• Come As A Child
    Mar 6 2021
    What does it mean to come to Jesus and receive His kingdom like a little child?

    Do you ever look at a child and you admire how everything about them is filled with joy, awe, and wonder? Look at it this way; children do not doubt. They are always willing and eager to share good news regardless of how many times you shoot them down. When children see something interesting, they are always inviting you to see it too! Children are relentless and do not stop until you agree to what they want. 

    Do you remember when you were a kid, and on Christmas Day, you’d wake up eager to see the gifts and open them? That is how Jesus wants us to come to His Kingdom.

    In the Bible, Jesus has insists that the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like children. In this episode, we will look at why Jesus insists that we should be like children.

    Listen in and learn.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:29] My childlike faith

    [03:10] What does Jesus mean by depicting believers as little children?

    [06:10] What does it mean to come to Jesus as a child?

     Standout Quote from the Episode:

    “When you ask for a miracle, as like a little childhood with faith and no fear with complete expectancy.”

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

    • 1st Corinthians

    • Mark 10:15

    • Matthew 18:3

    • Matthew 19:14


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    11 mins
  • Fear Of The Lord
    Feb 12 2021

    The fear Of The Lord

    The fear of the Lord is an attribute of the Holy Spirit. It's the part of the spirit that reveals the understanding of God's magnificent power and glory. Without this piece, you miss knowing God. You can know about him, but you can't know him. When you accept Jesus in your heart, you're getting the Holy Spirit. As part of the Holy Spirit, you're getting the fear of the Lord.

    The bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. In this episode, I will be teaching you the fear of the Lord.

    Listen in and Learn

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:03] living in a world of fear

    [02:19] The fear of the Lord

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "As Christians, we know God's got our back. We don't need to fear because no matter what happens, God has a plan for us and that plan does not include fear."

    "Our greatest fear should be not going to heaven. Our greatest anticipation, our greatest hope, our greatest excitement, and our greatest dream, should be spending all of eternity with Christ in heaven."

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

    • Proverbs 9:10
    • Psalms 111:10
    • Proverbs 15:33
    • Psalm 33:8
    • Job 28:28
    • Isaiah 33:6
    • Matthew 10:28
    • Luke 10:19-20
    • Isaiah 11:1
    • Matthew 6:33
    • Proverbs 19:23
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    13 mins
  • What Pleases God
    Feb 3 2021

    What pleases God? This is a million-dollar question for some of us. Some people believe they know how they can please God, others are unsure, and most have not taken time to think about it. In this episode, I will be sharing the one component that pleases God.

    According to Hebrews 11:6, you cannot please God without faith. If you want to please God and unlock the dreams that God has for you, you need to cultivate your faith. You need to go to the next level of your faith. If you want to know if your actions or thoughts are pleasing to God, ask yourself: Is faith present? Is faith part of my thoughts? Is faith a part of my actions? Is faith a part of my answer? Is faith a part of my solution?

    Listen in and learn how you can please God.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode: 

    [01:15] What pleases God

    [03:34] How do we increase our faith?

    [05:43] A little analogy on faith

    Standout Quotes from the Episode:

    “God's dreams for you are bigger, more fulfilling and more rewarding than you could ever ask or think.”

    “Faith is walking to the very into the light and then taking one more step.”

    “Faith is putting what you believe into action. It's not enough just to hear and just to believe you've got to act on it.”

    “There's one single component that pleases God that has to be present in every single thing we think or do - Faith.”

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

    ·      Hebrews 11:6

    ·      Ephesians 3:20

    ·      Romans 10:17

    ·      1st Corinthians 13:13

    ·      Matthew 9:29

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    11 mins
  • Serving
    Dec 22 2020

    Are you a servant?

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    11 mins
  • Generosity
    Dec 2 2020

    Do you ever sit down and look back all the people who have been generous to you? Those people hold a special place in your heart, right? Do you ever go out of your way to be generous to strangers,… or do you only do it for your loved ones

    What goes on in your mind when you see someone begging for money?
    Imagine you are going through a financial crisis and you are positive that if God doesn't intervene, you will go under. You will lose your business, car, home, and other things that you value. One day, as you are at the fuel station, someone begs you give them money for food. You have a $5 bill in your wallet, a $10 bill, and a $20 bill. 
    Which one do you give considering you are going through a financial crisis? 

    Sometimes when we pray for something, God sends us tests to see if we are ready to receive His blessings. It is said, "The true character of a man is revealed when in a crisis." You may find that God delays answering the prayer until you learn the lesson. When you pass the test, God works on your request in ways that you can hardly comprehend. You find things working out for your good.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:07] What and how should you give?

    [06:02] How can you increase your generosity, and how can you be generous on every occasion, and have a greater heart to be generous?

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "Sometimes, the simplest acts of generosity can leave an impression that lasts a lifetime."

    "You can't be a king without being generous."

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

    • 1 John 3:17
    • Luke 6:38
    • Proverbs 19:17
    • Proverbs 21:13
    • Proverbs 28:27
    • Isaiah 32
    • Hebrews 13
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    10 mins
  • Legacy
    Nov 14 2020

    Are you Creating Kingdom Legacy?

    What would you like to leave for the next generations? Will it be money, land, a family business, or even a honorable family name? The Bible says a good person leaves an inheritance to their children's children.

    The inheritance includes money, assets, property, and also your way of thinking. “Thinking” includes how and what you believe, what you believe about God, what you believe about eternity, and what you believe about how God's kingdom operates. It includes how you love, how you show honor, how you treat people, and how you help others.

    Legacy is a continuation of you.

    Do you remember the story of King Solomon? God appeared to him in a dream and asked him what he wanted. King Solomon asked for wisdom. Not only did God make him the wisest man, but also the wealthiest man,…and that's what he passed down his generations.

    If you haven't had a good legacy passed down to you, it's your time to start building that legacy right now. By Design. Don't you want your kids to have every advantage in life thing possibly have, and every advantage spiritually that you can give them? Be intentional about your legacy.

    So here’s the truth,...You ARE creating a legacy!

    Either by design, or default.
    By design: you're passing on the best of you.
    By default: you're passing down whatever is remembered about you. 
    "Whatever is remembered" about you may be the worst part of you!

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:                                                                        

    [01:19] What does the kingdom legacy look like?

    [03:17] A story that changed how I thought about the legacy

    [06:08] A Biblical story that depicts a legacy

    [10:45] Are you creating a kingdom legacy?

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "You can't pass on what you don't possess. You have to live what you want to pass on."

    "If you are called to be a king, and I believe you are, then as part of your legacy, you need to teach the next generation what that means."

    "God's expectations are that every generation learned from the last and became better and more fruitful and achieve more and more."

    "Legacy is the continuation of you."

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Bible:

    Proverbs 4:3

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    12 mins
  • Assignments
    Nov 5 2020

    Have you ever heard the term "alignment before assignment"?

    It’s a great phrase, but what does it really mean?
    Are your alignments really that important?

    Here’s the big question for today:
    Are your wrong alignments keeping you from what God has in store for you or your assignment?

    Would you like to understand more about alignments? Listen in to this episode.

    I have been a serial entrepreneur my whole life. Like most entrepreneurs, I've made it and lost it several times. Before I understood the power of alignments, I would tell you why every business succeeded or failed based on strategies applied (being undercapitalized) among other things. After understanding the right alignments' power, I see their success and failures through a whole different filter. As I reflect on each business that I've had over the years, I will tell you that it was all due to the right or wrong alignments.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [00:58] Importance of alignments

    [05:05] Who are the right people to align with?

    [05:24] The wrong people to align with

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "If you're going to do life on high level with someone (business related or not), they need to be the right person and the right alignment."

    "I believe the key to your next level always comes from someone new God puts in your life that has whatever you need in order for you to unlock the next chapter."

    "No matter how big your dream is for your life, God's dream is bigger! You're not going to get there if you're surrounded by the wrong people."

    "Don't be surprised when God is removing people from your life."

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Episode:

    Jeremiah 29:11

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    12 mins
  • Faith
    Oct 29 2020

    How You Can Grow Your Faith

    Are you dealing with whatever is happening to you right now in a way that demonstrates faith? Have you found yourself in a situation where you only go to God when you have tried doing things by yourself and failed? 

    The Bible says that we cannot please God without faith - faith is the currency of heaven. Faith is knowing that no matter how small an issue is, God can handle it. We need to unlearn the habit of running to God only when going through difficult things.

    We need to learn to go to God with thanksgiving. It pleases God when we thank Him for all He has done for us. 

    Do you remember the story of the Canaanite woman? Jesus called her, "dear woman of faith". Listen in as I share the story of the Canaanite woman and dig deeper into faith to show you how you can grow your faith.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode:

    [01:14] What is faith?

    [03:01] How do we increase our faith?

    [07:49] The story of the Canaanite woman

     Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "You can't have faith in something and then speak against it. Your words have power."

    "True Faith is not believing just in yourself or your ability to perform, but believing God will give you what you need for any and every situation -no matter how big or overwhelming."

    "It takes faith to believe God will actually do what He said."

    "When your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you praise, glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."

    "Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen."

    Bible Verses Mentioned in the Bible:

    • 1st Peter 1:7

    • Romans 10

    • 1st Corinthians 13

    • Matthew 6:28

    • Matthew 15


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    13 mins