• Embracing Natural Family Planning w/ Julia Ibarra
    Mar 13 2024

    This episode of the Breakthrough of Grace Podcast features a talk by Julia Ibarra. During our conversation with Julie, you will hear about why she founded MagentaYou.com, what it means to her, and how it helps deepen women’s faith, health and fertility.

    Married to a Lt Colonel (Retired) USMC, Helicopter Pilot, Jamie and Julia have seven Children. As a newlywed, Julie Ibarra was more than a little nervous about using Natural Family Planning (NFP). She had grown up, non-Catholic, with the assumption that the Pill would be part of her married life. Stepping away from that place felt insecure and raised a host of questions for her.

    As she became more anxious, she found that there were a lack of resources available for newly married couples to learn about NFP. It wasn’t until she and her husband attended a Catholic marriage prep course that sparked her curiosity.

    Ibarra’s challenging journey with NFP, inspired her to found Magenta. She did some research and realized that Magenta was the birthplace of pro-life heroin, Saint Gianna Molla. Magenta aims to make NFP, attractive, accessible, and understandable, and to be a memes for women to learn, and embrace their fertility.

    Saint Giana Molla-

    “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.”

    Website: MagentaYou.com Your body is beautiful. It's time to learn it, love it and take back ownership. Knowledge is power. Women are powerful. Let's elevate you to success, to understand it and love it!

    “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”

    Psalm 127:3-5

    This talk was recorded at John Paul the Great Catholic University in Southern California with a small prayer group.

    More resources: https://canfp.org

    Reflection Question #1

    Reflect on the words of Saint Giana Molla. “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.”
    What does this mean to live moment by moment?

    Reflection Question #2

    Mother Teresa was a staunch advocate for Natural Family Planning. She stated:

    “God has created a world big enough for all the lives He wishes to be born. It is only

    our hearts that are not big enough to want them and accept them... We are too

    often afraid of the sacrifices we might have to make. But where there is love, there

    is always sacrifice. Ånd when we love until it hurts, there is joy and peace.”

    What does it mean to love until it hurts?

    How can this type of love change your life?

    Reflection from Pope St. Paul VI

    Responsible parenthood requires that husband and wife understand God's design

    for marriage—that it is love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative). Spouses

    ought to be well-formed in understanding Church teaching and reflect upon their

    responsibilities toward each other, children already born, and the wider society

    when deciding when to attempt to conceive or not (see Humanae vitae [HV], no. 10.

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    27 mins
  • “We Have to Trust in Order to Receive from God” w/ Simon Kyne
    Feb 7 2024

    Simon Kyne draws on the Catechism, Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Church to provide an introduction to the virtue of Christian Trust. In this talk, we learn how the history of Salvation can be viewed as the long pursuit by God to restore holy trust in the hearts of believers. From Genesis, through Exodus, through the Psalms, to the Gospel Accounts of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, we discover that trust in God was what was broken in our Original Fall, and trust in God was restored by Jesus's Ultimate Sacrifice. This talk concludes by invoking the Litany of Trust, composed by the religious community of the Sisters of Life. We pray this talk blesses you as much as it did us.

    Reflection Questions:
    Reflect on the conversion of heart, and the choice to trust, as embedded in the Gospel account of Mary Magdalene at the Tomb: See John 20:1-20

    What stands out to you, and what is God offering to you today through this Scripture?

    How is God calling you into deeper Christian trust? What of Simon's talk stood out to you - stay with that and invite the Holy Spirit to counsel you.

    For the Litany of Trust, please see the link below. We invite you to share with friends and loved one:


    Audio Editing by ForteCatholic.com

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    49 mins
  • The Beatitudes As Lived by St. Mother Theresa w/ Mark Kalpakgian
    Nov 1 2023

    This episode of the Breakthrough of Grace Podcast features reflections gathered and curated by Mark Kalpakgian. Mark’s talk is inspired by the life, the example and the witness of St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta- and in particular, by the recently pushed collection of stories and accounts from her life published in the book “To Love and Be Loved“ by Jim Tuohey. We venerate St. Mother Theresa as a Saint – and rightfully so. Jim Tuouy’s book, and Mark’s reflections on both it and on Mother Theresa’s impact on his own life, give us insight into what were the key attributes which caused St. Mother Theresa’s life to be holy – and in particular, in the less obvious ways? This talk was recorded at John Paul the Great University in Southern California with a small prayer group: we pray that it blesses you as much as it did us.

    Reflect on this scripture which sets the tone for this talk:

    17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

    18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’[d]”

    20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”

    21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

    What stands out to you, and what is God offering to you today through this Scripture?

    In the chapel of the Motherhouse of the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata, there is a large crucifix, and adjacent the crucifix the words of Christ from the Cross (John 19:38) “I Thirst”.

    Mother Theresa taught the following,:

    Why does Jesus say "I Thirst"? What does it mean? . . . If you remember anything from Mother's letter, remember this — 'I Thirst' is something much deeper than just Jesus saying 'I love you.' Until you know deep inside that Jesus thirsts for you — you can't begin to know who He wants to be for you. Or who He wants you to be for Him.

    Spend some time in prayer reflecting on Mother Theresa’s words.

    Meditation courtesy of CatholicEducation.org

    I Thirst': Mother Teresa's Devotion to the Thirst of Jesus (catholiceducation.org)

    Audio Editing by ForteCatholic.com

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    28 mins
  • "God's Love Story: 8 Years of Prayer answered in 8 Hours" w/ Matthew Cipolla
    Oct 4 2023

    Matthew Cipolla is a devoted husband and father whose story chronicles the love of God breaking through and over his life, and that of his family, in powerful ways. Matthew currently serves as a civilian contractor with the US Military, providing counselling services to front line troops staged to depart or returning from deployments to various operational theaters in the world. As we will learn in his talk, Matthew's life is one of learning first hand the faithfulness of God, and in that, receiving the graces to be patiently faithful in return - even when God seems slow in responding. Through the various miraculous events of his life, Matthew describes how God mysteriously, often in hidden ways, draws those who love Him into deeper relationship, intimacy and life in God, in fulfillment of the words of St. Paul in the 1st Chapter of his letter to the Ephesians: " He destined us in love to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved." (Eph 1:5). The highligh of Matthew's talk is the greatest miracle of his life transpired, in which 8 years of steadfast prayer was answered in life changing ways in 8 hours. We hope this talk blesses you as much as it did us.

    Audio Editing by Forte Catholic (https://www.fortecatholic.com/)

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    32 mins
  • Hail Holy Queen w/ Daniela McClintock
    Sep 6 2023

    Daniela McClintock is a woman who seeks to live out all the attributes of full Christian identity : as a woman, as a wife, a mother, as a daugher, as a sister and trusted friend, and as a devout person of prayer. In this episode she describes the power of the Rosary as a school of prayer in her life, and as a source of miracles and graces in her journey with the Lord. In this talk she describes how receiving our Blessed Mother as Mother and Queen - as Jesus invites us to from the Cross (see John 19:26-27) - provides both an example to follow in living a devout and fully Christian life, and a place of refuge and strength when we become discouraged or suffer set back in our spiritual walk and journey. At the heart of her talk is the Rosary - that great traditional prayer of the Church which has been handed down for centuries - which provides the person praying (1) an immersion in the Life of Christ, (2) a powerful weapon against evil and (3) an effective means of obtaining peace in our hearts (Pope Francis, General Audience May 17-2023). We hope that Daniela's talk blesses you as much as it did us.

    1. If you are not familiar with the Rosary, or if it is has been some time since you prayed this powerful prayer, please see this link below to re-acquaint you with this prayer:

    2. The Rosary is a scriptural prayer: we invite you to more deeply enter into the praying of this prayer by reading, as led by the Holy Spirit, the accompanying scriptural meditations for one or more mysteries:


    Note: the other mysteries (Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious) can be found at the links at the bottom of the page above.

    3. What mystery, or element of the Rosary is most comforting or compelling to you right now, in your present place in your spiritual walk and journey? Ask the Holy Spirit to meet you there in that mystery, and deepen your connection to God through the Rosary and faithfully praying this prayer to seek Him in prayer, in wisdom and in that place where He is offering His graces.

    Editing by Forte Catholic (ForteCatholic.com)

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    32 mins
  • Persevering in Holiness w/ Sean Whiteman
    Aug 2 2023

    Sean Whiteman is a husband, father and devout follower of our Blessed Lord - and in this talk tells the story of his conversion over time - and persevering in the long pursuit to grow in holiness. As a man who works in both Catholic and music education, Sean has a beautiful gift of seeking after knowledge and sharing it with others - in this instance, knowledge and wisdom that he has gained of the Kingdom.

    Discussion Questions:

    1. Consider the following scripture from St. Paul's letter to Timothy (1 Tim:1:18-19)
    "Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck with regard to the faith. "
    What stands out to you from this passage? What is the fruit of this holding on to the faith, so one might fight the battles of the spiritual life well?

    2. Consider the following from St. John Paul II's Encyclical "Christifideles Laici"
    "Everyone in the Church, precisely because they are members, receive and thereby share in the common vocation to holiness. In the fullness of this title and on equal par with all other members of the Church, the lay faithful are called to holiness: "All the faithful of Christ of whatever rank or status are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity".
    How is God calling you to holiness in this time in your life?

    3. Reflect on the following scripture from the Gospel of St. John: Chapter 8, vs 1-11 (The Woman Caught in Adultery). As you reflect on areas of sin and brokeness in your life, what is Jesus saying to you, and to those places? How is Jesus showing His mercy to you, and to those areas? Ask for the grace to invite the Holy Spirit in to experience a deeper encounter with God's merciful love in your life.

    Production & Editing by ForteCatholic.com

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    48 mins
  • The Elephant & The Rider w/ Joe Szalkiewicz
    Jul 5 2023

    Joe is a husband, father and devout Catholic who brings his faith into nearly all aspects of his life – including his work as the Owner and President of an entrepreneurial media company. In this talk, Joe borrows the concept of of an Elephant and a Rider, a concept presented in Jonathan Haigtd’s book , The Happiness Hypothesis. Simply put, the Elephant and Rider metaphor seeks to describe the human experience in the following way: the Elephant represents the power and weight of our emotions and impulses; the The Rider on the other hand represents the one’s reason – that is how we calmly and more rationally choose a course of action. What makes Joe’s talk compelling is that by borrowing this metaphor, and with it, the tension that develops as our emotions collide with reason, and our reason seeks to control our emotions, Joe arrives at a key question for the believer. How are we, called by God to grow in virtue, to do so not in denial of this tension between Elephant and Rider, that is between our emotions and our reason, but by bringing these aspects of ourselves under the authority of God’s grace. Drawing from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and his own experiences, Joe bridges us from the Happiness Hypothesis of Jonathan Haight, to the Summit of our Faith, present on the Altar, which is the Source of our deepest Joy. Joe’s talk was recorded live with a small prayer group on John Paul the Great Catholic University: we hope it blesses you as much as it did us.

    Discussion Questions
    1. Consider the following from the Catechism (#1803): "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

    A virtue is an habitual and firm disposition to do the good. It allows the person not only to perform good acts, but to give the best of himself. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all his sensory and spiritual powers; he pursues the good and chooses it in concrete actions.

    What stands out to you from the Catechism quote above?

    2. Pray about the following scripture Psalm 16:11
    You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
    What stirs in your heart as you ponder this invitation from God?

    3. Jesus taught the following to his disciples at the Last Supper: "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." (John 15:10-11). How does our growth in virtue lead to lasting joy and happiness?

    Editing by ForteCatholic.com

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    26 mins
  • Pilgrimage: Man & Woman’s Search for & Encounters with God w/ Steve Kerekes
    Jun 7 2023

    During this talk, Speaker Steve Kerekes of JMJYouth.com talks about his life's work to take people on Pilgrimages, that they might in those travels experience somethig of the majesty, the mystery and the glory of God. In his reflections, he describes his own search for God's purpose, plan and designs for his life, his encounter with God during travels in his late teens in Europe, and the impact that that had in shaping the person he is, and the person God is calling him to be. This talk will encourage you because it offers something for everyone, and affirms the universal call to holiness. We pray that this talk blesses you, as much as it did us.

    Reflection Questions
    1. During this talk, Steve described Pilgrimages as recapitulating that desire for us as men and women "to return from Exile". What are ways in which you find in your spiritual life realizing your spiritual hunger and thirst, and going to God to fulfill it?

    2. Steve talks about the miraculous events on pilgrimage: of phyiscal healings or similar manifestations of God's movement among His people. Steve also describes the much more impactful miracle of opening your heart to the graces God is offering. What are some ways that God is moving in your heart, to deepen your love, your belonging and your identity in Him?

    3. JRR Tolkien (a devout believer) once wrote: “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. Pilgrimages are "spiritual adventures" - if you were to go on Pilgrimage in the next 12 months, to search and find the answers to the deepest longings in our hearts, where would you travel to, and why?

    Production by ForteCatholic.com

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    42 mins