If you're an active listener of the show, then you might remember Episode 100, where I chatted with Nathaniel Bruno, Owner of Community Solar Authority, about my entrepreneurial journey and how he helped me get started. It was a fantastic conversation about the two main lessons I learned in entrepreneurship and the incredible insight I gleaned from Nat's own experiences. Well, Purpose Chasers, I decided to bring him back for an all-new episode.
Nat Been has been an entrepreneur since college and is currently on his 6th business. He's lived in a van for three years and traveled all over the US and overseas. Now, homesteading in Texas, he's been running a solar business without ever meeting his business partners in person ever since Covid-19. In this episode, Nat shares his own entrepreneurial journey and how he became a community authority within the solar industry.
Be sure to listen in as we discuss the truth behind what it takes to be a business owner, how to grow your business and scale yourself out of your company, and why entrepreneurship isn't for everyone (and that's okay!)
Topics Discussed:
- Going all in and focusing on ONE business at a time
- Being intentional in both your personal life and business
- The KEYS to creating healthy partnerships (and the dangers to look out for)
- Why it’s near impossible to scale out of a consulting business
Ready to stop working for your business and have your business start working for you? To gain access to resources I've created for you and learn how to work with me and my marketing team to grow and scale your business, visit www.markcrandall.net
Connect with Nat Bruno:
- Website: https://www.communitysolarauthority.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/community-solar-authority/
Nat Bruno
- "I started with my good friend and consulting client; next thing you know, I had three businesses. And that quickly led to burnout. I sold everything, took off on the road, lived in a van, and traveled through the US and Canada to enjoy life. Running three businesses, I finally had to say enough and focus on one business. And now I'm all in on one business, and since then, things have been super clear in my life, and I'm a lot more intentional in everything I do in life and business."
- “There’s always going to be that entrepreneur in me that’s always looking for what’s next, what can I do better, and how do I be better. I don’t think I’ll ever truly feel settled and content.”
- When I was on the road, I had a very specific framework of what I was looking for in my next venture, one that had unlimited income potential, the ability to work from anywhere, and the ability to hire and train my replacement. I didn't want to be the only one. In consulting, being the face of a company, you're never going to be able to get out of it because people want you and only you, not your replacement.”
Mark Crandall
- "I stay behind the computer and work on marketing strategies that break the internet. But I'm also a visionary, so I like to look at a company and the hazards and issues that could arise."
- "There are a lot of dynamics that go into healthy relationships with your business partners. Being able to have clear communication with your partnerships is essential."
- "I quit my 9-5 to be a business owner, and then I started working 24 hours a day. There's a degree of crazy that's involved in being an entrepreneur. That's why most companies don't make it. It’s not for everyone.”