The story of DaityaDevta revolves around the formation of universe and the existence of GOD and Devil. We all somehow understand the reason behind the existence of GOD. We know that GOD exist to guide us and liberate us from all the sufferings of our daily life. We have accepted the existence of GOD as a supreme being who cares for all of us and who would be there in all the bad times and whenever we need him. We worship him for blessings and to receive positive affirmations in our lives. In a way we care more about receiving blessings and less about our own karmic activities. We have more understanding of whom to approach for more blessings but less understanding of what to do in order to allow these positive affirmations and blessings in our lives. Very few of us know that it is our own karmic deeds that radiates positive or negative vibes that returns back to us in multiple fold. Most of us are not aware that the GOD whom we keep searching in idols, through various rituals and in every corner of this world, is in reality, inside us. GOD can come to our aid in any form. In form of any human being or animal or species. We all have accepted our religion and GODs but little do we know and have accepted the evil that is inside all of us, similar to our GOD. We may have categorized our GODs on the basis of our religion but how much do we know about the evil in us. There is no GOD in heaven, and there is no Devil in Hell. It’s all here on earth, inside us. When we spread negativity, the Devil rules us, and when we embrace positivity, the GOD guides us.
Title- Daitya Devta
Author - Saurabh chandra
Podcast By-Soudia Parveen