• Understanding the New 2025 OWCP Permanent Impairment Ratings and Schedule Awards System (Episode 55)
    Jan 29 2025

    On January 10, 2025, the Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) announced significant updates to the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) Procedure Manual, specifically Chapter 2-0808, addressing schedule awards and permanent disability claims. These updates, outlined in FECA Transmittal 25-03, introduce changes aimed at enhancing fairness and efficiency in the claims process.
    The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) recently introduced updates to its impairment rating system, aiming to create a more equitable and comprehensive approach for injured federal workers. These changes seek to balance medical assessments and rating methodologies, ensuring that workers with complex or unique cases receive fair evaluations. This balance directly benefits injured workers by accommodating conditions that may not fit traditional assessment models, allowing for more individualized determinations that better reflect their true level of impairment.
    These changes mark a significant step toward a fairer system that recognizes the full impact of workplace injuries, ultimately benefiting workers who rely on impairment ratings for their compensation and long-term financial stability.

    1. Introduction of Forma new CA-9 ( click on link for the form) I will provide the link on the podcast landing page.

    - The Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) has introduced Form CA-9, which must now be used to file for schedule awards. Form CA-7 will no longer be accepted for this purpose and will remain dedicated solely to filing for disability compensation.

    - This streamlined approach ensures clarity and precision in the schedule award claims process.

    2. Flexibility in AMA Guides

    - OWCP now permits the use of either the Fifth Edition or the Sixth Edition of the American Medical Association's (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment for impairment ratings.
    For more information click on transcript and links:
    The podcast Dr. Taylor’s contact information is:

    https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a medical provider or assistance with an OWCP / DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida or Mobile Alabama you can make an appointment to see Dr. Taylor, or Dr. Sullivan at the clinic at FWC Medical Centers. To make a consultation with Dr. Taylor call the clinic at 813-215-4356 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/

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    FEEDSPOT TOP 15 National Workers Compensation Podcast: https://podcast.feedspot.com/workers_compensation_podcasts/?feedid=5557942&_src=f1_featured_email

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    34 mins
  • OWCP Fed Comp Claimant Reimbursement Forms part two
    Jan 28 2025

    Podcast -Overview --- Obtaining and Successfully Submitting a Claimant Reimbursement Form for :
    • Completing OWCP 915 for Medical Reimbursements
    • Completing OWCP 915 for Pharmacy Reimbursements
    • Completing OWCP 957A and 975B for Travel Reimbursements

    This is an OWCP - DOL Medical, Pharmacy & Travel Reimbursement Form Submission tutorial. This is part two of a two part series on how to successfully obtain reimbursements of medical services, expenses, and travel.

    Form OWCP-915 (click on link for form)

    This form is used to claim reimbursement for out-of-pocket medical expenses pertaining to the treatment of an accepted condition covered by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act. Use this form to request reimbursement for medical expenses, transportation costs, loss of wages, and incidental expenses. Originally Form OWCP-915 cannot be submitted electronically; it was required be mailed to OWCP or handed over to your supervisor so it can be submitted to the district office.

    In addition, you are required to submit separate OWCP-915 forms if you received medical services from different physicians and/or medical centers. In submitting the form, make sure to send over ORIGINAL bills in order to be reimbursed as copies are not accepted with the exception of said copies having the provider’s signature, showing clearly that you paid for the service.

    OWCP 957A Travel Reimbursement-Mileage (click on link for form)

    This form should be used for medically related travel covered by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act.

    OWCP 957B Medical Travel Refund Request (click on link for form)

    This form should be used for medically related travel refunds covered by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act and the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act.

    Under 50 Miles round trip

    • File After Your Office Visit
    • File Form OWCP-957: Medical Travel Refund Request.
    • Attach your physician’s ACS Web Bill Processing Portal approval

    Over 50 Miles round trip: File Before Your Office Visit (OK to try after your visit)

    • Fax Transportation and Travel Authorization Request.
    • Attach your physician’s ACS Web Bill Processing Portal approval.
    • To get the form Google > “Authorization - Travel and Transportation 04-23-10"
    • Or go to file:https://owcpmed.dol.gov/portal/Provider/Authorizations (click on link above for form)

    The podcast Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a medical provider or assi

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    34 mins
  • OWCP Form 915 Medical Reimbursement Tutorial Podcast episode 53 of Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast
    Jan 7 2025

    Podcast Overview of FORM 915 Medical Reimbursement

    • Obtaining a Claimant Reimbursement Form
    • Completing OWCP 915 for Medical Reimbursements
    • Completing OWCP 915 for Pharmacy Reimbursements

    Instructions for use of FORM OWCP-915 Medical Reimbursement
    • The OWCP-915 is used to seek reimbursement for out-of-pocket medical expenses pertaining to the treatment of an accepted condition including (but
    not limited to) medical treatments, prescription medications and medical
    • Please submit a separate reimbursement form for each provider where an out
    of pocket expense was incurred.
    • Please print clearly and legibly. Reference your OWCP Case ID on all
    • Maintain a copy of the completed OWCP-915 and supporting documentation
    for your records
    Form OWCP-915

    This form is used to claim reimbursement for out-of-pocket medical expenses pertaining to the treatment of an accepted condition covered by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, the Black Lung Benefits Act, and the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. Use this form to request reimbursement for medical expenses, transportation costs, loss of wages, and incidental expenses.

    Form OWCP-915 can be used to claim reimbursement for:

    • Incidental expenses

    • Medical expenses

    • Loss of wages

    • Transportation costs
    For more information on OWCP form 915 click on the podcast transcript

    The podcast Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a medical provider or assistance with an OWCP / DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida or Mobile Alabama you can make an appointment to see Dr. Taylor, or Dr. Sullivan at the clinic at FWC Medical Centers. To make a consultation with Dr. Taylor call the clinic at 813-215-4356 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/

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    26 mins
  • OWCP - DOL Frequently Asked Questions Continued part 2 of 2 - OWCP Attorneys, Consultants and Termination of Benefits Episode 52
    Jul 8 2024

    Today is a Q & A based on some frequently asked questions. This is part 2 of a two part series on FAQ about questions regarding OWCP attorneys, consultants and required response to deadlines!

    How Can Attorneys Assist Federal Employees with Work-Related Benefit Issues?

    Denial of Federal Employee’s Work-Related Benefits

    One of the most challenging aspects for federal employees is dealing with the denial of work-related benefits. Attorneys play a crucial role in this area by:

    1. Reviewing Denial Notices: Attorneys carefully examine the reasons provided for the denial of benefits. This includes scrutinizing the documentation and evidence submitted with the initial claim. If necessary, attorneys help in gathering additional medical records, witness statements, and other pertinent evidence to strengthen the case.
    2. Filing Appeals: Attorneys are well-versed in the appeals process, including deadlines and specific forms required. They prepare and file appeals on behalf of the employee, ensuring that all procedural requirements are met.
    3. Representing Employees at Hearings: In cases where a hearing is required, attorneys represent employees, presenting the evidence and making legal arguments to support the claim.

    Termination of Existing Benefits

    1. Challenging Termination Notices: Attorneys review the justification for terminating benefits and identify any procedural errors or lack of substantial evidence.
    2. Requesting Reconsideration: If benefits are wrongfully terminated, attorneys can request reconsideration or modification of the decision, presenting new evidence or arguments as needed.
    3. Navigating Administrative Procedures: Attorneys ensure that all necessary administrative procedures are followed, reducing the risk of procedural dismissals.

    Attorney Assist with Scheduled Awards

    1. Determining Eligibility: Attorneys help employees understand if they qualify for a scheduled award based on their medical condition and impairment rating.
    2. Filing Claims for Scheduled Awards: Attorneys guide employees through the process of filing claims for scheduled awards, ensuring that all necessary medical documentation and forms are correctly submitted.
    3. Appealing Denied Scheduled Awards: If a claim for a scheduled award is denied, attorneys can file an appeal and represent the employee during the appeals process.
    Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a provider or assistance with a DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida, Atlanta Georgia, or Mobile Alabama you can make an appointment to see Dr. Taylor, or Dr. Sullivan at the clinic at FWC Medical Centers. To make a consult with Dr. Taylor call the clinic at 813-215-4356 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/

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    29 mins
  • OWCP - DOL Frequently Asked Questions Continued part 1 of 2 Episode 51
    May 7 2024

    Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast is about all things related to Federal Workers Compensation, FECA, OWCP, DOL & Longshore claim filing as an injured federal worker. The podcast is an educational and informative training on how to navigate the OWCP claims filing process for all types of injured US government and federal workers. The podcaster has 29 years in assisting with federal workers compensation as a consultant and trainer. The podcast is free and is educational. If you need help with anything related to a federal workers compensation claim...help is just a cup of coffee away. The short coffee break format highlights solutions and gives directions on how to successfully resolve any federal workers compensation claim related issue. So if you are a federal employee and you want to learn about OWCP - DOL & FECA workers compensation....pour a cup of coffee and drop by...you will be glad you did.
    Today is a Q & A based on some frequently asked questions. This is part 1 of a two part series on FAQ!

    Now lets get our coffee started and start on YOUR questions!

    FAQs on our Medical Authorization and Bill Pay processes for Injured Workers, Medical Providers, and Employing Agencies.

    Q : I was injured on the job. How do I file a claim?

    A: You need to complete either form CA-1, "Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation" or form CA-2 "Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation". A traumatic injury is one that can be pinpointed to have occurred during one particular work shift – falling down the steps for example. An occupational disease is a medical condition that has developed due to work activities performed over more than one work shift. 20 C.F.R. §§ 10.100-10.101.

    Forms can be submitted electronically via the Employees' Compensation Operations and Management Portal (ECOMP). Visit the ECOMP site to register for an account and initiate a claim.

    If you are submitting a CA-2, you should also review the appropriate CA-35 "Evidence Required in Support of a Claim for Occupational Disease" form/checklist. There are several of these detailing the different sorts of documentation to be submitted depending on the type of occupational disease.
    For more information go to show transcripts for downloading answers to this episodes questions from other injured workers.
    For more information go to show transcripts for downloading answers to this episodes questions from other injured workers.
    Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a provider or assistance with a DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida, Atlanta Georgia, or Mobile Alabama you can make an appointment to see Dr. Taylor, Dr. Sullivan or Dr. Thomas at the clinic at M & R Medical & Therapy Center or FWC Medical Centers. To make a consult with Dr. Taylor to discuss your case or if you know someone in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia or Florida who is recently injured you can call the clinic at 813-877-6900 or 813-215-4356 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/
    Also you can find OWCP -DOL
    Fed Comp Co

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    31 mins
  • FMLA for Pregnancy & New Parents & OWCP - DOL Frequently Asked Questions Episode 50
    Apr 8 2024

    Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast is about all things related to Federal Workers Compensation, FECA, OWCP, DOL & Longshore claim filing as an injured federal worker. The podcast is an educational and informative training on how to navigate the OWCP claims filing process for all types of injured US government and federal workers. The podcaster has 29 years in assisting with federal workers compensation as a consultant and trainer. The podcast is free and is educational. If you need help with anything related to a federal workers compensation claim...help is just a cup of coffee away. The short coffee break format highlights solutions and gives directions on how to successfully resolve any federal workers compensation claim related issue. So if you are a federal employee and you want to learn about OWCP - DOL & FECA workers compensation....pour a cup of coffee and drop by...you will be glad you did.
    (Q) Are there any restrictions on when an employee can take leave for the birth or adoption of a child?

    Leave to bond with a newborn child or for a newly placed adopted or foster child must conclude within 12 months after the birth or placement. The use of intermittent FMLA leave for these purposes is subject to the employer’s approval. If the newly born or newly placed child has a serious health condition, the employee has the right to take FMLA leave to care for the child intermittently, if medically necessary and such leave is not subject to the 12-month limitation.

    (Q) When can a parent take leave for a newborn?

    Mothers and fathers have the same right to take FMLA leave to bond with a newborn child. A mother can also take FMLA leave for prenatal care, incapacity related to pregnancy, and for her own serious health condition following the birth of a child. A father can also use FMLA leave to care for his spouse who is incapacitated due to pregnancy or child birth.
    For more information go to show transcripts for downloading answers to this episodes questions from other injured workers.
    Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a provider or assistance with a DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida, Georgia, Alabama or Oklahoma City you can make an appointment to see him and the other providers at the clinic at M & R Medical & Therapy Center or FWC Medical Centers. To make a consult with Dr. Taylor to discuss your case or if you know someone if Florida who is recently injured you can call the clinic at 813-877-6900 or 813-215-4356 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/
    Also you can find OWCP -DOL
    Fed Comp Coffee Break Podcast on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast. Be sure and subscribe, like, and/or share a comment or review if you find this podcast information to be beneficial.

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    26 mins
  • DOL - OWCP CLAIM FILING INTRODUCTION: DOL - OWCP Coffeebreak Podcast Introductions
    Apr 8 2024

    Episode 1 is an introduction to Dr. Taylor and his history as an OWCP - DOL ( Department of Labor) provider and his years of consulting and teaching all things federal workers compensation related. This is an educational short form format for learning how to successfully file federal workers compensation claims. So grab a cup of coffee and lets begin. You will be glad you did!
    Here at this podcast we discuss all sorts of topics related to federal workers compensation, Department of Labor, OWCP, FECA ACT, FERS, longshore-maritime, DOD contractors, VA benefits. I cover these relevant topics in a short coffee break style format because we like to discuss topics that are related to helping you the government employee with filing your claim, understanding your rights and responsibilities, relevant rules and provisions. I also like to cover topics that people are always wanting information on to help you successfully navigate the convoluted waters of federal claim filing. I do this to assist you, you and your doctor or your coworkers with claim filing denials or with appropriate filing of benefit claims, disability or injured worker claims. T

    Dr. Taylor's contact information for more information or assistance is:

    If you need an OWCP approved medical provider, You can make a a consultation with me to discuss your case or if you know someone in Tampa or Pensacola Florida and Atlanta and south Georgia or Alabama, who is recently injured you can call the clinic at 813-877-6900 or 813-215-4356 or go to our website at
    https://fedcompconsultants.com/ & https://mrtherapycenter.com/ Also if you are in another state and you want me to assist you with claim questions or assistance for your doctor you can email me at fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com or send me a message on the website at fedcompconsultants.com

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    28 mins
  • OWCP Oral Hearing Tips for Case Related Denials: Episode 48 Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast
    Feb 23 2024

    Federal Workers Compensation Coffee Break Podcast is an educational and informative training on how to navigate the DOL -OWCP claims filing process for all types of injured US government and federal workers. The podcast is free and is educational. If you need help with anything related to a federal workers compensation claim...help is just a cup of coffee away.

    You can file an oral hearing in ECOMP by uploading a written request to your claims examiner into ECOMP. The Claims examiner has thirty days to respond by DFEC procedure manual rule.

    One of these Oral Hearing appeal options is the employee’s right to request and receive an Oral Hearing or Review of the Written Record. The Oral Hearing is a non-adversarial hearing with the employee, (and/or your designated employee’s representative (which can be your treating doctor, attorney or designated representative ie. Union rep etc, along with the hearing examiner and a professional transcriber present. The Oral Hearing gives the employee the opportunity to present additional facts and evidence for the examiner’s consideration and allows the claimant to further present his/her case before any final decision by the examiner and OWCP can be rendered. This is a powerful tool that you can use to assist in appeals when there is a breakdown in communication with your claims examiner on matters where delays are based on non sensical errors or miscommunications.
    More information is found in the show's transcript!

    Dr. Taylor’s contact information is: https://fedcompconsultants@protonmail.com If you need a provider or assistance with a DOL claim in Tampa, Pensacola Florida or Oklahoma City you can make an appointment to see him and the other providers at the clinic at M & R Medical & Therapy Center or FWC Medical Centers. To make a consult with Dr. Taylor to discuss your case or if you know someone if Florida who is recently injured you can call the clinic at 813-877-6900 or go to our website at https://mrtherapycenter.com/or https://fedcompconsultants.com/
    Also you can find
    Fed Comp Coffee Break Podcast on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcast. Be sure and subscribe, like, and/or share a comment or review if you find this podcast information to be beneficial.

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    20 mins