Linda Burflied Hazzard entitled herself a doctor and martyr for her beliefs that her fasting regiment was the panacea for all illnesses and/or ailments. The fasting specialist would later be linked to over a dozen deaths and be exposed as a con artist, not only swindling her patients, but starving them. The “Starvation Doctor” claimed her innocence until her last breath, despite the trail of lives she left behind.
Lovejoy, B. Lovejoy, B. (2014, October 27). The Doctor Who Starved Her Patients to Death. Smithsonian Magazine.
Olsen, Gregg. (1997). Starvation Heights: A True Story of Murder and Malice in the Woods of the Pacific Northwest. Crown.
Burfield Hazzard, L. (1907, October 6). Why I Believe in Starvation as a Cure for All Bodily Ills. Seattle Daily Times, pp.6.
Unknown. (1910, May 12). Officials to probe Death of L.E.Rader. Seattle Daily Times, pp.1
Unkown. (1910, July 31). Ad for Linda Burfield Hazzard’s services. Seattle Daily Times, pp.10
Unkown. (1910, September 15). Starvation Advocate Seeks New Pastures. Seattle Daily Times, pp. 8.
Unknown. (1911, July 28). Starvation Advocate Accused by Consul. Seattle Daily Times, pp.9.
Unknown. (1911, August 5). Linda Burfield Hazzard Faces Murder Charge. Seattle Daily Times, pp.2.
Unknown. (1911, August 6). Dr.Linda Burfield Hazzard Taken in Custody on Murder Charge. Seattle Daily Times, pp.5.
Unkown. (1911, August 8). Scenes at “Starvation Heights”, Near Olalla. Seattle Daily Times, pp. 1.
Unknown. (1911, August 9). Powerful Will of Woman Ruled Fast Sanitarium. Seattle Daily Times, pp.2-5.
Unknown. (1911, August 10). Hazzard Expose Lost Friends for Linda Burfield. Seattle Daily Times, pp.2.
Unknown. (1911, August 11). Hazzard Won Prominence in Army Circles. Seattle Daily Times, pp. 2.
Unkown. (1911, August 13). Forgery Will be Element in Hazzard Case. Seattle Daily Times, pp.4.
Unknown. (1911, August 20). Agassiz Lists All Articles He Says Dr.Hazzard Kept. Seattle Daily Times, pp.18
Unknown. (1911, August 27). Information Said to be Fatally Deficient by Hazzard Counsel. Seattle Daily Times, pp.3.
Unknown. (1912, January 22). Claire Williamson’s Will Introduced in Port Orchard Trial. Seattle Daily Times, pp.3.
Unknown. (1912, January 23). Dr.Hazzard’s Son Urged Girls to Keep Up Their Long Fast. Seattle Daily
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