• Catching Your Breath with Seth Leaf Pruzansky
    Aug 18 2024

    The Magic of Life is that despite all of the unexpected twists and turns, the Sun still shines, the Rain falls without fail, and as a result the Trees gift us all with the Harmony of Existence which allows us to Catch our Breath and this is the Air We Breathe.

    Featuring Seth Leaf Pruzansky the author of "The Fight To Enlight" we discuss the Deeper Aspects of what this Life is all about, and How the Simple act of Writing his Story led to the creation of this very episode. May you be blessed by Omniversal Media bringing to you a Soul you NEED to know.

    Seth has been offering his book for free via his website SethLeaf.com for a limited time (But it's worth far more than His Own Weight in Gold in our opinion - So Please Go Read IT!)

    Seth's newly redesigned website ImAwakeNowWhat.com is probably the best way to connect further. Be sure to follow him on his Social Media Channels and tune into the Weekly Coherence Meditations offered every Tuesday, which always seem to be Synchronistic in Nature.

    This has been an Omniversal Media Production, hosted by Hawk Eye The Rapper.

    May the Fae guide Thee - Many Blessings on your Journey.

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    57 mins
  • Unity Codes with Rick Jewers
    Jun 23 2024
    Discussing Unity Codes with Rick Jewers of GPMS.World - This episode was initially recorded in the fall of 2021 and has been held in reserve until now. Rick’s contact information and social network links can be found on his website. The music featured comes from Yaima - who just put out their Moongate project which includes a revisioning of their most touching songs. As this episode comes to a close their track “Nuclear Fusion” from the new album carries us onward. Be sure to check them out if the music speaks as deeply as the conversation today does. They’re definitely here for a special purpose.
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    1 hr and 56 mins
  • The Antidote
    Feb 22 2024
    Hi, it’s me again. Hawk Eye returns, thus begins season 2 of Omniversal Media’s podcast series Beneath The Surface. Https://linktr.ee/WordsmithBird
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    50 mins
  • Swiftly Yet Without Haste with Aurora - Audio Only
    Apr 21 2023
    Experiencing the Organic Flow of life in a Serenity Flow State of Existence literally changes not only the quality of one's perception, but also actually has the ability to tweak the very Fabric of Reality itself.Joining Hawk Eye is Aurora who is a Galactic Walk-In here to assist Humanity in their Journey back Home. Please visit https://FlyingRainbowLasange.com for more of Aurora's work and to get in touch with her.This is the Audio Only version uploaded for Spotify - Please visit https://Omniversal.Media to find a link to the video file.
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    2 hrs and 11 mins
  • The 13th Gate (Return of the Cosmic Aether) with Laura Eisenhower - Audio Only
    Apr 12 2023
    Hawk Eye The Rapper and Laura Eisenhower finally link up. At the cusp of the 13th Sign, together they throw back the Gates and usher in a New Dawn. It's no wonder the Dark Controllers sought to keep this conversation from ever happening. Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.(Some of the topics discussed in this episode may leave listeners seeking answers to many unspoken questions. Laura will be giving a presentation which dives deeper into the subject material contained herein, as well as offering a Q&A session to follow up. This can be accessed at Laura Eisenhower: Embodying Truth & Aligning With Spirit 12/4 (portaltoascension.org) - https://portaltoascension.org/event/laura-eisenhower-align-spirit/ For those seeking to further connect, her own website can be found at Laura - LauraEisenhower.com (cosmicgaia.org) **Omniversal Media has released this Episode again in Audio Only format to comply with Spotify's guidelines on permissible uploads.**
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    1 hr and 40 mins
  • Trusting the Flow with Gina Veronesi - Audio Only
    Apr 10 2023
    Hawk Eye and Gina Veronesi are Synchronization Twins, and here the discuss how life has been teaching them that it's okay to Trust the Flow of Life.

For more about Gina Veronesi, please visit https://www.AlcheMe.Love This is the Audio Only file uploaded for Spotify.
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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Self Deception with Truthseekah
    Dec 4 2022
    Truthseekah and Hawk Eye discuss both the value, and inherent dangers of immersing oneself in conspiracy theories. Multiple angles are explored and exhausted until, at long last, Hawk Eye catches a glimpse of the Wisdom his guest came equipped with. The Bible instructs it's readers to put on the "Whole Armor of God" and Truthseekah shows us that if worn properly, it protects us even from ourselves. The deception of the mind can lead us down many winding and fruitless paths, but it's ultimately up to us to unsubscribe from the "Narrative" and instead tap into the moment. To quote the Artist himself, "Life isn't happening to you - Life is happening through you" and from such a perspective, one finds themselves free from the chains of Mental Delusion, no longer a slave to meaningless thoughts, doubts or fears. Perhaps this is what Christ meant when he said, "Give no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself". *(This episode was recorded September 12th, 2021) TruthSeekah is a Christian mystic, Amazon best selling author, visionary artist and seer. Also a songwriter, TruthSeekah has released over 200 songs, each one relating to the subject of spirituality. His journey has brought him through research and experience with the occult, paranormal, Christianity, ufology and the spirit realm. This has led him into many mystical encounters with God, angels, spirits, and many other supernatural beings. As the host of the TruthSeekah Podcast, he has interviewed hundreds of experts and leaders in their fields of supernatural, religious, philosophical, and paranormal studies. TruthSeekah has made it his life’s work to understand the spiritual realms and relate it back to people in a practical way. His desire is to help people embrace the reality of the spiritual world so they can walk in supernatural freedom in their lives.You can visit his website at https://www.TruthSeekah.com for more information. -P.S. (His music is really something special - Go listen if you get a chance!)
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    1 hr and 41 mins
  • The 13th Gate (Return of the Cosmic Aether) with Laura Eisenhower
    Dec 3 2022
    Hawk Eye The Rapper and Laura Eisenhower finally link up. At the cusp of the 13th Sign, together they throw back the Gates, and usher in a New Dawn. It’s no wonder the Dark Controllers sought to keep this conversation from ever happening.
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    1 hr and 40 mins