
  • #188: Bad for ROI - More Developers
    Nov 22 2023

    Following on from the last two episodes that look at the dysfunctional and unexpected results that can from the seemly well intentioned call for "more planning", this week's episode takes a look at a similar paradox - the call for "more developers".

    We look at why "more developers" does not generally equal "greater output" - the unexpected operational overheads that a larger team generate.

    We look at some circumstances, when used with caution, increasing the headcount can be the right thing.

    And we look at suggestion for improving productivity without increase numbers.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/188

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    23 mins
  • #187: Bad for ROI - More Planning - Part 2
    Nov 8 2023

    In this episode, the second of two, I conclude the exploration of the dysfunctions and unexpected results that can occur from the seeming well intentioned call for "more planning".

    In last week's episode, I looking at the historical context of why the request for "more planning", and explored the high cost and dysfunctions that can arise from over-planning.

    And this week's episode, I'll continue the discussion by exploring the limitations of planning in the face of complexity uncertainty, and some approaches that can help us strike the correct balance.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/187

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    24 mins
  • #186: Bad for ROI - More Planning - Part 1
    Nov 1 2023

    In this episode, the first of two, I start to explore the dysfunctions and unexpected results that can occur from the seeming well intentioned call for "more planning".

    In this episode, I will start by looking at the historical context of why the request for "more planning", and an exploration of the high cost and dysfunctions that can arise from over-planning.

    And in next week's episode, I'll continue the discussion by exploring the limitations of planning in the face of complexity uncertainty, and some approaches that can help us strike the correct balance.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/186

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    20 mins
  • #185: Bad for ROI - Overemphasis on Perfection
    Oct 25 2023

    In the last episode I the dysfunctions and unexpected results of a "feature factory" within Software Development.

    This week I look at what happens if the pendulum swings too far the other way - where an overemphasis on perfection leads again to dysfunction and unexpected results.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/185

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    22 mins
  • #184: Bad for ROI - the Feature Factory
    Oct 18 2023

    In the fast-paced world of software development, the “feature factory” model, with its promise of rapid growth and high ROI, can easily captivate businesses.

    This episode takes a dive into why the the feature factory is so alluring - and why beneath the allure, lies a multitude of hidden dysfunctions and potential for long-term damage.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/184

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    13 mins
  • #183: Bad for ROI - Performance measurements in software development
    Oct 4 2023

    In this episode I look at another practice that can be bad for ROI - a practice that may commonly be considered good or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results.

    In this episode I want to explore the dangers of performance measurements in modern software development - how, while they are a useful and powerful tool, they are so commonly used incorrectly to disastrous affects. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/183

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    25 mins
  • #182: Bad for ROI - Bonuses
    Sep 27 2023

    We all know that a heft bonus improves productivity. Its a management stable - dangle the carrot and good results just roll it.

    But is that really true?

    In this episode, I look at the negative consequences of using bonuses for motivation - once again, leaning heavily on the work of Daniel Pink and his book "Drive" to explore the idea of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators - and what works best with modern software development.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/182

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    23 mins
  • #181: Bad for ROI - RAG reporting
    Sep 13 2023

    Occasionally I record an episode exploring something that may commonly be considered good, or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results in modern software development - and thus would be bad for ROI.

    This week I look at the RAG (Red Amber Green) status reporting and its impact on modern software development.


    Find this episodes show notes at: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/181

    Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up: https://red-folder.com/podcasts/roadmap

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    20 mins