Maria José (MJ) Hidalgo Flores, M.S. is an Assistant Director of Undergraduate Career Education & Development at the UCLA Career Center and Founder of Career Confidence. In this episode, MJ unpacks the question of “How do I figure out the right career for me?” From different types of career assessments, how you should evaluate career assessment results, and whether you should turn your passion into a job, MJ shares insights on various topics related to career exploration and career selection. Choosing a career path can be a scary and overwhelming process and with that, I hope this episode can give you some guidance on where to start and what questions you should ask yourself as you embark on your career journey.
📃Resources mentioned in the episode:
Free Career Assessments:
- O*Net Interest Profiler:
- 16 Personalities Assessment:
Paid Career Assessments:
- Strong Interest Inventory:
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator:
- Clifton Strengths:
Topics we discussed (See below for timestamps):
✔What are the different career assessments available?
✔How should you interpret the results of a career assessment?
✔How to choose a career if you have too many interests
✔Questions to ask yourself to guide you through career exploration
✔Different perceptions of jobs
✔Should you turn your passion into a job?
✔How to create your own career path/journey
✋Have a career question you would like answered? Fill out this survey!
👉Career question form:
📽YouTube: @Career Explorer's Guide
💼LinkedIn: @Career Explorer’s Guide
🎙About the Podcast:
Career Explorer’s Guide is a podcast that guides students through career exploration and professional development. Listen in to various professionals sharing how they chose their career paths along with actionable advice on resume building, career pivoting, choosing a major, interviewing, networking and much more. Let’s embark on this career journey together!
Music: @CAS