• Reverse Abandonment: Parents Abandoned By Their Adult Children
    Dec 31 2024

    While cultural tropes suggest that adult children estrange in a fit of pique, that doesn’t actually appear to be the case for the preponderance of adults estranged from parents and, most usually, their extended families as well; the decision is usually decades in the making. It is clear that it’s rare to be estranged from just one person since relatives are either co-opted to take sides or choose sides on their own, so the loss of ties can be enormous and staggering. Numerous studies point to the fact that estrangement is often cyclical in nature, with adult children going through periods of estrangement and reconciliation for extended periods of time. Tune in and learn all about the causes and how to work through adult children abandoning their parents!

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    49 mins
  • Hybristophilia: Attraction to Predators
    Dec 24 2024

    Hybristophilia is a term that has emerged to describe a peculiar and often misunderstood psychological phenomenon: sexual or romantic attraction to dangerous people or people with a criminal history. This type of attraction arouses deep interest in individuals who have committed illicit or violent acts, raising questions about the motivations behind this preference and its possible psychological implications. The term "hybristophilia" comes from the Greek word "hubris", which refers to extreme arrogance or excessiveness, and "philia", which It means love or attraction. Therefore, hybristophilia is defined as the attraction for individuals who have shown defiant, rebellious or transgressive behavior in society. Tune in and learn all about hybristophilia!

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    56 mins
  • A Life Filled with Regret
    Dec 17 2024
    Regret can be an incredibly painful emotion. While rooted in feelings of contrition, disappointment, guilt, or remorse for things that have happened in the past, such feelings can have a powerful influence over your life in the here and now. The problem is that when you are feeling regret over past choices or past mistakes, you might sometimes miss out on the joys of the present moment. Tune in and learn how to recognize and turn away regret in your life!
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    55 mins
  • The Makings of an American
    Dec 10 2024
    Living in a foreign country and adjusting to a new culture can be a very rewarding experience. But, it can also be a difficult one if you do not understand the values and assumptions of the society. Values are ideas about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, proper and improper. Assumptions, as the term is used here, are the unquestioned standards about people, life, and the way things are. People who grow up in a particular culture share certain values and assumptions. This means that most of them, most of the time, agree with each others' ideas about what is right and wrong, desirable and undesirable. They also agree, mostly, with each other's assumptions about human nature, social relationships. The values and assumptions of a culture shape the way people act. To help you adjust, we have compiled a brief explanation of why U.S. Americans behave the way they do. Tune in and learn all about the make up of what American's value!
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    56 mins
  • A Narcissist Family Christmas
    Dec 3 2024
    If a family member suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or displays significant narcissistic tendencies, the holidays can mean great chaos and calamity. During the season, there are more opportunities for narcissists to display their most egregious behaviors. Narcissists have a hard time celebrating the big events of others. If there’s a holiday gathering on the calendar, they will try to make themselves the center of attention through whatever means most natural and effective. Narcissists feel that holidays steal the spotlight that they, themselves, should own. Narcissists either try to grab it back by boasting and strong-arming everyone's attention. Alternatively, they will sabotage the celebratory mood for other people. Tune in and learn all about how narcissists destroy holidays and gatherings and how to defend yourself!
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    53 mins
  • Life as Eeyore: Persistent Depressive Disorder
    Nov 26 2024
    Persistent depressive disorder, known as dysthymia or low-grade depression, is less severe than major depression but more chronic. It occurs twice as often in women as in men. Persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is a serious and disabling disorder that shares many symptoms with other forms of clinical depression. It is generally experienced as a less severe but more chronic form of major depression. PDD was referred to as dysthymia in previous versions of the DSM. PDD is characterized by depressed mood experienced most of the time for at least two years. In children and adolescents, mood can be irritable rather than depressed. In addition to depression or irritable mood, at least two of the following must be present: insomnia or excessive sleep, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, poor appetite or overeating, poor concentration or indecisiveness, and feelings of hopelessness. More severe symptoms marking major depression are often absent in PDD—this includes anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure), psychomotor symptoms (particularly lethargy or agitation), and thoughts of death or suicide. Tune in and learn all about Persistent Depressive Disorder!
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    54 mins
  • The Cost of Loneliness
    Nov 19 2024
    Though our need to connect is innate, many of us frequently feel alone. Loneliness is the state of distress or discomfort that results when one perceives a gap between one’s desires for social connection and actual experiences of it. Even some people who are surrounded by others throughout the day—or are in a long-lasting marriage—still experience a deep and pervasive loneliness. Research suggests that loneliness poses serious threats to well-being as well as long-term physical health. Tune in and learn all about how to identify loneliness and end it!
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    56 mins
  • Where You Live Influences How You Think
    Nov 12 2024
    Geographical psychology examines links between location and psychological phenomena, such as how and why personality traits, life satisfaction, and social behavior differ from place to place—or cluster in certain areas. These differences may appear across hemispheres, regions, states, cities, or neighborhoods. Every location houses psychologically diverse residents. But general differences between populations in distinct places can be informative. If neuroticism or life satisfaction is higher in a certain region, researchers can explore whether geographic aspects of the place, or commonalities among those who choose to live there, might account for the relatively positive or negative trends. Researchers have long explored the links between geography and mental health, hoping to answer questions such as whether the environment in which we live affects our personalities and influences who we are or who we’re destined to be. Tune in and learn all about how geography influences your psychology!
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    55 mins