Welcome to Batman: Gotham's Dark Detective, a fan-made audio drama inspired by the DC Comics superhero Batman. Casting for season one is open, and here is the Joker with a radio hack to tell you all about it! All information about the project can be viewed via the Casting Call Club project: https://cstng.cc/projects/batman-gotham-s-dark-detective-season-1 Auditions by those not on Casting Call Club can be submitted through the form at: batmangothamsdarkdetective.wordpress.com/casting The Joker is voiced by Tony Garcia. Written and edited by Matthew Barberio. Songs: Jingle Bells, Kevin Conroy's cover of "O' Holy Night." Batman and all related marks, logos, and characters are solely owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment. This non-profit fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Entertainment.