
  • Rasa - The Taste of Music | Rick Jarow
    Dec 6 2021

    Citing personal and literary examples, Rick Jarow joins Silvia and Jon to discuss how it is possible to be transported by sound. They touch on how the Indian concepts of Rasa, Raga, Tantra, and Kirtan can produce consciousness transportation and connection with the source. Rick's extensive experience studying in India and other countries, combined with his studies and teachings at western universities provide a unique and valuable perspective on the subject.

    Rick Jarow, PhD., is a pioneer of the anti-career movement and author of Creating the Work You Love. He has helped thousands open to their intuition, transform their values into action, and answer their true calling, instead of settling for yet another job. For more infomation on Rick, please visit his website at www.rickjarow.com/about.

    Music by composer Matt Levin from CD album Circadian: https://mattlevinemusic.com/circadian Vocals by Silvia Nakkach (raga Khamaj). 

    Rick Jarow's Book - The Cloud of Longing http://cloudoflonging.com

    Other References:

    Rasa - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasa_(aesthetics)

    Raga - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raga

    Tantra - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantra

    Kirtan - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirtan

    Hanuman - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanuman

    This podcast is produced by Carmel Sound Lab. For more information please visit www.carmelsoundlab.com

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Sound and the Space in Between | Dr John Beaulieu
    Nov 4 2021

    Jon and Silvia have a conversation with Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., PhD., one of the major innovators in the area of sound healing therapies. A world renowned speaker, composer, pianist, and naturopathic doctor, Dr Beaulieu has pioneered a technique called BioSonic Repatterning, a natural method of healing and consciousness development using tuning forks and other sound modalities based on the sonic ratios inherent in nature.

    Some of the topics covered in this episode include:

    -What Beyond Music means to Dr Beaulieu


    -Qualitative and Quantitative Data

    -Tuning Fork Healing

    -Anechoic Chamber

    -Making This Accessible to Everyone

    -The Secret in Sound

    For more information on Dr John Beaulieu and his tuning forks, please visit www.biosonics.com

    If you enjoy this podcast and would like to keep the conversation going, please donate at: www.patreon.com/beyondmusic

    We are open to sponsorships as well. Email us at: beyondmusicpod@gmail.com

    Music Credits:

    "Liminal Beauty" from the album "Liminal" by Silvia Nakkach

    "Dream" from the album "Moonzak" by John Beaulieu

    "Ionian Mode" from the album "Apollo's Lyre" by John Beaulieu

    "Firefly" from the album "Medicine Melodies - Songs the Healers Hear" by Silvia Nakkach and Christopher Eickmann

    This podcast s produced by Carmel Sound Lab. For more information please visit www.carmelsoundlab.com

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    59 mins
  • The Shaman Way of Sound | Dr Susana Bustos, PhD
    Sep 21 2021

    Jon and Silvia invited Dr Susana Bustos, PhD, to discuss the role of sound and music in shamanism. Dr. Bustos holds MA degrees in clinical psychology and music therapy. Originally from Chile, she is certified in gestalt, holotropic breathwork, and the expressive arts. Her doctoral research focused on the study of shamanic songs in the contect of ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru.

    0:00 - 07:40 Intro to the episode with Jon and Silvia

    07:40 - 15:08 Dr Bustos describes her personal experience with ayahuasca ceremonies and how it became her focus of research

    15:08 - 25:37 Shamanism and sound

    25:37 - 32:09 Synestesia

    32:23 - 38:39 How can we get people to sing more?

    38:39 - 46:37 Is there a mystery sense?

    46:37 - 55:40 Jon's summary and further questions answered by Dr Bustos

    55:40 - 59:09 Abiding in the infinite qualities of sound

    59:09 - 59:50 Cicadas

    59:50 - 1:04:18 Conclusions and credits

    For more information on our guest, Dr. Susana Bustos, PhD, please visit: http://www.roamingthemind.com/

    For more information on co-host Silvia Nakkach M.A.MMT, please visit: www.voxmundiproject.com.

    Music excepts from FireFly Call & Icaro Madresita are from the album Medicine Melodies by Silvia Nakkach, and Amor Espiritual, traditional icaro by Songs from Kestembetsa.

    This podcast is produced by Carmel Sound Lab. For more information please visit www.carmelsoundlab.com

    For any questions, suggestions, or clarifications, please email us at beyondmusicpod@gmail.com

    Keep listening!

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • What is Sound Healing?
    Aug 10 2021

    Silvia Nakkach and Jon Beerman kick off the Beyond Music podcast with a discussion that asks the question - What is sound healing?

    2:20 - does sound actually heal?

    9:23 - sound healing practitioners as explorers

    11:25 - the importance of creating sacred space

    24:00 - all is function of energy

    26:18 - helping to open

    41:00 - everyone in the world is searching for healing whether they know it or not

    44:18 - Silvia's summary

    About the Co-Hosts

    Silvia Nakkach is a Grammy®-nominated composer, musician, voice-culturalist, author and recording artist. She was on the faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco for 16 years, where she designed the Certificate in Sound, Voice, and Music in the Healing Arts program. Since 1988 she acts as the founding artistic director of the Vox Mundi and the Mystery School of Voice with centers throughout the USA, Brazil, Argentina, India and Japan. As an internationally accredited specialist in cross-cultural music therapy training, Silvia has pioneered the integration of chanting and the use of the voice with somatic and music psychotherapy, contributing an extensive body of original vocal techniques that have become landmarks in the field of music healing. For more information please visit: www.voxmundiproject.com

    Silvia is joined by Jon Beerman who was her student at CIIS in 2012-2013. Jon has always maintained a deep curiosity about music and sound healing. He is currently the founder of Carmel Sound Lab, a podcast production studio. For more information please visit: www.carmelsoundlab.com

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    49 mins