
  • Vision & Purpose - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    Be Thou My Vision. What does this mean? How is this possible? It has been said, “An aimless life is a living death.” 4T p417. Discover the life-changing results of making Christ your vision.

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    29 mins
  • What is Jesus Doing Now? - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    We know Jesus is alive… but have you ever thought about what he is up to now? Quite a lot, actually. And would you believe it, it’s all with you in mind!!!

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    28 mins
  • Home & Family - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    It has been said that “The measure of your Christianity is gauged by the character of your home life.” My Life Today, p102. What is your home like? What are you like at home? What should home be like? Well explore this vital topic in the program today.

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    29 mins
  • Providence - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    God’s providence is as abundant as the gems of thought shared here on this topic…actually, it’s infinitely greater! You will gather a rich harvest of insights from the experiences of a psalmist, a shepherd and a radio host!

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    29 mins
  • Surrender - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    “My Lord, O king, according to thy saying, I am thine and all that I have.” 1 Kings 20:1-4. What does it mean to live a life of surrender to God? More than just a once-off event, a life of surrender is deeper and richer than you might first think!

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    28 mins
  • Miracles - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    Have you ever wished for a miracle? Learn about the greatest miracle worker, how He can work miracles in your life, and how you can sprinkle miracles in lives of others.

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    29 mins
  • Repentance - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    What is it? What initiates it? How does one experience and maintain it? Be awed at God’s love and provisions for you as you explore this life-changing topic.

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    29 mins
  • Hope in Hard Times - Kaysie Butler
    Jan 6 2020

    We all go through rough patches in life. Sometimes just the daily grind is hard enough. What can we do and who can we turn to for hope and encouragement in hard times? Tune in and be blessed!

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    29 mins