• Supporting Women in the Workplace: What Men should know
    Oct 26 2021

    You don’t have to look too far within a professional environment to see that there still exists a significant disparity between the opportunities offered to women and those provided to men. Many of those imbalances lay in employee wages, and other differences lay in the accessibility to higher positions. Because women are at the center of this issue, many deem it just that; “a woman’s problem.” However, mentorship experts Dr. David Smith and Dr. Brad Johnson have shown through their extensive research that women can benefit from having men as mentors and allies. David Smith and Brad Johnson are co-authors of the books Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women and Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace.  Each of these books serves as a research-based guide on what men can do to be better mentors and allies to women in the Workplace. In our conversation, we also cover the significance of mentoring over other forms of support.  They discuss the dynamics of a mentor-mentee relationship, and share insights for women on what to expect as a mentee. Both men and women have something to gain from this podcast. Keep listening for helpful tips on how to be a good mentor, a better ally. 

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    1 hr and 29 mins
  • Turning Grief and Loss into Creative Inspiration
    Dec 2 2020

    Humanity is experiencing an unprecedented level of loss and grief. More than 1.2 million deaths have occurred in the last 12 months due to Covid-19 alone. There's a good chance that each of us has within our close circle someone experiencing these challenges.  Yet, in the workplace, the topic of dealing with loss and grief remains a private matter.  In this podcast, I speak with Dr. Charles Dhanaraj on his research looking at the cost of grief in the workplace and the resulting impact. This work that he has been doing in collaboration with his colleague at IMD Switzerland, Dr. George Kohlrieser.  You will hear sage advice on handling grief at a personal level and tips for helping those around us who may be experiencing loss. His research shows surprising links between loss and creativity, which lends validity to the adage "all endings are the start of a new beginning." There are insights that all of us can put to work whether our loss is small or significant. More importantly, if you have felt unsure on how to help others address their grief, there's some actionable advice here.

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • How Leaders can Create Psychological Safety by Encouraging Voice
    Aug 17 2020

    Jim Detert is the John L. Colley Professor of Business Administration in the Leadership and Organizational Behavior area at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Dr. Detert's research focuses on workplace courage, improvement-oriented voice (why people speak up or stay silent at work), ethical decision-making and behavior, and other leadership-related topics. This research, as well as his consulting experiences, has been conducted across a variety of global high-technology and service-oriented industries as well as public sector institutions, including K-12 education. His research has appeared in many outlets, including Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, Research in Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Business Ethics. Detert's research has won several academic best paper awards and is regularly featured in various online and print media outlets.

    Articles and resources on voice and courage by Dr. James Detert

    Detert, J.R., & Burris, E.R. 2016. Can your employees really speak freely? Harvard Business Review, January-February: 80-87.

    Detert, J.R., Burris, E.R., Harrison, D., & Martin, S. 2013. Voice flows to and around leaders: Is more always better for unit performance? Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(4): 624-668. 

    McClean, E., Burris, E.R., & Detert, J.R. 2013. When does voice lead to exit? It depends on leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 56(2): 525-548.

    Burris, E.R., Detert, J.R., & Romney, A. 2013. Speaking up versus being heard: The disagreement around and outcomes of employee voice. Organization Science, 24(1): 22-38.

    Detert, J.R.& Edmondson, A.C. 2011. Implicit voice theories: An emerging understanding of self-censorship at work. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3): 461 - 488. (Recognitions:  Academy of Management Journal Best Article in 2011 Award,  Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division Outstanding Publication Award for the Best Paper Published in 2011)

    To contact Dr. James Detert visit https://www.darden.virginia.edu/faculty-research/directory/james-r-detert

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    1 hr and 42 mins
  • An Evidence-based Perspective on the Future of Work
    Jun 15 2020

    In this podcast, we discuss the topic of the future of work.  We all want to know what jobs may go away in the future and what skills are likely to gain importance. While this topic has been gaining prominence in recent years, what’s missing is an organizing framework on how to think about the future of work in a way that’s actionable. Our guest, Dr. Fred Oswald, professor of Psychology at Rice University sheds light on all the influential contributing factors.  He also provides a useful framework for us to think about skills as it relates to the future of work.

    Dr. Fred Oswald is a Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Herbert S. Autrey Chair of Social Sciences at the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice University. His research focuses on the future of the workforce, the effectiveness of the workforce, the measurement of the workforce, and the analysis of the workforce. He is an expert in big data and advanced analytical techniques. In 2019 Fred coedited a book on workforce readiness and the future of work along with coauthors Tara Behrends and Lori Foster. Fred is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology and Advances in Methods and Practice in Psychological Science (AMPPS). He chairs several national committees, including but not limited to the National Academy of Science (NAS) and the Board on Human Systems Integration (BOHSI). Fred is a fellow and the past president of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). When Fred is not greatly enjoying his work with graduate students and colleagues at Rice University, he takes frequent neighborhood walks and occasional vacations with his wife Beth; he also plays Scrabble® well and pinball enjoyably.


    Links to Dr. Fred Oswald’s publications on the future of work:

    Oswald, F. L., Behrend, T. S., & Foster, L. L. (Eds.) (2019). Workforce readiness and the future of work. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

    Beier, M. E., & Oswald, F. L. (2012). Is cognitive ability a liability?: A critique and future research agenda on skilled performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 331-345.

    Hough, L. M., & Oswald, F. L. (2000). Personnel selection: Looking toward the future— remembering the past. Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 631-664.

    Oswald, F. L. (2019). Open science, open practice: Future reality or pipedream? (M. Morrison & Chris Castile, Co-chairs). Panelist at the 34rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Fort Washington, MD.

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Evidence-based HR: Achieve Better Results Faster
    May 15 2020

    This podcast was recorded during the HRWest 2020 conference held in Oakland, California. In this talk, Dr Shreya Sarkar-Barney skillfully leads her participants through a set of thought-provoking questions which reveals the value or lack thereof, of many common HR practices. She then guides the audience through a new operating model that positions HR on the critical path to achieving business success. She presents a decision-making framework similar to those used by financial analysts, that has the potential to drive exponential returns using quantified scientific evidence. She brings this new approach to life through a real-life case study featuring a mid-size technology firm that achieved the steep challenge of closing their revenue gap in two quarters. Listen to this podcast for a revolutionary new way to think about when, where, and how HR can deliver exponential returns. 

    Shreya Sarkar-Barney, Ph.D. is the CEO and founder of Human Capital Growth (HCG), a talent management firm that specializes in innovating using science, analytics, and empathy. She works across diverse industries with organizations such as Cisco, Cognizant, Ecolab, Fidelity Investments, Merck and Microsoft. Shreya was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley and holds an affiliate research scientist position with the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California. Her focus on using science-backed practices in driving better organizational outcomes won her the 2019 Scientist-Practitioner presidential recognition by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP).  She serves on the boards of the HR Strategy Forum and the City of Vacaville, Economic Development Advisory Committee.  She is on the editorial board of the SIOP Professional Practice Series.


    Sarkar-Barney, S. (2018). Why I care about evidence-based practice. https://www.humancapitalgrowth.com/blog/why-i-care-about-evidence-based-practice

    Sarkar-Barney, S. (2018). What is integrated talent management. https://www.humancapitalgrowth.com/blog/what-is-integrated-talent-management

    Sarkar-Barney, S. (2018). The future of talent analytics. https://www.humancapitalgrowth.com/blog/the-future-of-talent-analytics 

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • The HR Value Chain: A Guide to aligning People, Performance, and Profits
    Feb 11 2020

    ​In this podcast Dr. Subramony describes the HR Value chain and the benefits it brings to organizations.  He discusses the importance of selecting the right set of practices and shares three key bundles of HR interventions that drive extraordinary outcomes. These are the talent bundle, the energy bundle, and the opportunity bundle. Listen to the podcast for advice on which one of these bundles is the most critical and has an amplifier effect. 

    Dr. Mahesh Subramony, PhD is an associate professor of management and the director of the Center for Human Capital and Leadership at Northern Illinois University. He teaches various human resource management (HRM) topics and organizational behavior to both undergraduate and MBA students, and conducts research related to the measurement and development of strategic human capital. Mahesh has worked in the HR function for Ford Motor Company and Whirlpool Corporation; consulted with several organizations including the Caterpillar Corporation, Follett Higher Education Group, Manpower Corporation, and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); and conducted practitioner-oriented workshops on human capital metrics. His research has appeared in several scholarly journals including Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and the Journal of Management.

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    39 mins
  • Advances in Leader Development
    Jan 14 2020

    In this podcast, we speak with acclaimed leadership researcher and expert, Dr. David Day.  If your organization is looking for more effective ways of developing leaders, here are some innovative ideas based on the most recent evidence. Dr. Day weighs in on recent fads that claim to draw from the neuroscience of leadership and points to more promising areas that help prepare leaders to operate under increasing uncertainty.

    Dr. David V. Day is Winthrop Professor and Woodside Chair in Leadership and Management at The University of Western Australia Business School. Dr. Day's core research is in the areas of leadership and leadership development. He is the lead author on An Integrative Approach to Leader Development (Routledge, 2009) and the editor of The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations (Oxford University Press, 2014). He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Psychology and as a Consulting Editor for several other scholarly journals. Dr. Day is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He works with various organizations around the world on projects related to leadership and leadership development. Dr. Day was awarded the 2010 Walter F. Ulmer Research Award from the Center for Creative Leadership (USA) for outstanding, career-long contributions to applied leadership research.

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    33 mins
  • Feedback: What works and new frontiers
    Jan 14 2020

    Prof. Avraham N. (Avi) Kluger is a faculty member at the Organizational Behavior Unit of the School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.  His research on giving feedback demonstrated that it can be detrimental to performance and that even positive feedback can cause deterioration in performance.  To explain the puzzle of the detrimental effects of positive feedback on performance, he proposed, with Dina Van-Dijk, that positive feedback reduces motivation when people do things out of a desire (promotion focus) and that negative feedback increases motivation when people do things out of an obligation (prevention focus).  For these works on feedback, he received several awards, including (a) the 1996 Outstanding Paper in Organizational Behavior awarded by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (presented August 1997 in Boston) with Angelo DeNisi  (b) the first William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award for the best publication in field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology during 1996 by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (presented April 1998 in Dallas) with Angelo DeNisi and (c) The 2009 Award for Best Competitive Paper by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management with Dina Van-Dijk.

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    30 mins