Doxxing is when you reveal someone's personal information on the internet without their consent. Particularly in a way that might cause them harm or risk. For example if you publish someone's address online, that could cause them risk as someone could turn up to their house and cause them harm. This video explores whether Airrack Doxxed a Pilot.. and then looks at how Doxxing has become even more widespread... just a few months ago SSSniperwolf doxxed JacksFilms, by posting a picture of his house to instagram. Now the idea that these two might be linked is nothing more than a conspiracy theory, but it potentially suggests a worrying trend. Doxxing people is stupid, dangerous and leads to bad consequences for everyone involved... including the person that was dumb enough to Dox people. How Airrack (allegedly) tells lies to make millions of dollars (you need to see this): The Worst TikToker's of all Time: Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for informational/educational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Attempting to Dox others is likely illegal and is very unethical. Do not do it. Also do not give fake donations, it is not ethical don't be a bad person. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. This video title is satirical. Do not be aggressive or send any hateful messages to anyone that features in this video. The Biggest Fraud We Have Ever Seen (Logan Paul): #airrack #doxxing #doxxed #sssniperwolf #millionsofdollars #airrackiceberg #theairrackiceberg I want to take a moment to thank and credit these creators, who's videos I have transformed under Fair Dealing / Fair Use to help construct this video (with a special thanks to Soggy Cereal - much of the research from this video comes from videos of Soggy Cereal): Soggy Cereal: Airrack: JacksFilms: Also Airrack: SSSniperwolf: Papa Meat: Meat Canyon: Internet Anarchist: SunnyV2: Alex Elmslie: American Psycho - I believe the rights are owned by producer Edward Pressman 0:00 Airrack the Million $ YouTuber 0:44 Airrack's Content is False 2:43 The Airrack Iceberg Begins 2:50 The Angle a story of Lies, Doxxing and False Donations 7:00 SSSniperwolf Doxxes JacksFilms to Millions of People 9:27 SSSniperwolf has gone to jail... Twice 10:04 The Real Depth to the Airrack Iceberg The Tragedy of David Dobrik (you should watch this):