforms up-to-date with the latest news and videos
    • Invest in your young ringers – see what funds are available from your local association
    • Think about putting a buddy system in place where some of your more experienced younger ringers can help support the newer ones. This may even work with novice adult ringers!

    For more inspiration and ideas, check out the Kent Young Ringers webpage https://kcacr.org.uk/kent-young-ringers/news

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    36 mins
  • Devon Guild: A Sesquicentennial Celebration
    Oct 10 2024

    In this delightful episode, host Cathy Booth chats with Martin Mansley, AKA Helen’s Dad, about his lifelong journey in ringing.

    Born into a ringing family, Martin attended his first practice at just six weeks old and has never looked back! This engaging episode explores a variety of topics, from the Devon Guild’s 150th anniversary celebrations to the intricacies of Ellacombe Chimes and the distinctions between The Guild of Devonshire Ringers and Devon Association striking competitions.

    If you’ve ever wondered about the role and benefits of Guilds and Associations in ringing, this episode makes a compelling case. It also touches on preserving traditions, fostering collaboration, and breaking new ground. Plus, after listening, you might find yourself wanting your own drone photograph!

    Top takeaways

    • If you’re used to raising the bells in Bristol fashion, why not experiment with ringing up Devon style?
    • Interested in finding out new ways for your Association or Guild to connect directly with your ringers? Check out the Devon Guild’s new membership subscription service for some inspiration Guild of Devonshire Ringers (devonringers.org.uk)
    • If you’re thinking of ways to bring your towers, districts, and associations together, how about putting together a Ringer’s Choir for your Christmas service.
    • Interested in finding out more about Ellacombe Chimes take a look at the Association of Ringing Teachers website Association of Ringing Teachers :: Ellacombe chimes
    • Has your tower or association got a milestone anniversary coming up? For some great ideas on how to celebrate go to the website Guild 150th Anniversary - Guild of Devonshire Ringers (devonringers.org.uk)

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    23 mins
  • Kent Young Ringers - The Members
    Sep 11 2024

    In this lively and engaging episode, host Cathy Booth catches up with Kent young ringers Oscar, Lottie and Flo, and Flo’s mum, Hannah.

    Although young in years, the ringers have a wealth of experience to share, having already notched up numerous quarter peals and having several striking competitions under their belts. Their unique perspective also means they offer the absolute best ringing tips!

    Cathy finds out how they got into ringing, what they like best about it and asks them to help fill in some of her ringing knowledge gaps.

    And thanks to these impressive young ringers, Cathy can now tell her handstroke from her backstroke, the treble from the tenor, and knows the proper term for ‘the fluffy bit’.

    Top five takeaways

    • When you’re learning to ring don’t rush, take your time – getting your technique right will help you in the future and you won’t have to correct any handling mistakes later on.
    • Always listen to the advice that you are given from experienced ringers. Even if you don’t quite understand something at the time, it might come in handy in the future.
    • Don’t get stressed if you go wrong when ringing, just keep going and try and get back into the right place. The person ringing next to you might be able to help put you right.
    • If you’re finding learning a bit difficult in the early days don’t worry or give up – it will get better!
    • Parents – although ringing might not seem an obvious childhood activity, it brings huge benefits, like increased confidence, teamwork and the ability to get on with people of all ages and backgrounds.

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    26 mins
  • ART Conference 2024: Building Communities
    Jun 13 2024

    It’s time to catch up with part two of the wide-ranging conversation on the future of ringing hosted by Cathy Booth at the recent Art Conference. Just like part one, the panel of Tina Stoecklin, Andrew Slade and Max Drinkwater don’t hold back from tackling the tricky questions! What does the CCCBR do for ringers? How can associations work with Diocese to target bell funds in churches that have a future? How do we empower younger ringers into leadership role and evolve structures that meet the needs of today’s ringers? And by younger we are of course talking under 50s!
    Although many of the issues raised may seem familiar, some of the solutions suggested may be surprising. Is it time for ringers to professionalise, be ‘seen’ by the church community and show what skills and resources we can offer? Something to discuss later in the pub …
    Top five takeaways

    • If you have received any complaints regarding bells under your care, and you need help and advice, email the Complaints Helpline at complaints@cccbr.org.uk
    • Encourage younger ringers into leadership roles. Not only will it refresh your tower’s perspective, but it will also enhance their CVs.
    • How strategic is your area with your bell maintenance funds? If you’re not already linked into the diocese then now’s the time to get together to make sure investment choices are strategic.
    • Has your Tower Captain got a role for life? Maybe it’s time to consider succession planning ready to implement a fixed-term policy.
    • If your association isn’t already tackling these big issues why not think about your own role in standing up, showing leadership, and ensuring the future of ringing.

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    22 mins
  • ART Conference 2024: Bridging Generations
    May 9 2024

    Who better to quiz about the future of ringing than the President of the CCCBR, the chair of the Association of Ringing Teachers, and an ordained ringer and co-author of a book about ringing and the church? Show host Cathy Booth puts this esteemed panel through its paces, posing some vital questions on what needs to happen to keep change ringing alive, and to recruit and retain young ringers.

    It turns out that most of the answers lie with young people themselves, and that the ringing community has a lot to learn from the way young ringers organise, communicate, and socialise.

    So, tune in for a free-ranging and thought-provoking discussion that might end up with you questioning some of the current values, beliefs, and rituals of ringing culture …

    Top five takeaways

    • Make the most of the relationship you have with your church – they may well have skills and expertise that can help with your recruitment
    • Listen to the views of your young ringers
    • Don’t forget the role of parents in encouraging their children’s hobbies. They might even take up ringing themselves
    • Make the most of all technologies available to your tower. To find out more about improving your striking through Hawkear check out www.12bell.org.uk/hawkear
    • Ringing can link to many parts of the primary curriculum, such as history, maths, music, and PE. A visit to a bell foundry might make for a perfect school trip! Schools | Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust (belltrust.co.uk)

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    28 mins
  • Cool Kenyan Ringers from Kilifi Bring Bell Ringing Back Home
    Apr 11 2024

    ‘Unique’ is often overused as a word, but host Cathy Booth’s guests on this wonderful episode, John, and Debbie, can certainly claim it for their ringing experience. That’s because they ring at St Thomas’s Church, Kilifi in Kenya which is one of the remotest rings of bells in the world, with the nearest bells hung for change ringing being at Harare in Zimbabwe over 1,000 miles away.

    Cathy learns about the fascinating history of the church and the bells, as well as hearing how John and Debbie became ringers, their learning experience, and their amazing ringing trips to the UK.

    Although much will be familiar to other ringers, such as the ringing room with its set of handbells, cabinet of ringing books and bottomless sweet tin, there are also some eye-opening challenges of ringing in a tower that is, well, unique!

    If you are beginning to take ringing a little bit for granted, this podcast will stop you in your tracks and possibly rekindle your romance.

    Top takeaways

    • Read all about the Kilifi ringers 2015 adventures in the UK The Whiting Society of Ringers - Kilifi
    • Check out the bells on DOVE Tower details (cccbr.org.uk)
    • Struggling to ring or explain plain hunt to a learner? Try thinking about it being like using the stairs – slowly up and faster down!
    • Inspired by John and Debbie’s charity work? Is there anything more your church or tower could do to support struggling families in your local area? Or contact John to hear more about John and Debbie's work: mukedy@gmail.com
    • Looking for some new ringing recruits? Members of the church choir are often a fruitful hunting ground.

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    36 mins
  • Discover Your Bell Ringing History!
    Mar 14 2024
    Why do you ring in a gallery? Who were the ringers whose names are on the peal boards behind you? Where can you find an example of an art deco ringing association certificate?

    Host Cathy Booth quizzes knowledgeable guests Chris Ridley and Gareth Davies about the amazing range of historical sources at your fingertips to help answer these questions and more.

    Thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of Chris and the volunteers from the historical and archive working group of the CCCBR there are collections of just about everything - belfry artefacts, newspaper extracts, biographies, rolls of honour, badges, the lot!

    Gareth goes on to give some great insight in how historians can make the most of these resources and what we can all do to promote them to the ringing historians of the future. All fascinating stuff.

    I think they all deserve a certificate! Yes, there’s a collection of those as well …

    Top 5 takeaways

    • Access many of the resources mentioned in this episode at the CCCBR website History & Archive (cccbr.org.uk)
    • Interested in finding out more and the working groups and getting involved? Check out the webpage Historical and Archive – CCCBR or email halead@cccbr.org.uk
    • Intrigued by the illuminated peal books? Take a closer look at the St Martin’s Guild SMG Peal Books | (stmartinsguild.org) and College Youths Peal & Name books · Ancient Society of College Youths digital archive · Ringing Archive (ascy.org.uk) websites
    • Why not take photos of your own local peal boards and send them in? Help especially needed in Norfolk, Kent and Scotland – see which peal boards are already included at History & Archive (cccbr.org.uk)
    • Why not do a bit of research about your tower and ringers, and share with your local community as part of the Heritage Open Days Homepage (heritageopendays.org.uk)

    Sponsor: This podcast is sponsored by the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). To find out more about learning to ring, learning to teach or other resources to support your ringing go to bellringing.org

    Podcast team:
    Anne Tansley Thomas
    Emily Roderick
    John Gwynne
    Emily Watts
    Cathy Booth

    Ringing by:
    The Cambridge Youths (supplied by David Richards) and for later episodes, The Liliputters Guild (supplied by Simon Edwards).

    For bellringing training and support for teachers and ringers see: bellringing.org

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    40 mins