
  • God Showed Me Heaven and What I Saw Will Amaze You! (Laurie Ditto)
    Oct 11 2023

    Laurie Ditto sits down with host Rob Price for a riveting 2-part interview about her supernatural encounters with both heaven and hell!

    In part 2, Laurie shares several incredible insights about the nature of heaven and what she saw when she was face to face with Jesus.

    She also describes heaven as a place where the unexpected should be expected. Some of the scenarios she observed include:
        > nothing is limited by the laws of gravity
        > the Father has a witty sense of humor
        > the laugh of Jesus is contagious
        > everything she looked at--even the rocks--seem alive
        > domestic pets that were loved and named on earth were present
        > we have options for our "residence"
        > God's throne/chair appears wherever it needs to be across multiple locations
        > a mysterious and private prayer chamber is present
        > there are fully prepared rooms/residences but with no residents
        > everyone embraces a childlike nature

    Laurie also has a website called My Father's Reputation that offers a storehouse of her teaching videos called Make Today Count.  These episodes are also broadcast on the It's Supernatural Network (ISN).

    Laurie's book links:

    The Hell Conspiracy: An Eye-Witness Account of Hell, Heaven and the Afterlife

    Encountering Heaven: 15 Supernatural Visions of Heaven That Will Change Your Life Forever

    Beyond the Veil is hosted by Rob Price and is produced by RP Media.

    Check out Rob's other podcast Word Search which offers Bible studies on his favorite topics. Click the link above to access the feeder website which has the links to all the major listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

    Got a comment or suggestion for a future guest on the podcast? Please email the show at btvpodfeedback@gmail.com

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    49 mins
  • My Terrifying Experience in Hell! (Laurie Ditto)
    Oct 9 2023

    Laurie Ditto sits down with host Rob Price for a riveting 2-part interview about her supernatural encounters with both heaven and hell!

    In part 1, Laurie talks about the reality and horrors of hell that awaits everyone who denies the full and complete lordship of Jesus. Laurie says she was transported in her spirit to a hanging tear-shaped cell block inside a place of thick darkness and tormenting screams and indescribable heat. 

    Laurie--already a professing Christian at the time of the encounter--says she knew she being punished with the sensation of "physical" pain from the flames of hell for living a life of secret and perpetual unforgiveness toward others.

    Find out what happened next and how this experienced radically transformed her life!

    Laurie also has a website called My Father's Reputation that offers a storehouse of her teaching videos called Make Today Count.  These episodes are also broadcast on the It's Supernatural Network (ISN).

    Laurie's book links:

    The Hell Conspiracy: An Eye-Witness Account of Hell, Heaven and the Afterlife

    Encountering Heaven: 15 Supernatural Visions of Heaven That Will Change Your Life Forever

    Beyond the Veil is hosted by Rob Price and is produced by RP Media.

    Check out Rob's other podcast Word Search which offers Bible studies on his favorite topics. Click the link above to access the feeder website which has the links to all the major listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

    Got a comment or suggestion for a future guest on the podcast? Please email the show at btvpodfeedback@gmail.com

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    46 mins
  • Flying Toward Heaven on the Wings of an Eagle (Sherry Oman)
    May 4 2023

    Deep into a medically-induced coma, Sherry Oman claims she was on her way to heaven...and her mode of transportation was hitching a ride on the wing of an eagle! While she never fully made it to the pearly gates, what she saw and felt and experienced in the spirit realm has changed her life here on earth.   

    What makes this episode a little extra special for host Rob Price is that Sherry is his cousin! Notes and takeaways from their conversation....

    • How her deteriorating diagnosis of multiple myeloma essentially made Sherry a terminal patient. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. In multiple myeloma, cancerous plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells.
    • It was at some point during her 8-days on a ventilator, when Sherry experienced a supernatural vision or OBE (out of body experience) with the eagle.
    • Her explanation for what the flight with an eagle represents and why she believed the flight suddenly ended and her vision abruptly stopped.
    • What her 90-year-old grandfather did to assist in bringing Sherry back from the edge of death.
    • How Sherry is using her brush with death and the afterlife to encourage others to walk with the Lord here on earth.

    Beyond the Veil is hosted by Rob Price and is produced by RP Media.

    Check out Rob's other podcast Word Search which offers Bible studies on his favorite topics. Click the link above to access the feeder website which has the links to all the major listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

    Got a comment or suggestion for a future guest on the podcast? Please email the show at btvpodfeedback@gmail.com

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    32 mins
  • Dropped into the Flames of Hell! (James Gray)
    Mar 23 2023

    Host Rob Price sits down with friend James Gray who shares his harrowing six-month experience where he was repeatedly sent to experience the edge of hell while in his sleep. What James saw, heard and felt on his free fall into the flames of torment shook his soul to the core of his being.

    Notes and takeaways from their conversation....

    • His own children saw James wake up from a trip to hell while asleep in a recliner. His face scared them so much they fled the room!
    • On many occasions he woke up from the night terrors with sweat drenching all over his body and heat on his skin.
    • Hear the handful of Bible Scriptures that kept flashing back into his consciousness as he was falling into hell.
    • Learn how he stopped the divine visitations to the spirit realm of hell.
    • Discover how his life has fundamentally changed since that six-month experience nearly 25 years ago.

    Beyond the Veil is hosted by Rob Price and is produced by RP Media.

    Check out Rob's other podcast Word Search which offers Bible studies on his favorite topics. Click the link above to access the feeder website which has the links to all the major listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

    Got a comment or suggestion for a future guest on the podcast? Please email the show at btvpodfeedback@gmail.com

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    37 mins
  • Trailer: What is Beyond the Veil?
    Mar 17 2023

    Is there really an afterlife? Are heaven and real or just religious fables? What about near-death and out-of-body experiences? Do portals between this present physical world and the spiritual realm exist?

    Host Rob Price interviews people who have claimed to have had these types of encounters with a world outside our present physical reality. This podcast catalogs their amazing stories about what they remembered and experienced during their visit "beyond the veil."

    If these accounts are true, why does God allow them to happen and what kind of warnings and inspirations should we take from these testimonies? This podcast attempts to tackle this topic.

    Jesus Christ--who IS the Word of Life--referenced both of these eternal places in many of his recorded discussions with own disciples, curious seekers and even personal enemies during His 3-year public ministry. That's why Beyond the Veil takes an unashamedly Biblical approach to trying to understand what is knowable about the often mysterious concepts of heaven and hell.

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    2 mins