• Season 1 Ending - Final round-up with Wil (feat. Patrik Etelävuori )
    32 mins
  • Two Rowing Finns: 4,800 km across the Atlantic
    Jan 4 2021

    The final episode of Season 1 is ending with a great adventure!

    We meet Markus and Jolle who both have an extended track record when it comes to sailing around the world and participating in prestigious events such as the Whitbread Round the World Race.

    But this time their goal is to cross the Atlantic in a rowing boat. 24 hours a day by taking shifts. 2 hours on, two hours off for 40-50 days, adding up to 1,5 Million oar strokes. 

    Would YOU be up for it?

    The Top 5 key takeaways from their story:

    1. You don´t have to be the same as your friends or classmates. Come up with your own profile - think outside of the box. Be You!
    2. Share adventures with your friends. - it´s half of the fun!
    3. Adventures don’t always have to be huge and crazy but start with small things like taking a day off, backpacking across the shoreline of Helsinki, or having a cup of hot chocolate in the woods. 
    4. Try different things when it comes to sports and the profession. Don´t worry that the decisions you have taken at some point, are final for the rest of your life. You can always change things again.
    5. Nobody has superpowers. If you have a goal - be determined to reach it. Even if you fail from time to time - dust yourself off and try again. Try to combine different skills and focus them on one objective or around your project.
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    33 mins
  • Luca Karl: Confessions of a professional athlete and swimmer
    Dec 21 2020

    In this episode we will meet Luca Karl, who is a professional athlete and swimmer, competing in 800m and 1500m freestyle. 
    Swimming has been an influential part of his life already during his early childhood days. Since then he kept moving from regional to national and finally international rankings, smashing records, and constantly improving on his performance.
    But none of this comes for free. It deserves extreme dedication, clearly set targets and goals as well as the energy to keep on pushing forward despite the fact that the training might be boring or your friends might be having a good time on Friday evening, joining a party. 
    An extremely inspirational story of a young professional athlete, who has found his Northstar.

    The Top 5 key takeaways from his story:

    1. If you are aiming to achieve big things it is probably good to wake up early every morning, smelling the coffee.
    2. Some sports practices can be very boring. Take it with a smile and fool around with your teammates from time to time in order to lighten up the spirit.
    3. Whatever you do in life - is it sports or business - set yourself a specific, clearly defined goal and work towards it. It will serve as Northstar and keep you on course during challenging times. 
    4. Don´t underestimate the power of visualization. Visualize the upcoming race, negotiation, speech, etc. as it will prepare you in the best possible way.
    5. Get away from social media from time to time. Just take a break. One example is to lie down on your bed for 10 minutes and briefly reflect on what has been good or bad during the day.

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    34 mins
  • Helinä Turunen: Diary of a Cyber Security Superhero
    Dec 14 2020

    Not one week passes without news of data breaches and confidential client data leaking. A lot of responsibility is left with the sole user, which makes groups like children, elderly people and language minorities especially vulnerable and exposed. This is why we decided to speak to Helinä Turunen who is an Information Security Specialist at The National Cyber Security Centre. She paints a reassuring picture that a lot is already done to keep citizens safe but there are also areas, which we should be vigilant about.

    The Top 5 key takeaways from her story:
    1. Myth busted: cybersecurity superheroes do not have to be excellent programmers. There you have it!
    2. Overarching mantra: have a strong enough password, preferably store it in a password manager with a strong master password, make sure you have all your devices updated to the latest operating system or security standards, and ensure that you don´t share private information (name, home location, social security number, etc.) as hackers can build a profile of you.
    3. Reduce the number of applications, the number of devices, and the number of access points you connect to. It will increase your level of safety and decrease the possibility of being a target for cybercriminals
    4. Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZtVsEsqjNs and see for yourself how Team Whack is hacking the site of a social media influencer without her knowing about it. Bottom line: you will never know when your security has been compromised.
    5. Many countries in Europe have cybersecurity strategies and cybercrime units, which try to protect their citizens.
      Individuals and/or organizations can share suspicious information without having to fear exposure.

    Ways to connect:
    https://www.linkedin.com/in/hturunen/, Twitter: HelinaT

    Accounts to follow:

    Mikko Hypponen, F-Secure (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hypponen/)

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    38 mins
  • Göran Hernberg: Top Tips from a Top Headhunter
    Dec 7 2020

    Coming out of school or university and finding your dream job has never been easy. For some maybe even impossible.
    But as we are again entering a phase of global economic decline, the job market gets flooded with applicants from both sides of the age spectrum: young and old.

    So it is more important than ever to stand out from the crowd in order to get seen for what you have to offer.

    That´s where the advice from Göran Hernberg comes in handy. He has been a professional recruiter for many years and can provide you with dos and don´ts along the recruitment process.

    The Top 5 key takeaways:

    1. The current situation and job market might look grim but don´t get discouraged - it is much less frantic than previous recessions. If you are fresh out of school/university, don´t be shy and ask your network of friends and their parents for help. Nobody will hire you if you are not skilled but at least you will get the opportunity to present yourself, which is much more difficult if you are one out of 500 applicants for a job.
    2. You need to be clear in your CV. Don´t assume that the person reading your resume has prior knowledge of you or the companies you worked for.
    3. Despite the current global turmoil, there is still a shortage of skilled people in many sectors. Seek and you will find!
    4. Keep the CV short and concise while still descriptive. 15 pages are simply too much
    5. It sounds cheesy but it is still true: During the interview - Be Yourself. 
      If you are not yourself then things are not coming naturally and you will most likely be called out later during the recruitment process.

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    32 mins
  • Heidi Schauman: A Chief Economist's advice
    Nov 30 2020

    Heidi Schauman is an experienced economist who, before joining Swedbank, served as chief economist at Aktia Bank and senior economist at Nordea Bank. Before this, she worked in various positions at the Finnish central bank, The Bank of Finland. 

    Heidi holds a doctoral degree in Economics from the Swedish School of Economics, Hanken, in Helsinki (Finland). 

    In this episode, she provides us with insight on what it means to be a Chief Economist as well as where the challenges of the profession lie.
    We also elaborate on the importance of providing children and young adults with the possibility to build up their own investment portfolio in order to learn about the role of money.

    The Top 5 key takeaways from her story:

    1. Children and young adults can/should start building their investment portfolios already at a young age. Kids need to understand money. Where it comes from and what´s its roll.
    2. Start small. 20 Euros are perfectly fine in serving as an entry-level. 
    3. Explain the different investment options to your children before investing. Focus on companies that are familiar to them. That way they remain interested and find investing easier to understand. After all, they are the consumers of the future and might see things differently than adults.
    4. Let the kids take out potential wins as tangible “fruits” for their willingness to invest.
    5. Some banks offer stock-market games where children and young adults can “get their feet wet” with artificial money and create virtual investment portfolios.

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    37 mins
  • Taneli Tenhovuori: The current state of healthcare services and the right to live the way you want to live
    Nov 23 2020

    Taneli started his career as a strategy consultant but quickly changed to follow his calling.
    He founded Suomen Avustajapalvelut, which provides disability care nationwide in Finland. Today the company employs more than 500 care service professionals who are passionate about helping their customers to live their life to the fullest.
    In this episode, Taneli provides us with great insight into the current and future state of healthcare services as we seem to move closer to a crisis.

    The Top 5 key takeaways from his story:

    1. You deserve to live the life you want to live, regardless of any physical or mental limitations that you might have.
    2. Countries should have more discussions around the question if healthcare professionals are rewarded appropriately.
    3. As an entrepreneur: try to differentiate - what brings value to your customer and what does not bring any value. That way you can focus on what is important and accelerate in those areas.
    4. Look at the big trends in the word when thinking about your next business. Don´t get caught up in day-to-day life too much. Try to see what might happen during the next decades. Is there anything that you could provide, which provides value in the bigger picture
    5. Don´t go overboard with taking risks but generally speaking, don´t be too risk-averse. Take (managed) risks!

    Ways to connect:

    Books to read:
    Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
    Ayn Rand: Atlas shrugged

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    37 mins
  • Ari Iso-Rautio: From Top Manager to Top Yogi
    Nov 16 2020

    After finishing his education, Ari´s calling was loud, clear, and unquestionable: Welcome to the corporate world.
    Rising through the ranks as a star management consultant and top manager was amazing at first but during an assignment in the US the famous “Wall” was hit and questions arose if this is all there is.
    Many moons later, Ari is heading Lumi Power Yoga but has not lost touch with the corporate world either. The only big difference from now to then is: now he really enjoys it.

    Top 5 things we have learned: 

    1. When we hit points where we are lost, we look for solutions and alternatives, where we otherwise would not have looked.
    2. Becoming an entrepreneur does not necessarily have to be a crash-boom-bang event. Sometimes it takes years of transition from working as an employee to becoming independent. In that scenario, you have to be prepared to go the extra mile and do two jobs or more simultaneously.
    3. Yoga and Mindfulness provide us with tools on how to deal with pressure, stress, etc. It should be taught already much earlier than during adult age.
    4. Our current education system is much more about knowledge than about building “centered and present” children
    5. Advice to my 15-year-old self: Go out there - discover - do stuff - don’t play safe and don´t be afraid to fail. (Don´t try this at home ;)

    Books to read:
    Leonardo da Vinci, Walter Isaacson
    Atomic Habits, James Clear 

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    32 mins