• In my defense, I was left unsupervised…
    Feb 25 2023
    February 24, 2023: Coming in under the wire … again 😢 … this is what happens when you’re thrown off your routine (back injury) and your doggie doesn’t do her job waking you up in the morning (bad Piper Onion 🐶). My back is feeling better, though, and I hope to be back on my game in a day or two. | Todays character is so sweet she makes your teeth hurt. | Happy Birthday, Steve Jobs!!! Few people can truly lay claim to changing the world. | Walt gets super deep today 😳
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    1 min
  • The propaganda films of the early 40s were not made for profit, forcing a re-release of Snow White.
    Feb 23 2023
    February 23, 2023: My back is feeling a lot better today. I’m able to jump up from my chair and the couch without any pain. I still notice there’s a little bit of tightness, but I should be able to return to work in a couple of days. | Todays character teaches us to never mess with a hamster who has a ball! | On this day Walt Disney gets his special achievement, Oscar, comprising of one big Oscar and seven dwarf sized Oscars. | Our quote of the day is from Walt himself, as he tells us how he progressed as a filmmaker
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    1 min
  • During the 1940s, Disney studio employees went on strike to form a union (which they eventually did)
    Feb 23 2023
    February 22, 2023: still not feeling it today, but today’s podcast features Star Wars and Pixar
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    1 min
  • “ I don’t believe in ghosts. But I feel it’s important that they believe in themselves.” - Ted Lasso
    Feb 22 2023
    February 21, 2023: I just don’t have it in me today, I’m just uploading audio right now.
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    1 min
  • Is Presidents’ Day! Who’s your favorite? (comment below)
    Feb 20 2023
    February 20, 2023: My back is feeling better each day, and I’m so grateful for my wife helping me through my recovery. She’s even taking off from work tomorrow just so she can help me as I recuperate. In sickness and in health, right? | We’ve been a little Frozen heavy on characters lately, haven’t we? I’m just not quite sure if today’s character smells better than a reindeer, though. | on this day, the Disney imagine years get their official branding. | Today’s quote is from the great, but still not as great as Jack Kirby, Stan Lee! Yes, this is the hill I’m willing to die on!!!
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    1 min
  • “Even miracles take a little time.” - Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother
    Feb 19 2023
    February 19, 2023: I am still having some bad back issues, and I’ve already went ahead and called out of work for this week. I absolutely hate feeling like this, and not really feeling like doing much of anything. So here’s a link to a video about Disney’s management ( https://youtu.be/P6ugNKm9TGY ). Sorry, but I don’t even feel like trying to write reviews about today’s character, history, or quote.
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    1 min
  • Nursing a back injury, and I’m pathetically helpless 😢
    Feb 19 2023
    February 18, 2023: after yesterday‘s post, I was getting ready for wound up with a minor back injury. I went to get it checked out, and looks like I’m gonna be laid up and helpless for about a week. I absolutely hate being helpless and unable to function on my own. She’ll forgive me today for not being really grateful for anything, because I actually hate this feeling, and I hate the way this medication makes me feel. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be in a better mood, so just have to accept this for now.
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    1 min
  • We’re going to see Impractical Jokers tonight!!! 😂🥰
    Feb 17 2023
    February 17, 2023: That’s right, tonight wifey and I are going to see the live stage performance of Impractical Jokers 🤩 It’s one of her Christmas gifts to me 🥰 And tomorrow is another surprise show 😊 | “Smee, Smee. What About Smee? Smee! Smee! Smee. Smee. What about Smee? Smee's me. What about me?” … ok, so that’s not from the version you would think of from Disney, but it’s from Bob Hoskins’ performance of the character so it GOLD!!! | Today is the birthday of the third voice of Minnie Mouse | Today Walt speaks about leadership 🤔
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    1 min