• 7: Alejandro Tloupakis
    Jan 26 2025

    🎙 Invitado: Alejandro Tloupakis
    En este episodio, nos acompaña Alejandro Tloupakis, un apasionado de la literatura y las palabras, reconocido autor, docente y editor independiente. Con una impresionante trayectoria como coordinador de talleres de escritura creativa y co-fundador de la editorial independiente Pacto de Lectura, Alejandro nos abre su mundo, donde la literatura no solo es una forma de expresión, sino también un acto de resistencia y sanación.

    Temas destacados:

    • 🌟 La pasión por la literatura: Alejandro comparte cómo nació su amor por los libros y cómo esto le ha llevado a desarrollar una carrera multifacética entre la docencia, la escritura y la edición.
    • 📚 El poder de las palabras: Reflexionamos sobre cómo la literatura transforma vidas, da sentido al caos y se convierte en una herramienta para la autenticidad.
    • 🛠️ La magia de lo pequeño: Descubre los beneficios de liderar una editorial independiente que pone el alma en cada proyecto.
    • 💡 Lecciones para la vida: Desde consejos sobre resiliencia hasta la importancia de transmitir valores humanos, Alejandro nos invita a repensar nuestra relación con las palabras, el tiempo y nuestra esencia.

    Momentos clave:

    • [16:17] La importancia de la mirada de los demás.
    • [33:00] Reflexiones sobre Pedro Mairal y el significado de la libertad.
    • [51:02] Historias de conexión con la naturaleza y cómo nos redefine.
    • [1:01:06] La ciudad como creadora de necesidades artificiales.
    • [1:09:38] ¿Cómo Alejandro logra equilibrar tantas pasiones y proyectos?
    • [1:20:15] Trabajar en algo que te llene de energía versus algo que te drene.
    • [1:40:52] La enseñanza del valor de la vida a través de la literatura y el ejemplo.

    💬 Citas inspiradoras del episodio:

    • "La escritura es una forma de resistencia; es la forma de darle sentido al caos de la vida."
    • "Nos definimos como lectores curiosos, a los que nos inspira publicar libros que a nosotros nos gustaría leer."

    Este episodio es una verdadera joya para quienes buscan inspiración en el poder transformador de las palabras y el impacto de vivir con autenticidad.

    🎧 Disponible ahora en Authentic Journeys. ¡No te lo pierdas!

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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • 6: Daiana Medina
    Dec 25 2024

    🌟 Episodio 6 - Daiana Medina 🌟

    En este episodio de Authentic Journeys, nos acompaña Daiana Medina, una mujer inspiradora que ha hecho de su vida un viaje hacia la autenticidad, la sanación y el propósito. Fundadora de @meltaim.vegan, una marca que busca generar conciencia y evolución a través de alimentos veganos, y ganadora de la Temporada 12 de El Gran Premio de la Cocina, Daiana comparte con nosotros su historia de transformación y autodescubrimiento.

    Conversamos sobre:✨ La conexión entre nuestras emociones, la biodescodificación y la astrología terapéutica.✨ Su pasión por la pastelería y cómo este camino la acercó a su propósito de vida.✨ La fuerza que encuentra para superar obstáculos y liderar con empatía.✨ Su experiencia en un reality de cocina y las lecciones que le dejó.✨ Reflexiones profundas sobre el propósito, la introspección y el legado que soñamos dejar en el mundo.

    Además, exploramos preguntas que nos invitan a mirar hacia el pasado, el presente y el futuro con ojos nuevos. ¿Qué nos diríamos a nuestro yo más joven? ¿Qué celebraremos en un año? ¿Y qué legado construiremos para cuando miremos hacia atrás a los 80 años?

    Este episodio está lleno de inspiración, sabiduría y herramientas prácticas para conectarnos con nuestra esencia y vivir de manera más auténtica.

    🔗 ¡No te lo pierdas y acompáñanos en esta travesía hacia el autodescubrimiento y la sanación!


    (00:00) | Introducción a Authentic Journeys

    (19:00) | Se ha perdido la relación con los animales

    (20:00) | Consumir leche es antinatural: La leche descalcifica

    (22:30) | Cortarse de las emociones afecta nuestras relaciones

    (23:54) | Reconexión con la esencia como propósito

    (26:52) | Un camino que podría beneficiar a la sociedad

    (27:15) | La necesidad de introspección

    (28:40) Daiana y la biodescodificación

    (30:38) | La búsqueda de sanación de Daiana

    (31:44) | Biodescodificación como un camino directo

    (32:15) | Un psicoanalista abandona el psicoanálisis tras 50 años

    (33:40) | La respuesta no está en la cabeza

    (34:10) | La astrología según Daiana

    (35:43) | La astrología terapéutica

    (37:13) | Superar obstáculos: Perla de sabiduría

    (40:53) | Obstáculos como oportunidades de crecimiento

    (41:30) | El reto de trabajar en equipo

    (42:15) | La empatía: Habilidad esencial para liderar

    (43:20) | La importancia de auto valorarse

    (44:15) | Fortalecer el equipo y construir confianza

    (47:55) | Prácticas de gratitud y visualización

    (52:09) | Experiencia en un reality de cocina

    (55:58) | Reflexiones regresivas: Encuentros con el pasado

    (57:36) | En un año, ¿qué estarás celebrando?

    (59:22) | Legado y emociones a los 80 años

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • 5: Héctor Aristizábal
    Sep 23 2024

    Héctor Aristizábal is a seasoned psychotherapist with over 20 years of experience, Héctor has seamlessly integrated his therapeutic work with art and activism. He is the Founder and Director of ImaginAction, an organization dedicated to using theater and creative arts as powerful tools for social change, healing, and personal transformation.

    Héctor is also the co-creator of Reconectando, which blends deep ecology, theater, and ritual to support both victims and ex-combatants in their healing journeys. His inspiring work spans across continents, from aiding torture survivors and immigrants in the U.S. to playing a vital role in peace processes in Colombia and other regions in Latin America, Europe, and as far as Afghanistan and India.

    He has received prestigious recognition for his impactful contributions, and his autobiography, "The Blessing Next to the Wound: A Story of Art, Activism, and Transformation," showcases his unwavering dedication to personal and societal healing.

    Time Stamps

    (00:00) - Introduction of Héctor Aristizábal

    (01:48) - What does passion mean to you?

    (02:52) - We are born with a gift to give to the world

    (03:45) - Hector's early traumatic experiences and collective trauma

    (05:45) - The importance of rites of passage

    (08:38) - Authenticity vs attachment

    (10:49) - We are all in constant transformation

    (12:33) - Finding your purpose and state of flow

    (13:52) - Disability transformed into This Ability

    (16:04) - Most of us are spiritually handicapped

    (18:15) - My own search of spirituality

    (18:46) - How Héctor understands spirituality

    (20:39) - We are in an excellent moment in life.

    (22:13) - Ritual theatre, deep ecology and the importance of the collective

    (23:46) - DreamingAction and working with organizations

    (24:26) - Theatre and other methodologies in therapeutic work

    (25:33) - Playing in nature

    (27:23) - Travelling into our inner world

    (28:27) - How to design rituals

    (29:38) - Working in prisons

    (30:01) - Becoming an Elder instead of an Older

    (32:35) - Switzerland Camp-In ritual experience

    (35:58) - Every ritual is an act of beauty

    (36:48) - Which is the last death and rebirth that you have experienced?

    (38:13) - Vision fast and the learnings that came

    (43:16) - Hector's new project, “The second adventure of life”

    (45:45) - Three big actual crisis

    (50:14) - The dangers of living a passionless life

    (52:34) - Hector's play and the medicine inside the wound

    (55:07) - Final Questions

    (01:00:16) - What would you tell your young self if you traveled back in time?

    (01:01:35) - What would you teach to the whole humanity?

    (01:02:30) - How would you describe El Juego?

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 4: Zuma Puma
    Jun 26 2024

    Zuma Puma, also known as Nelly Scott, is a Canadian performer and founder of Clownlife courses, blending clowning with personal development. She has taught over a thousand participants in 14 countries, in settings ranging from universities to corporate environments. Zuma also founded the International Lost Cabaret in London, a leading alternative comedy night since 2012, which now showcases comedians in London, Melbourne, Sydney, and Paris.

    Author of “The Clown Arcana' A referential book exploring The major Archetypes of the Tarot through what she calls the 'clown lens’.

    (2:33) Following the joy

    (4:06) Clowning as a constant play with life

    (6:23) Clown and personal growth

    (8:13) The importance of humour in therapy

    (11:27) Comedy, changing the frame in life

    (13:17) Playing with emotions

    (18:41) Zuma´s playful book

    (20:09) Working with "The divine ridiculous"

    (26:43) Habits to sustain and improve passion

    (28:09) El Juego challenges

    (31:45) Hardships of being a clown in todays society

    (35:19) Corporate gigs

    (45:22) Losing your passion, and how to reignite it

    (47:33) The Fellowship, a 4 month retreat at El Juego

    (52:43) Describing El Juego

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    54 mins
  • 3: Gioel Gioacchino
    Jun 17 2024

    Gioel is the Director of Research at Recrear and has over 12 years of experience in designing and implementing action research projects all over the world. She is a passionate blogger, writer and storyteller. She is an experienced facilitator and loves mixing and experimenting with a range of creative techniques.

    She is now a fellow member of the community El Juego .

    (3:01) Research as horizontal learning

    (4:48) Turning her passion into actual job

    (6:09) "La utopía hay que caminarla", you need to walk towards your dream.

    (6:54) What really passionate people do

    (7:21) Crisis after getting the PhD, the importance of rituals

    (8:55) What Gio learned in El Juego

    (10:01) What is to accompany someone in their process?

    (11:30) poetry can paint what we are feeling that is undescribable

    (12:26) Gio attempting to explain quantum physics

    (14:00) What happens when we are in a process circle

    (16:29) Research is recognizing knowledge that already exists

    (17:06) Creating knowledge with others, what we do in El Juego

    (18:18) Collective intention

    (21:37) Appreciating the present moment

    (23:05) Gioel's research in Cuba

    (24:42) Living in contact with nature

    (29:50) The illusion of division between man and nature.

    (30:34) Meeting a galaxy in every person

    (32:42) Our passion for storytelling, it's value in research

    (33:41) The stories that we tell ourselves can be the beginning and end of our pain

    (34:59) The power in changing your story

    (36:21) Free writing as a way to listen to oneself

    (41:00) Giole´s connection with bodies of water

    (44:02) What would you say to your younger self?

    (45:10) Curiosity as the spark to find your passion

    (47:12) The illusion of freedom

    (48:20) Living in community. To learn things that cannot be taught

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    56 mins
  • 2: Michael Meade
    Jun 10 2024

    Join us for an enlightening conversation with Michael Meade, a former school teacher from Ireland who took a leap of faith and founded Naturalma, a retreat center in Portugal. After a life-changing experience, Michael decided to completely transform his life, dedicating himself to helping others connect with nature and explore alternative therapies.

    In this episode, we'll dive into:

    ✅ Michael's transition from traditional education to holistic wellness

    ✅ The story behind Naturalma and its mission

    ✅ Insights on the current education system and its challenges

    ✅ The benefits of community living and connecting with nature

    ✅ Exploration of medicinal plant therapies and their potential

    Whether you're interested in alternative lifestyles, education reform, or personal growth, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration. Don't miss this fascinating discussion about new paths, community, and the power of following your passion!

    🔔 Subscribe for more inspiring stories and conversations about life-changing journeys and alternative approaches to wellness and education.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • 1: Ross Standaloft
    Jun 2 2024

    Ross Standaloft is one of the two faces of “Too Many T’s” a Rap and hip hop band from London. He is the co-creator of "The Hide": an arts, health and healing retreat center in Portugal. And the founding director of "Green Tiger sustainability": a consultancy firm aiming to create a more sustainable built enviroment.

    In this episode we will be exploring the topics of passion, dealing with anxiety, entrepreneurship, coming back to nature and more.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Introducing "Authentic Journeys"
    May 23 2024

    Welcome to Authentic Journeys, the podcast where we dive into the depths of self-discovery, vulnerability, and healing with a spirit of adventure and playfulness. This is an introduction to the podcast where I share about myself and the intention of Authentic Journeys.

    Stay tuned for the first episode coming out on Monday Bla, where I interview Ross Standaloft, hiphop and rap singer from London, co-singer in the band "Too many T´s", owner of the "The Hide", an arts, health and healing retreat center in Portugal and Founding director of Green Tiger sustainability: a consultancy firm aiming to create a more sustainable built enviroment.

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    5 mins