• The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 5 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Oct 28 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Justice-House-William-Shifflett/dp/B0D8VJC14Q/ Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat! Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis. 23: How does the modern Jewish state align with or differ from Proposition 1? 24: How does Jesus Christ's fulfillment of the Law relate to the inclusion of Gentiles in the Messianic Kingdom? Does His fulfillment supersede the Law for both Jews and Gentiles? 25: How does Jesus Christ serve as the focus of worship in the Messianic Kingdom, and how should that shape our worship services? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; For many Christians, it is very important (even a biblical mandate) that world governments should support, approve, and encourage the present day state of Israel specifically under the pretense that said state is integral to the outworking of God’s plan of salvation for the nations. Some Christians today expect not only a future conversion of ethnic Israel, but some even anticipate a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, complete with resumed sacrifices and priesthood. SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS!

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    28 mins
  • The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 6 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Oct 28 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Justi... Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat! Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis. “In Jesus Christ, a Jew is no longer distinct from a gentile as far as religion is concerned. In fact, since AD 70 when the temple was destroyed, true religious Judaism ceased to exist. The Gentile in Christ is no longer distinct as far as his spiritual condition is concerned. For those in Christ the only identity that matters is their identity in Him. There is no Jewish or Gentile Christianity, white or black Christianity, male or female Christianity, free or slave Christianity. Our Lord has only one church. The new person in Christ is not simply a Jew or gentile who now happens to be a Christian. He is no longer a Jew or gentile but only a Christian.” John MacArthur How does MacArthur's perspective on the end of "true religious Judaism" in AD 70 impact his eschatological view? Does it align more with a premillennial or postmillennial perspective? “The Lord by His declaration of peace affects the creation of a third race of men—neither Jew nor gentile but Christian.” UTNT “This is ‘the third race’ which is different from both Jews and Gentiles.” Word Biblical Commentary So, the “third race” is called Christian? How does the concept of a "third race" relate to the distinction between Law and Grace? Does it imply a new legal or spiritual status that transcends both? How do Reformed Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism interpret the concept of a "third race"? Does it align more closely with one perspective than the other? SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS! Calvinism,Zionism,Palestinian,Tribulation,O. Palmer Robertson,Amillennial,Abrahamic,Covenant,Dispensational,Premillennial,Antisemitism,Replacement,Theology,Israel,Gaza,Hamas,Armageddon,Revelation,Prophecy,Prophetic,Supersessionism,Judaism,Jerusalem,Israeli,Islam,Church,Christianity,Jews,Gentiles,War,End-times,Holy,Trinity,1948,1967,Christ,Bible,woke,catholic,protestant,best podcast,christian,torah,old testament,prophet,trump harris,reformed,apostlic,Jesus,Tel Aviv,John MacArthur

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    19 mins
  • The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 4 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Sep 26 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Justi...

    Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat!

    Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis.

    Pastor, what is Replacement Theology?

    John 10:16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

    Isaiah 56:6-8 “And the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD, to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant—these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” The Lord GOD, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, declares, “I will gather yet others to him besides those already gathered.”

    Ephesians 1:10 As a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.

    The ESV digital Bible links these three passages as cross references. Compare also Ephesians 2:11-16 especially verse 15 “by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace.”

    Ephesians 2:11-16

    How do these passages fit into the narrative of redemptive history?

    How do they contribute to understanding God's plan for redemption and the inclusion of all people?

    v.15 - Does Christ’s fulfillment of the Law abolish the Law for Christians?

    “In Jesus Christ, a Jew is no longer distinct from a gentile as far as religion is concerned. In fact, since AD 70 when the temple was destroyed, true religious Judaism ceased to exist. The Gentile in Christ is no longer distinct as far as his spiritual condition is concerned. For those in Christ the only identity that matters is their identity in Him. There is no Jewish or Gentile Christianity, white or black Christianity, male or female Christianity, free or slave Christianity. Our Lord has only one church. The new person in Christ is not simply a Jew or gentile who now happens to be a Christian. He is no longer a Jew or gentile but only a Christian.” John MacArthur

    How does MacArthur's perspective on the end of "true religious Judaism" in AD 70 impact his eschatological view?

    Does it align more with a premillennial or postmillennial perspective?

    “The Lord by His declaration of peace affects the creation of a third race of men—neither Jew nor gentile but Christian.” UTNT

    “This is ‘the third race’ which is different from both Jews and Gentiles.” Word Biblical Commentary

    So, the “third race” is called Christian?

    How does the concept of a "third race" relate to the distinction between Law and Grace? Does it imply a new legal or spiritual status that transcends both?

    How do Reformed Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism interpret the concept of a "third race"? Does it align more closely with one perspective than the other?

    Is the only thing that can establish a person as one of God’s people* is to experience a new creation by God’s grace? (*Israel of God; Gal. 6:16)

    How does Chrysostom's perspective on the unity of Jews and Gentiles in the "new creation" relate to Paul's referring of Christ as the cornerstone in Ephesians 2:20?

    Romans 10:12-13

    Galatians 3:28

    Could these verses be called the cornerstone of Proposition #1?


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    28 mins
  • The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 3 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Sep 18 2024
    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/Haunting-Justi... Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat! Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis. Was Abraham a Jew? No. “The term Jew is a derivative of Judah the fourth son of Jacob and the dominant last surviving tribe of Israel. The Hebrew term meant “man of Judah,” and that term is first used in the Bible in 2 Kings 16:6. After the exile the term Jew came to be used for anyone descended from these people regardless of other considerations. Mordecai is identified as both a Jew and a descendant of Benjamin in Esther 2:5.” Oxford Companion To The Bible. 5: Was God's promises of a land, a seed, and a blessing given to Abraham alone? Was it Abraham that was called and no other? Initially it was given to Abraham, then extended to Issac and Jacob. Ultimately the blessing was connected to Christ who came to bring the two, both Jew and Gentile together. 6: Exactly who is "Abraham's seed"? Physically, anyone descended from him genetically. This would include some of the Arab nations. Spiritually, or redemptively, it is anyone who has believed in Abraham’s seed, Jesus Christ. This again undermines the idea of a distinction between Jew and Gentile. 7: From the beginning, could a Gentile become a Jew? Yes. This required undergoing circumcision and adopting adherence to the Law. With the New Covenant eliminating the need to convert to Judaism, becoming aJew to find God’s favor was no longer necessary. 8: By the Exile, had Abraham's descendants become "Not My People"? Hosea 1:8-9 - When she had weaned No Mercy, she conceived and bore a son. 9 And the Lord said, "Call his name Not My People, for you are not my people, and I am not your God." 9: What/Who is the fallen tent in Amos 9:11? This was the Davidic kingdom which had been corrupted and ruined by sin. Because God promised David a ruling heir in perpetuity that Kingdom would need to be rebuilt. This is done through Christ who in His rule united Jews and Gentiles as seen in James’s quotation of this verse in Acts 15. 10: Did Jesus indicate that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews in Matt. 21:43? (Romans 11:20-21) He did based on their failure to produce fruits in keeping with their calling within the Kingdom as seen in verses 33-41. In Romans Paul refers to this action on God’s part as breaking off the natural branches so that the Gentiles could be grafted in. 11: Pastor, what is Replacement Theology? #Israel #jew #gentile #christian #rapture #endtimes #theology #muslim #eschatology #Abraham #seed #God
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    26 mins
  • The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 2 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Sep 10 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/stores/William... Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat! Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis. 3: How do different eschatological perspectives (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism) influence the understanding of the Church's relationship to the Kingdom of God? Does this Proposition support or challenge specific eschatological views? It does challenge eschatological views when there is a distinction made between Israel and the church. Premillennialism typically sees the two as separate entities in spite of what Christ is said to have done. “Dispensationalism one variety of premillennialism has a commitment to a literal interpretation of prophetic scripture resulting in three well known tenants. [1] A distinction between the prophecies made about Israel in the Old Testament and the church in the New Testament must be maintained.” (Progressive dispensationalists agree on this point. Four Views on the Book of Revelation. Dispensationalists typically see the Jews/Israel as a separate set of God's people distinct throughout the present and the future or at least till the end of the millennium with God having a separate plan for both. Conversely Scripture always portrays the two as being united in Christ as one people. Amillennialists take a view much more consistent with proposition 1. 4: Was Abraham a Jew? No. “The term Jew is a derivative of Judah the fourth son of Jacob and the dominant last surviving tribe of Israel. The Hebrew term meant “man of Judah,” and that term is first used in the Bible in 2 Kings 16:6. After the exile the term Jew came to be used for anyone descended from these people regardless of other considerations. Mordecai is identified as both a Jew and a descendant of Benjamin in Esther 2:5.” Oxford Companion To The Bible. 5: Was God's promises of a land, a seed, and a blessing given to Abraham alone? Was it Abraham that was called and no other? Initially it was given to Abraham, then extended to Issac and Jacob. Ultimately the blessing was connected to Christ who came to bring the two, both Jew and Gentile together. SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS!

    Jesus,God,Holy Spirit,resurrection,jerusalem,gethsemane,deserted,lamb,forgive,destroy,thirsty,forsaken,cursed,spirit,blood,ascended,peace,power,crucified,Christ,reformed,Martin Luther,John Calvin,church,christian,devotion,Bible,Scripture,prayer,death,saved,eternal,heaven,hell,R C Sproul,Torah,shadow,risen,Israel,end-times,people,land,jews,muslims,worship,last days,Armageddon,Revelation,conflict,replacement,Eschatology,end of the world,Palestine,war,rapture,gentiles,rise,theology,70ad

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    30 mins
  • The Israel of God - Proposition 1 Part 1 with Pastor William Shifflett a book by O. Palmer Robertson
    Aug 29 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/stores/William...

    Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com , if we use your question on the podcast, we'll send you a free hat!

    Proposition #1: The Church Of Jesus Christ Embraces Both Jews And Gentiles As Part Of The Messianic Kingdom. The Messianic Kingdom Includes Jewish And Gentile Believers As Citizens On An Equal Basis.

    1: How do we define the Messianic Kingdom? Is it primarily a spiritual realm, a future earthly kingdom, or a combination of both?

    Currently it is primarily a spiritual realm though touching on natural, earthly things. The future kingdom will be characterized by features of both.

    2: What model(s) of church leadership and worship best reflect the unity of Jews and Gentiles?

    Since we have been made one in Christ there should be no distinct difference or uniqueness other than those elements which are characteristic of earthly cultures. For example, clothing styles, length of service, music styles etc. The worship should center on Christ as redeemer and the leadership should strive to keep that central rather than ethnic heritage.

    3: How do different eschatological perspectives (premillennialism, amillennialism, postmillennialism) influence the understanding of the Church's relationship to the Kingdom of God? Does this Proposition support or challenge specific eschatological views?

    It does challenge eschatological views when there is a distinction made between Israel and the church. Premillennialism typically sees the two as separate entities in spite of what Christ is said to have done. “Dispensationalism one variety of premillennialism has a commitment to a literal interpretation of prophetic scripture resulting in three well known tenants. [1] A distinction between the prophecies made about Israel in the Old Testament and the church in the New Testament must be maintained.” (Progressive dispensationalists agree on this point.

    Four Views on the Book of Revelation.

    Dispensationalists typically see the Jews/Israel as a separate set of God's people distinct throughout the present and the future or at least till the end of the millennium with God having a separate plan for both. Conversely Scripture always portrays the two as being united in Christ as one people.

    Amillennialists take a view much more consistent with proposition 1.

    4: Was Abraham a Jew?

    5: Was God's promises of a land, a seed, and a blessing given to Abraham alone? Was it Abraham that was called and no other?

    6: Exactly who is "Abraham's seed"?

    7: From the beginning, could a Gentile become a Jew?

    8: By the Exile, had Abraham's descendants become "Not My People"?

    Hosea 1:8-9

    9: What/Who is the fallen tent in Amos 9:11?

    10: Did Jesus indicate that the Kingdom would be taken from the Jews in Matt. 21:43? (Romans 11:20-21)

    11: Pastor, what is Replacement Theology?

    12: How does this quote and these passages below fit into the entire narrative of redemptive history?

    "The Greek does not have to become a Jew. Rather both enter into a new condition. His aim is not to bring Greek believers into being as different kinds of Jews but rather to create both anew. Rightly he uses the term create rather than change to point out the great effect of what God has done." John Chrysostom

    (12: How do these passages fit into the entire narrative of redemptive history?)

    13: How do they contribute to understanding God's plan for redemption and the inclusion of all people?



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    30 mins
  • Crucified with Christ – Stephen F. Olford - JESUS Keep Me Near the CROSS w/ Pastor William Shifflett
    Jul 31 2024

    PASTOR WILLIAM'S BOOKS: https://www.amazon.com/stores/William...

    Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com

    Crucified with Christ – Stephen F. Olford

    Galatians 2:20

    “Crucified with Christ is Restating Romans 8:8-4" - For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Pastor, unpack these verses for us. Please try not to answer all my questions.

    Pastor Olford says, “God exacted the Law”. What does exacted mean?

    1. The Reality of Christ's Crucifixion: Galatians 2:20 states, "I have been crucified with Christ." Do we understand this as a metaphor, or as a spiritual reality that impacts our lives?

    2. Understanding True Crucifixion: What does it mean to "be crucified" with Christ in a spiritual sense?

    3. Beyond Self-Effort: How does being crucified with Christ differ from the idea of self-denial or self-sacrifice? What does being crucified with Christ reveal about our relationship with Christ?

    4. Dying to Self: Of course, we cannot physically crucify ourselves, what does it mean to "die to self"? How can we identify areas in our lives where our self-centeredness needs to be surrendered to Christ?

    5. Beyond Suffering: Embracing the Resurrection: The Valley of Vision quote prays for the "resurrection life" to rule me and empower me. What does it mean to live in the power of the resurrection in our daily lives?

    6. Beyond Guilt and Shame: If we are already "crucified with Christ," where does the struggle against sin and temptation fit in? - Slow agonizing death. How can we avoid feelings of guilt or shame while acknowledging our ongoing need for growth and transformation?

    7. Sharing the Victory: How can we share the message of "crucifixion with Christ" and the power of the resurrection life with others, especially those struggling with sin, addiction, or despair?

    8. Surrender and Transformation: How does our "crucifixion with Christ" lead to personal transformation and growth in holiness and worship? What are the practical implications for our thoughts, actions, and relationships?

    9. If we do not accept our crucifixion, how can we accept our resurrection in Christ?

    10. Witnessing to the Resurrection: How can our own experiences of "dying to self" and embracing the "resurrection life" become a powerful witness to the transforming power of Christ in the world?


    Pastor, tell us how you and your family celebrate Resurrection Sunday and how it affects you personally.

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    33 mins
  • LEVITICUS Part FOUR - Jesus Christ in the Torah with Jason Richards
    Jul 23 2024

    Disagree, agree, or have a question: Contact us through the contact page on our website; http://www.biblebulldog.com What is a biblical chiasm? CHIASMUS How can they help us understand the Bible? Trespass Offerings (sin as an act), (5:14-6:7). Trespass offerings deal with sins against one's neighbor, highlighting the relational impact of sin. Restitution is often a key part of the process, pointing towards the need to restore broken relationships. Leviticus 5: Specific Trespasses and Restitution: Justice and Restoration: The trespass offering process, with an emphasis on restitution, foreshadows the future work of Christ in not just forgiving sin but also bringing about God’s justice and ultimate restoration. How does Christ's work address not only the vertical dimension of sin (offense against God) but also the horizontal dimension (offense against neighbor)? Imperfect Restitution and Christ's Perfect Work: The act of restitution under the trespass offering system is incomplete. How does this foreshadow the necessity of Christ's perfect offering, not only atoning for sin but also fully restoring the broken relationship between God and humanity? Discuss the concept of Christ's work bringing not just forgiveness but also reconciliation. Leviticus 6: Guilt Offerings and Dealing with Denial: Conviction of Sin and Repentance: The guilt offering is linked to a realization of wrongdoing and a desire to make amends. How does this foreshadow the role of the Holy Spirit in convicting believers of sin and leading them to repentance? Discuss how genuine faith involves not just intellectual knowledge but also a transformed heart that seeks to live righteously. Sacrifice and Transformation: The trespass offering involves both sacrifice and restitution. How does this foreshadow the ongoing work of Christ in believers' lives, not just through justification but also through sanctification, the process of becoming more Christ-like? Explore the concept of Christ's sacrifice not only securing forgiveness but also empowering believers to live transformed lives.

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    10 mins