• The Tent of Transformation
    Dec 14 2024

    I’m sure you know the story by now. Mary, Joseph, angel messengers, Bethlehem, baby Jesus, shepherds and sheep. You can fill in the details. John 1:14 describes this (using The Message version of the bible) as “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood.” Have you noticed how the bible describes everyone who met Jesus as walking away changed by the encounter. The shepherds turned from fear to praise. In Jesus adult life, people walked away healed, enlightened, praising God or questioning themselves and their world. Jesus proclaimed a transformational message drawn straight from Isaiah 61: 1 “He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” In Exodus, Moses met with God in the Tent of Meeting. His encounter with God changed him - literally. His face shone so bright from the encounter that he needed to wear a veil from then on to stop others freaking out. When Jesus pitches His tent with us, it’s not just for comfort or companionship- it’s for transformation. Whether you’re new to Christianity, or have been taking to Jesus since you were a child, I wonder can you name three ways that encountering Jesus has transformed you? It may be profound seismic shifts or gradual “revolutionary change at an evolutionary pace”. What difference do you think meeting with Jesus has had on global history and the long fight against injustice? Come along to worship this Sunday to meet with the Jesus who transforms. This Sunday the main service will be the children of BCUC presenting the Christmas nativity they have been working on for the past few weeks. Your brother in Christ, Benji

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    13 mins