• A Voice from Heaven: A Messianic Rabbi’s Journey Back to Faith, with Rabbi Marty Waldman
    Feb 6 2025

    Rabbi Marty Waldman shares his personal journey of finding faith in Yeshua as a Jewish man, and how this led him to plant a Messianic Jewish congregation and later found the organization TJCII (Towards Jerusalem Council) to promote unity between Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Messiah. He describes profound supernatural experiences that drew him to Yeshua and the gradual process of integrating Jewish traditions and worship with his newfound faith. Waldman emphasizes the critical importance of unity between Jews and Gentiles, seeing it as a central calling and an anointed work of the Holy Spirit. He shares stories of how this unity has brought breakthrough and reconciliation, even in places of long-standing division.


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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • My Mom's Final Words – A Daughter's Story from Be'eri, Israel, with Nicole Carbone and Ido Swartz
    Jan 22 2025

    David Blease interviews Nicole, who recounts the harrowing story of the terrorist attack on their community in Kibbutz Beri, Israel. Nicole's mother was m*rdered in the attack, and 102 people from the community were m*rdered in total. The terrorists took 51 h*stages, with only three possibly still alive. The community has been devastated, losing 10% of its population.

    Despite this immense trauma, Nicole and Ido speak of their hope, faith, and desire to rebuild their community with the help of supporters worldwide. They emphasize the importance of living in peace, rejecting violence, and treating all people with dignity. They encourage listeners to pray for the hostages, support the rebuilding efforts, and stand in solidarity with the people of Israel.

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    37 mins
  • The Church Without Israel: What Our Churches are Missing!
    Jan 8 2025

    In this episode, Petra Scott shares her journey of understanding the need for the Church to embrace its Jewish foundation and relationship with the Jewish community. Petra's journey began with resistance and skepticism toward the connection between Israel and the Church. She was later floored by the revelation of embracing the Jewish foundation of our faith.

    The discussion covers concepts like interdependence, covenantal unity, and the Church's need to honor and respect its Jewish foundation. Genuinely embracing this understanding is not about changing the Church's mission but rather enhancing and aligning with God's heart for Israel and the one new man of Jew and Gentile. The speaker argues that without this revelation, the Church is missing a full understanding of the kingdom and the fulfillment of Jesus' prayer in John 17 for unity.

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    36 mins
  • Israeli Settlers & the West Bank: How Should We View the Conflict?
    Dec 11 2024

    What is the name of the small stretch of controversial Middle Eastern land where 80% of the Bible took place? The ancient phrase "Judea and Samaria" or the more modern "West Bank?" And IF the Bible says God gave this land to the Jewish people, then why are Arab Palestinians the majority population - and certain Jewish Israeli settlements considered illegal?

    Nic and David jump into these complicated waters to talk about the various perspectives surrounding this contentious geographical spot along the Israeli/Jordanian border. They touch on topics such as the birth of the nation of Israel, the Israeli political definition of "right" and "left," the relationships between Israeli Jews and Arabs, the necessity of prayer and action by believers, and what the Scriptural and prophetic outcomes could be for the land in the future.

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    49 mins
  • African Pastor’s Mind-Blowing Revelation about Israel with Charles Ikutiminu!
    Nov 27 2024

    Can revelation about the importance of Israel and the Jewish people radically change your understanding of, and relationship with God - even after 30 years as a Christian? Meet Charles Ikutiminu, originally from Nigeria, who now serves as Global Ministries Pastor (Africa) at Gateway Church. He enthusiastically shared with David Blease the spiritual and theological journey he and his wife began as they simply obeyed God's leading to pray daily for Israel.

    Charles describes how this obedience to pray opened up a whole new perception about the relevance of the Hebrew Scripture, the fear of the Lord, and the character of the Father. Subsequent trips to Israel and Ethiopia influenced a profound paradigm shift in their pastoral ministry. This resulted in their rejection of antisemitic Replacement Theology (believing the Church had replaced Israel) and a full embrace of God's biblical priorities and heart for His Chosen People.

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    45 mins
  • Developing God’s Heart: A Christian Nanny in a Jewish Home
    Nov 13 2024

    Ashlee, a friend of Gateway Center of Israel, joins David to discuss her personal experiences while employed as a nanny to an Orthodox Jewish family. Knowing zero about Jewish life before being hired, she shares how much she gleaned from observing this family’s adherence to their Kosher dietary laws, Sabbath observance, and religious lifestyle. Not only was her Christian faith enriched by the beauty of Jewish culture, but most importantly, a lifelong friendship was established between her and this family.

    During their conversation, David and Ashlee emphasize why it is important for Christians to foster genuine relationships with Jewish people rather than just a fascination with Jewish customs or the land of Israel. While a solid understanding of the Church’s Jewish roots is good, they conclude that it is a far higher priority for Christians to be better friends and advocates for Israel & the Jewish people - particularly since the horrible October 7 attack that has resulted in increased global antisemitism.

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    36 mins
  • The End Times & Israel
    Oct 30 2024

    Nic and David tackle the topic of eschatology (or study of the end times) with author Travis Snow. For 20 years Travis, who holds an MDiv in Biblical Studies from Regency University, has researched theology and biblical prophecy, leading him to write three books on the subject emphasizing the role Israel plays in prophecy. This discussion compares the differing end-times beliefs held by the Church and Jewish Messianic believers, and how a healthy understanding of biblical prophecy -- vital to our daily walk -- should be approached with hope while avoiding some of the sensationalism that often surrounds the topic. Travis also stresses that to fully comprehend what biblical end-times prophecy is teaching requires a spiritual lens focused on Israel, the apple of God's eye.

    Links to Travis Snow's books on Amazon:

    1. The Biblical Feasts and the Return of Jesus: How the Spring and Fall Feasts of Israel Will Be Fulfilled in the Kingdom of God


    2. The Passover King: Exploring the Prophetic Connection Between Passover, the End Times, and the Return of Jesus


    3. The 70 Weeks Jubilee: Israel, the Messiah, and the End of the Age in Daniel 9:24-27


    Want to keep learning? Start with our practical Israel Masterclass!


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    47 mins
  • The Conflict Between American Jews and Israel with Guy Golan & Guy Chet
    Oct 16 2024

    Nic and David have a fascinating conversation with two Israeli professors - Dr. Guy Golan (Texas Christian University) and Dr. Guy Chet (University of North Texas) -who wrote "My Brother's Keeper," a book that analyzes the complicated relationship between American Jews and Israel.

    Born out of personal conversations, the book explains how Reform Judaism and the European "Grand Bargain" influenced the political and religious lifestyle of American Judaism. It also clarifies why Israelis are more accepting of the support of Christian Zionists than American Jews.

    Guy and Guy address the impact of October 7 and how subsequent events have caused an identity crisis for so many in the American Jewish community. Many have been forced to reevaluate exactly WHO they are due to rising anti-Semitism and the changing political landscape.

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    50 mins