The apostle Paul begs believers to have NO DIVISIONS among them. Yet there are over 41,000 denominations (divisions) of Christianity worldwide.
And despite the various doctrines preached among these denominations, most members of each one is convinced that they are saved and fully expect to spend eternity in heaven.
However, in both Revelation 18:4 and Jeremiah 51:6, Yahuah WARNS US to COME OUT OF BABYLON!
This video exposes the Babylonian roots of a religion called "Christianity", You will learn how a seed planted in AD 312 has grown a tree with 41,000 branches, and regardless of denomination, the roots are firmly rooted in the ground of Babylon.
My people are destroyed for lack of the knowledge: because you have rejected the knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohiym, I will also forget your children. HUSHA (HOSEA) 4:6 את CEPHER