This season we are in Crawley, in West Sussex, England. A new town that was created in 1947, merging the villages of Three Bridges and Ifield with the small market town of Crawley filling in the gaps.
In October 2023 we asked six local teenagers to take six local artists on a walk with them through Crawley. From their walk to school, the places they hang out, where they go to for some peace, and the places they feel most alive and connected. These journeys have unearthed how they feel about Crawley and the world around them, their hopes, and what is important to them.
In this episode, we meet Ellee & Sarah.
Ellee is in Year 9 and a student at Thomas Bennett Community College. She describes herself as silly, mischievous, and shy. She is a superfan of Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown and Pedro Pascal.
Sarah Pimenta is an experienced participatory artist, lecturer and creative facilitator. Sarah is known as ‘Social Fabric’ where she makes collaborative narrative textile pieces which tell a story – She has also illustrated a series of six children’s books ‘The Therapeutic Fairy Tale series’
This is a gorgeous and gentle amble through nature where Ellee and Sarah discuss Stranger Things, the personalities of trees and the current cost of living crisis.
Places and artists mentioned:
Buchan Park
Social Fabric
Crawley Stories - a Creative Crawley, Creative Playground and Theatre Centre production
Host - Rob Watt
Producer - Ben Di Meo
Executive Producers - Louise Blackwell, Sophie Eustace, Emma Rees
Original Music - Brandon Knights
Editor - Zach Smithson
Edited at Gatwick Production Studios
Graphic Design - Ben Lintott
Filming - Nick Atkins, Megan Melloy
Film Trailer Editor - Nick Atkins
Runners - Shawwal Ali, Matthew Holmberg, Denis Fabian Ursache
With Thanks to: AFLO. the poet, Allan, Andy, Bonnie, Ceali, Ellee, Freya, Helen, Anna Howie, Iffat, Max, Oscar, Patience, Sarah Pimenta, Sam, Hazelwick School, Shannon, Karl Singporewala, Woodzy.
Creative Crawley
Creative Director - Louise Blackwell
Associate Director (Production) - Sam Evans
Finance & Admin Coordinator - Lara Hockman
Producer - Becky Jones
Digital Content Coordinator - Ben Lintott
Creative Playground
Community Engagement Manager - Erin Beesley
Project Co-Director - Louise Blackwell
Project Co-Director - Sophie Eustace
Head of Learning and Production - Sam Evans
Community Producer - Becky Jones
Communication & Admin Assistant - Harriet McDermott
Evaluation and Admin Assistant - Pav Randhawa
Theatre Centre
Marketing Manager - Rachel Bellman
Future Maker Producer - Ben Di Meo
Programme & Admin Co-ordinator - Becky Ide
Finance Manager - David Lewis
Community Partnerships Producer - Moni Onojeruo
Executive Director & CEO - Emma Rees
Artistic Director - Rob Watt
Funded by Arts Council England