• A Message of the Empty Chair — Leslie Louis
    Jun 1 2024

    Elder Leslie D. Louis was born to missionary parents from India on the island of Ceylon (today known as Sri Lanka) where he spent most of his boyhood days. He holds a B.A. degree in religion from Southern Missionary College (1973), along with an M.A. in education from Andrews University (1982). He has served in five conferences in North America including Florida, Ohio, Kentucky-Tennessee, Gulf States, and Carolina. The past fifty years of his service for the Seventh-day Adventist church include that of being a classroom teacher, elementary school and academy principal, superintendent of education, pastor, vice president of a conference and currently as the president of the Carolina Conference.

    Elder Louis was elected to serve as the 37th president of the Carolina Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in 2011, was re-elected in 2016 for a second term and again in 2022 for his third term ending in August 2027.

    Leslie is married to Carole who is truly the love of his life. They met while they were both students at Southern Missionary College and will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in December 2023. They have two adult children: Christopher and Catherine and three treasured granddaughters: Isla, Rosalind, and Eloise.

    Leslie enjoys traveling, photography, camping, biking, and reading as his leisure activities. He has had the opportunity to travel and visit countries in six of the world’s seven continents. Preaching and sharing Christ through the truths of God’s Word by evangelism, prayer and witnessing are the greatest passions of his heart.

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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • Commissioning Service — Kathy Russell
    Jun 1 2024

    As a child, Kathy wanted to be a nurse. She completed her first year of nursing classes at Columbia Union College, while also taking voice lessons. By the end of that year, she felt called to be a music teacher.

    Kathy sang her first solo when she was five years old for Adult Sabbath School. Thanks to her parents, music education was an important part of her life as she began piano lessons in 2nd grade, sang solos and with choirs, played flute during her elementary and academy years, took harp lessons, and continued voice lessons with her teacher at Southern Missionary College. Kathy completed a Bachelor of Music Education in voice (1983), followed by teaching school music (1983-1984), and elementary certification at CUC (1984-1985). She gained teaching experience by providing music classes, giving private lessons, and directing children’s and adult choirs.

    Before completing an M.Ed. in music at the University of Maryland (1985-1990), Kathy taught 4th /3rd elementary classes at John Nevins Andrews School (1989-1994) her childhood elementary school. Favorite activities include worship, Bible classes, and teaching students to praise God by presenting Bible musical dramas. Kathy married her husband, Rick, in 1987.

    Kathy then taught K-11 music at Spencerville Adventist Academy (1994-1999) until Rick was called to work as the VP of Finance for the Carolina Conference. After moving to Charlotte, Kathy taught music lessons and classes at several SDA schools, planned music for conference events, and camp meetings, and directed the camp meeting choir.

    Rick and Kathy were blessed by God with the adoption of their son, Bradley Russell from Ukraine (2002), and their daughter, Grace Russell from China (2008). Kathy has loved being a mom and homeschooling her kids!

    Before Grace arrived, Kathy was invited to lead as Children’s Ministries Director for the Carolina Conference (2007). Her work is to equip Children’s Ministry leaders to help children know and love Jesus. Leading Primary and Kindergarten, supporting Adventurers and leading Pathfinders, preaching evangelistic campaigns, and recording Kathy’s Kids StoryTime, have all contributed to Kathy’s personal growth in ministry.

    During her extensive work with children in the Carolinas, those who served with her recognized the spiritual depth and extensive pastoral ministry that Kathy is providing to these young people—that she is truly the Children’s Pastor for the Conference—and rightfully recommended that she be Commissioned.

    She is grateful to God for allowing her to do ministry with Rick. She is grateful for the love and support of family and friends, and for the way God has used her life experiences to prepare her for the next steps in His service. Kathy is willing to follow God where He leads.

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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • Second Worship Service — Let the Rain Fall — Alex Bryant
    Jun 1 2024

    Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction, and bike riding. Married to Desiree Wimbish, they have three children and three granddaughters.

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    2 hrs
  • Sabbath School — Eric Walsh & David Wright
    Jun 1 2024

    Adult Sabbath School

    Welcome and Opening Prayer — David Wright

    Mount Pisgah and Fletcher Academies' Mission — Academy Representatives

    Special Music — Choirs from Mount Pisgah & Fletcher Academies

    Mission Report — Jimmy Shwe

    Mission Offering/Special Music — Jacqueline & Janae Walsh

    Lesson — Eric Walsh

    Closing Prayer — David Wright

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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • First Worship Service — Let the Rain Fall — Alex Bryant
    Jun 1 2024

    Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction, and bike riding. Married to Desiree Wimbish, they have three children and three granddaughters.

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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • Ye Shall Receive Power— Alex Bryant
    May 31 2024

    Glenward Alexander (Alex) Bryant, inspired to ministry soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church, solidified his calling through evangelism and teaching in Japan as a student missionary. With a BA in Theology and Business from Oakwood College, an M.Div from Andrews University, and a D.Min from Fuller Theological Seminary, he has served in various leadership roles within the Adventist Church. Currently, he is the North American Division president and enjoys nature, construction, and bike riding. Married to Desiree Wimbish, they have three children and three granddaughters.

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    2 hrs and 19 mins
  • The Sufficiency of Christ's Peace - Stephen Bauer
    May 31 2024

    Stephen (Steve) Bauer has been with the School of
    Religion since 1999, bringing extensive pastoral experience
    from suburban and inner-city settings. Inspired by
    his parents' faith, Steve is passionate about teaching
    righteousness by faith in Christ, emphasizing the urgency
    of living by faith as the end times approach. His Ph.D.
    focused on Darwinian evolution's impact on ethics.
    Throughout his many years of ministry, he has served as a pastor, Bible
    worker, and certified flight instructor. Steve, married to Leslie and a father
    of two, enjoys beekeeping, photography, cycling, and hiking.

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    58 mins
  • Crushing Debt and Wealth Management - Michael Harpe
    May 31 2024

    Michael Anthony Harpe, director of Stewardship
    Ministries at the North American Division, has devoted 32
    years to ministry, including pastoral roles, education, and
    departmental leadership. With degrees in theology, biblical
    languages, mathematics, and a master's in homiletics
    and church growth, he has contributed significantly
    across various capacities. Married for 40 years to Selita
    Atchley, Harpe emphasizes the revolutionary and relational aspects of God's
    generosity in mission funding.

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    1 hr and 17 mins