• When you know you know.. You know?
    Dec 3 2024

    The more you develop trust in yourself, the more you will know about yourself

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    16 mins
  • The necessary responsibilities for all of us to protect biological women
    Sep 14 2024

    WARNING-Sensitive Topic

    How are you protecting the biological woman especially in the medical field?

    So many women are not receiving adequate medical care, preventive care and most attention is placed on "cosmetic care" Do you agree?

    For thousands of years, the safety of biological woman has been at stake whereas some 'believe' Planet Earth can survive without biological women

    There have been efforts for thousands of years to "replace" the biological woman with advanced technology and sadly these efforts will not cease to exist

    Biological women have lost their abilities to control their 'own bodies' and their consciousness and they are constantly harassed, bullied, considered sexual objects, sexual violence from the medical fields with unneccessary 'cosmetic surgeries' and most often m*urdered due to degeneracy, misogyny (hatred of women) and the list goes on and on

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    18 mins
  • Part 7 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of being healed forever
    Sep 3 2024

    For the entertainment purposes only

    The "ugly phase" of others attempting to exploit, harm, damage you while in the stage of vulnerability and the release of labels, beliefs

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    30 mins
  • Part 6 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of being healed
    Sep 2 2024

    For entertainment purposes only

    The process of being "healed" is like being "reborn"

    You are faced with new situations, issues, and challenges

    You can create your own customs, holidays, celebrations

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    13 mins
  • Part 5 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of being healed...
    Aug 31 2024

    For entertainment purposes only

    The word "crazy" has been used for decades to describe someone who is "different" and it has also caused some to be disregarded and ignored. The word "crazy" was established as an indoctrination word allowing people to bully, jail, harass, manipulate, deceive and criminalize you

    This word has also been used against those having a mental breakdown and discriminate for one reason or another

    Regain your skills and abilities to "be" and remember, some of the most influential people in this world were considered crazy until others around them realize them as the "jewels" seeking to assist and help society

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    9 mins
  • Part 4 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of being properly healed
    Aug 30 2024

    Entertainment Purposes Only

    The dangers of Apologizing

    As you are coming to a point of being properly "healed"

    You will approach situations which could "trigger" you to reenter the "spin" you have fought so hard to escape

    Apologizing can "trigger" you, therefore, be understanding when it involves apologizing especially to yourself

    You owe yourself an "apologize" but as far as to others, use caution

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    18 mins
  • Part 3 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of be improperly healed forever
    Aug 25 2024

    Entertainment purposes only:

    Social Media is the perfect example of "words causing harm"

    When you've approached the moment(s) of healing and considering yourself as "healed"

    Be reflective on the "words" which may trigger or harm you

    Since "words" are energy, you can easily be "triggered" or harmed by sounds and tones which may cause you to ruminate about the "event" which caused you pain

    Therefore, stay conscious, focus on what is going on in your environment and

    use the help of your therapist(s), counselors, guides, etc if necessary to work on these "words", sounds and tones

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    14 mins
  • Part 2 The potential expectations when you are coming to a point of being properly healed forever
    Aug 25 2024

    Some people may not recognize the "healed" you and may not want to deal with you any longer.

    Some will attempt to drag you back into your unhealthy behaviors and actions and you will need to make a decision as to whether you want to go back

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    9 mins