
  • Dark Forest Theory & The Kelly-Hopkinsville Goblins | EP 2
    Nov 7 2023

    Our Milky Way Galaxy is home to some 200 billion stars, with an estimated 100 billion planets orbiting them. If we turn to the Drake Equation, conceived in 1961 by Dr. Frank Drake to approximate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the cosmic void of the universe, we find that our galaxy should be home to at least 20 of these civilizations. So why, despite our best efforts, have we failed in contacting even one of these advanced societies? 

    We’ll be exploring the Drake Equation, the Great Filter as well as the Fermi Paradox in a full length episode in the near future. The theories that attempt to answer the question of why we are seemingly alone vary, however the Dark Forest Theory, the focus of our conversation today, explains this silence with terrifying implications. If it is to be believed, perhaps it’s within humanity’s best interests that we cease all attempts at contacting any and all extraterrestrial civilizations, and prepare for whatever they may have in store for us should we receive a response.

    Today, let’s explore The Dark Forest Theory, and after that, I’ll tell you the story of how alleged extraterrestrials laid siege to a farmhouse in 1955.

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    24 mins
  • False Vacuum Decay & The Pascagoula Abduction | EP 1
    Oct 31 2023

    Happy Halloween listeners, and welcome to Dread the Cosmos!

    Imagine for a moment that there is indeed a multiverse, with each universe, including our own, being represented as a bubble sitting comfortably at the bottom of a pot of boiling water. Our universe is formed, eventually rises to the top of the water and then… Pop! It’s gone, at a seemingly random time and without warning.

    You’re probably asking yourself, “What does this have to do with today’s topic?” Well, while False Vacuum Decay is a theoretical concept, should it occur, an outward expansion at the speed of light, from a single point, would fundamentally alter everything within the universe that it collides with, including you and me. Will we be wiped out in the scenario? Maybe. But one thing is certain: the universe as we know it, and everything in it, will cease to exist. 

    Today, we’re taking a brief look into False Vacuum Decay, and after that, I’ll tell you the story that has been coined The Pascagoula Abduction.

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    23 mins