• How to Know If You’re Making the Right Business Decision—Especially When You Have Chronic Illness
    Mar 27 2025

    Ever felt like you're chasing every new business strategy hoping this one will finally work—only to end up more exhausted and discouraged? In this episode, Jessica introduces the Right Strategy, Right Time™ framework, a decision-making tool designed specifically for entrepreneurs with chronic illness. Learn how to choose the best strategies based on your energy, goals, and business stage—so you can stop hustling and start thriving.

    💡 In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

    • How to stop comparing yourself to others and start making business decisions that align with your actual energy capacity
    • The 3 key questions of the Right Strategy, Right Time™ framework that will help you evaluate any business decision
    • Why understanding your current stage on the Sustainable CEO Pathway is essential for choosing the right strategy
    • How this framework fits beautifully with the 4Ps Ops Plan: Prioritize, Pace, Pivot, and Peace
    • A real-life example of how Jess chose podcasting over courses or memberships based on her capacity—and how that changed everything

    🧰 Frameworks or Tools Mentioned

    • Right Strategy, Right Time™
    • Sustainable CEO Pathway (Survive → Stabilize → Strengthen → Scale → Thrive)
    • 4Ps Ops Plan: Prioritize, Pace, Pivot, Peace

    ✍️ Gentle Reflection Prompt

    Ready to get strategic with your energy? This week, Jess invites you to run one business idea through the Right Strategy, Right Time™ framework by asking:

    1. Does this align with my current capacity and energy levels?
    2. Does this move me closer to my most important goals right now?
    3. Is this the most effective use of my resources at this stage?

    Be radically honest. This isn’t about killing your dreams—it’s about timing them right.

    You don’t have to do all the things—you just need to do the right things, at the right time, for you.

    🔗 Mentioned Episodes

    • Episode 5: Beyond Survival Mode: Building a Sustainable Business
    • Episode 7: AGILE for Chronic Illness: A No-Hustle Productivity Framework

    🛠️ Resources & Links

    ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this podcast and join our cozy community.

    📬 Stay Cozy & Connected

    Want weekly encouragement in your inbox? Subscribe to the CICEO Newsletter for behind-the-scenes stories, podcast insights, and business strategy—served cozy, not corporate.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    15 mins
  • Tired of Just Surviving? How to Build a Business That Lets You Thrive!
    Mar 19 2025

    Hey friend,

    Are you constantly checking work messages during doctor’s appointments? Rearranging your entire schedule—again—to accommodate everyone else’s needs? Living in the space between one flare-up and the next, trying to prove that yes, you can still do this, you can still keep up?

    If you’re nodding along, you might be stuck in survival mode. And here’s the thing—it’s not the kind of survival mode you might think.

    In this episode, we’re having an honest conversation about what it really means to break free from survival mode and start building a business that supports your health, not one that constantly drains it. I’ll share the exact 4P Framework that has helped me—and so many other entrepreneurs—move from crisis mode to creating a business that actually lets you thrive.

    So, grab your heating pad, your cozy blanket, and maybe some tissues because today, we’re dreaming again.

    Remember, small changes over time lead to sustainable success.

    P.S. Ready to break free from survival mode? I've got three ways you can take action after this episode: ➡️ Follow my journey on 📺 YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? 🗓 Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Next Week on the Podcast:

    I’ll share a powerful decision-making framework that helps you choose which business strategies are worth your precious energy right now—and which ones can wait for a different season. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by all the “shoulds” in business, this one’s for you!

    🔔 Hit subscribe so you don’t miss it. 🎧

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    15 mins
  • 5 Mindset Shifts for Business Success When You Have Chronic Illness
    Mar 12 2025

    Hey friend,

    Have you noticed that in January, suddenly everyone begins to post "New Year, New Me" transformation plans while we're over here just trying to get our energy back after the holidays?

    If you're curled up under a blanket (possibly still in your pajama bottoms—PJ Squad for the win!), let's talk about how we can make this year feel different in the gentlest, most sustainable way possible.

    What You'll Learn:

    • Why every major breakthrough in business comes from mindset shifts, not new strategies
    • The five game-changing mindset shifts that have given me more hope and excitement for my business than I've had in years
    • How I'm implementing these shifts in my own business for 2025
    • A simple journaling exercise to help you start adopting these mindset shifts today

    The beautiful truth that changed everything for me? My success isn't something I can finally pursue when I'm "good enough," "healthy enough," or "worthy enough." It's a plan for right now—for me exactly as I am.

    The Five Mindset Shifts:

    1. "You are a masterpiece, just as you are" — Embracing the truth that you were created on purpose, for a purpose, exactly as you are
    2. "Grant grace, embrace the pace" — Letting go of expectations and accepting that your journey will look different
    3. "Your body is your #1 business strategy" — Prioritizing your health isn't just self-care, it's strategic business planning
    4. "Objectives over deadlines" — Moving away from rigid SMART goals to flexible objectives that honor your body's unpredictability
    5. "Create your own path" — Recognizing that not every framework will work for your unique needs and finding peace in creating your own way

    In this episode, I share how these mindset shifts have transformed how I approach my business, including letting myself wake up naturally, scheduling calls only in afternoon hours, and designing a planner setup that finally works for me.

    Ready to shift your own mindset? I share a simple journaling exercise to help you start replacing old stories with new ones that honor both your ambitions and your reality.

    Remember: These mindset shifts aren't about perfection—they're about progress.

    🙏 And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this community. 🙏

    Connect With Me: ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    26 mins
  • Your Worth Isn’t Measured by Your Productivity—Let’s Break the Lie
    Mar 11 2025

    Hey friend,

    Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "If I could just do MORE, I'd be a better wife/friend/daughter/business owner/team player"?

    Today, we're going to punch that gremlin in the face. We're going to kick it to the curb, stomp on it some more, and then YEET it into the sun. (Yes, tough love, snarky Jess is at the helm for this one!)

    The simple truth is your worth, your value, is not measured or tied to your output. Your worth stands on its own.

    What You'll Learn:

    • How the "more equals worth" mindset can shape everything (including destroying your health)
    • Why living with chronic illness makes productivity-based value a special kind of torture
    • A powerful perspective shift I discovered during my "sloth era"
    • How embracing your limitations can lead to MORE focused, sustainable, and impactful work
    • Two practical tools to help you break free from the lie that your worth is tied to productivity

    When you stop trying to earn your worth through constant doing, you create space to discover how you can serve from a place of being—and that, friend, is where the magic happens.

    🙏 And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this community. 🙏

    Connect With Me: ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    15 mins
  • Your Energy Isn’t the Problem—It’s Hustle Culture That’s Failing You
    Mar 11 2025

    Hey friend,

    Have you ever found yourself wrapped in your coziest blanket, your dog nestled beside you, while that familiar voice in your head whispers, "I should get up... I should do the dishes... I should..."?

    Then comes the downward spiral—guilt, shame, anger, maybe even resentment over needing rest. If you've ever caught yourself in this cycle, this episode is for you.

    As entrepreneurs living with chronic illness, we're not playing the same game as everyone else. So why are we using their rulebook?

    What You'll Learn:

    • Why "rise and grind" culture is toxic for entrepreneurs with chronic illness
    • How to think about energy management like a strategic game (not spoons, but energy points!)
    • The 4 P's framework that transformed my approach to business and life
    • Why sustainable progress isn't about speed—it's about maintaining forward momentum
    • How to ditch traditional deadlines for a more flexible approach

    When you have chronic illness, some days you might start with only 30% energy, and it takes three times as long to recharge. Other days, your energy might deplete far faster than expected. We need a strategy that works with this reality, not against it.

    In this episode, I share my game-changing framework (the 4 P's) and a simple observation exercise to help you start mapping your own energy patterns—the first step toward building a business that works for you, not against you.

    Remember: Your story is unique to you, and there's a reason that God placed you right here, in this place, at this time, in this body, with your gifts and desire to serve.

    🙏 And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this community. 🙏

    Connect With Me: ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    15 mins
  • The Power of One: How to Simplify and Scale on Your Terms
    Mar 11 2025

    Hey friend,

    Ever found yourself surrounded by unfinished planners and abandoned business strategies, feeling like you're not doing enough?

    When you're building a business while managing chronic illness, traditional blueprints aren't designed for us. But what if those unfinished plans aren't a sign of failure at all? What if your journey has been preparing you for a different, gentler way of doing business that truly works for you?

    What You'll Learn:

    • Why January can feel more like a reminder of what we didn't do than a fresh beginning
    • The paradigm shift that changed everything: "Different isn't better or worse. Different is just different."
    • How to stop forcing yourself into someone else's business model
    • Why our challenges don't make our stories a tragedy—they make them an adventure
    • A simple but powerful "Permission Slip to Simplify" exercise you can implement today

    This isn't about thinking smaller—it's about thinking smarter. It's about creating success that's sustainable rather than sacrificial.

    Remember: One thing done sustainably is infinitely more powerful than a dozen things that drain you.

    🙏 And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this community. 🙏

    Connect With Me: ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    13 mins
  • Build a Sustainable Business That Honors Your Health
    Mar 5 2025

    Hey friend,

    Are you running your business, or is it running you?

    It’s 3 PM. You’re curled up on the couch—heating pad in place, one sock on, one sock off—taking a quick rest before pushing through the rest of your to-do list, even though exhaustion and dizziness are pulling you under.

    Sound familiar? Me too.

    Hi, I’m Jessica Brown, a business strategist helping entrepreneurs with chronic illness create sustainable, scalable online businesses through digital products, long-form marketing, and anti-hustle strategies.

    For years, I saw my chronic illness as an obstacle—a weakness I had to push through to keep up with the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship. But after a health crisis forced me to rethink everything, I discovered something profound:

    What if our chronic illness isn’t a limitation—but an advantage?

    What if every adaptation we’ve made, every workaround we’ve created, and every ounce of resilience we’ve built has actually prepared us to run a business smarter, not harder?

    That’s why I created the Chronic Illness CEO podcast. Here, we’re rewriting the rules of business to work with our bodies, not against them.

    Each week, we’ll explore: ✔️ Creating income that isn’t tied to your daily energy levels ✔️ Building automated systems that keep working when you need to rest ✔️ Making confident business decisions that honor your health ✔️ Transforming unpredictable health into your greatest business advantage

    No more pushing through flares to meet arbitrary deadlines. No more comparing yourself to business owners who don’t face the same challenges. And definitely no more sacrificing your well-being at the altar of hustle culture.

    So, grab your coziest blanket, settle into your favorite spot, and join me as we build businesses that support our lives—not the other way around.

    New episodes drop every Wednesday.

    Hit subscribe so you never miss an episode.

    And if this message resonates with you, please leave a rating and review—it helps other entrepreneurs with chronic illness find this community.

    P.S. Ready to dive deeper? ➡️ Follow my journey on YouTube for behind-the-scenes insights. (@chronicillnessceo) ➡️ Need personalized support? Book a Sustainable CEO Strategy Day and let’s design a business that works with your body, not against it. ➡️ Learn more about the Sustainable Success Framework at ChronicIllnessCEO.com to start building your energy-conscious business today.

    Wishing you a gentle day, Jessica

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    3 mins