Aug 25 2021

    Everyone gets mad😡 ! You know what I’m talking about, that flashover point that makes your blood boil! When the knucklehead on the highway cuts you off! When the kids are screaming in the back seat! When your wife rejects you!

    Most guys feel like there’s no other choice but to lash out, which begs the question, is it okay to be angry? Are there any benefits? What are the downfalls?

    As husbands and fathers, our leadership is dependent on this topic…and most men are missing a few CRITICAL POINTS that may drastically change their life!

    So, you can choose to skip today’s training, but we all know relationships are falling apart at a rapid rate, and this may be the tool that you need some time in the near future!

    So, let’s dive into this topic of anger in episode #7 of the Duty of Man Podcast. 

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    30 mins
  • Rekindling Love in Marriage!
    Aug 16 2021

    I am about to show you what most guys are doing when building love back into their marriage....only one problem: it's not working!

    And that's why we will show you a whole new approach that actually stands the test of time. So if you're tired of trying to make your wife love you, then this is the episode for you!

    It's time that we take a step in the right direction so that you can get the spark back!

    Want help with your marriage?
    Visit our New Program at www.dutyofman.net to learn more!

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    Get the Spark Program

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    26 mins
  • Why Fathers Make Great Leaders
    Aug 9 2021

    We all know that there is a difference between a manager and a leader, right? I once worked for a guy who had the manager title, but I would rather jump in cow poop than call him a leader. But these guys wiggle their way into leadership positions and never self-improve to get better at their job.

    Look, if you've been in the workforce for any amount of time, then chances are you can relate to bad management! They do things that make employees want to do anything but work! And the only thing that they lead people to do is to call in sick (when they actually feel just fine).

    On the flip side, I'm sure you've known frontline employees with no title who were actually great leaders! And that's because leadership is an art form. It's a skill that is rooted in the person, not the position.

    Today you are going to see why fathers are natural leaders. The skills of parenthood lend themselves perfectly to great leadership. The podcast episode covers 10 traits that all great leaders exhibit. The good news is that if you're a dad, then chances are you already have these skills! Now, it's just a matter of dialing them in and taking action out in the world!

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    21 mins
  • 3-Steps to Overcome Fear & Achieve Success!
    Aug 2 2021

    I'll never forget the first time I ran into a burning building. The air was hot, and thick black smoke covered my being. The future was unknown.

    But there is a reason that I pushed on and continued crawling into that hell-like place...

    In this podcast episode, we talk about the very thing that could be holding you back from the next step in your life. Today's message may lead to a promotion in your career, more connection in the home, or even accomplishing the next big milestone in life. But first, let's look at the monster under the bed.


    Most people run from it. They don't want anything to do with it. And that's why we are giving you 3 POWERFUL WAYS to overcome even the most sensational of fears. So let's crawl through the darkness together and see what's on the other side.

    Are you ready to see what is waiting for you? Then, join us in today's podcast, episode #4, overcoming fear and achieving success!

    PS - Do you love the podcast? Please leave us a review so that more men can hear the message, plus we may even read your comments on the air! If you need something, email our team at hello@dutyofman.net.

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    30 mins
  • Find Your Purpose Today
    Jul 26 2021

    We see a ton of confusion around the issue of purpose, and it’s causing people to miss out on the GOOD STUFF in life!

    We don’t want that...do we?

    There’s a bunch of old advice on the “how-to” of finding your purpose, and some guys are still penciling it out, hoping to narrow things down. But they’re confused, tired, and often end up in the same spot that they started. 

    And there’s is a reason that they want to find it, because so much changes when you actually step into your purpose!

    So, you may be wondering, “what’s my purpose!?” 

    And that’s an outstanding question, and we are about to help you tackle it in today's training. This new door that can open for you has the potential to change your life forever.

    For me and my wife, the real discovery of purpose has allowed us to improve so many lives, and we are forever grateful. We want your loved ones to reap the benefits as well. 

    So, what do you say...keep scrolling, or are you ready to finally find your purpose in life? Listen now to find out! 

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    34 mins
  • Doing More & Working Harder is NOT the best way to MAKE YOUR WIFE LOVE YOU!
    Jul 19 2021

    Doing More & Working Harder is NOT the best way to MAKE YOUR WIFE LOVE YOU!

    But we see husbands do it all the time! And that leads them to a whole bunch of extra work and very little connection in return. 

    So how do all great husbands balance the responsibilities of a household AND cultivate love and desire?

    Well...in today’s podcast episode, we are going to show you a couple of the steps that we walk our customers through. 

    Whether your marriage is doing well or it’s on the rocks, I think you’ll find today’s message to be helpful in the sequence to building a life that brings you joy. 

    Subscribe to the Duty of Man Podcast at www.dutyofmanpodcast.com or in your favorite podcast player. 

    See you there!

    PS - Join the brotherhood on social media! Visit the Duty of Man Instagram and Duty of Man Facebook for more great tips on becoming a Great Husband, a Better Father, and a Stronger Man!

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    25 mins
  • Have it all. Marriage, Fatherhood & Strength. Welcome to the Duty of Man Podcast!
    Jul 12 2021

    We're back! Welcome back to the Duty of Man Podcast! Today, you'll learn exactly what Duty of Man is all about and how we can help you have it all as a husband, a father, and a man so that you are actually happy & fulfilled in life. So if that sounds like something you want, then tune in because we are about to get started, and I don't want you to miss it!

    Check out the Brotherhood on our Social Pages:
    Duty of Man on Instagram

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    31 mins