
  • Here's One Thing Women Don't Want to Hear...
    May 14 2023

    "For Every Single-Mom, There's a Single-Dad," said Kenneth Braswell (Founder) of Fathers Incorporated.

    In this episode, Kenneth Braswell and I discuss:

    - Why are some men more accountable than others

    - The response Kenneth gets when he tells mothers, "For every single-mom, there's a single-dad."

    - Should fathers earn back their relationship with their child

    - Does child support position fathers for failure

    - Would fathers be more willing to pay child support if they seen their children more

    - Why is it so hard for fathers to share their personal stories

    - What does the research show in regards to fathers being in their child's lives

    This episode is intended for:

    - Fathers who want to hear how other men dealt with family court and child support issues

    - Fathers who feel like giving up

    - Fathers who want to be in their child's life

    - Fathers who survived being a single-dad

    If you'd like to be a guest on our show, feel free to contact us at authenticdads@gmail.com

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Where to Find Free Therapy
    Apr 14 2023

    Where to Find Free Therapy.

    In this episode, Founder and Therapist of Pathway to Self - India R. Douglas shares where you can find therapy, questions you should ask a therapist, and how to discuss what type of therapy you're looking for. India has helped others reach a deeper understanding of past traumas and provide tangible tools to move forward. Whether you're in need of individual, couples, or family mediation, Ms. Douglas can be reached at Pathwaytoself.com. Oh, did we forget to mention... India offers a Free Consultation.

    We discuss:

    - Are men responsible for empowering our boys?

    - Can therapy change a daughters feelings toward her father?

    - How to deal with anxiety and panic disorders in the home

    - How breakups affects our child

    - The rise of abusive mothers

    This episode is intended for:

    - Men who are in need of a therapist

    - Men who are feeling stuck

    - Men who want help, but don't know where to find it

    - Men who don't have a good relationship with their children

    - Men who are feeling depressed

    If you'd like to be a guest on our show, feel free to contact us at authenticdads@gmail.com

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    59 mins
  • Authentic Dads (Trailer)
    1 min
  • She Wants A Divorce. Now What?
    Mar 20 2023
    In this episode, Founder and CEO of Our Divorce - Tom Milligan explains how he makes divorce easier. After respectfully escaping his first divorce, Tom nearly lost half his wealth from his second divorce. These two painful experiences sparked Tom to come up with an idea that would make divorce easier for not only himself, but for every man that has to go through the same struggle. Tune in as Tom discusses his Crazy Divorce and how he can help you. We discuss: - What to do once you find out she wants a divorce - Whether you should tell your children about the breakup - Who should move out if she cheated - What to do if you decide to stay married - The alternative to filing for divorce This episode is intended for: - Men who want a divorce - Men who's wives want a divorce - Men who don't know what to do next - Men who want to avoid divorce court - Men who don't want to spend time and money fighting for joint-custody Feel free to contact us at: Authenticdads@gmail.com
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    54 mins
  • Be Heard. Talk Your S!@#. Use Journaling to Express Yourself. Here's How...
    Feb 17 2023
    In this episode, New Mindset, Who Dis? Host - Case Kenny offers practical thoughts on self improvement, mindfulness and more. We discuss: - How movies and music are affecting men's financial decisions - Dads comparing themselves to other dads - How men are defining their purpose - Men's desire for approval - The importance of men doing what they love - The benefits of journaling This episode is intended for: - Men who are feeling stuck - Dads who want to find an outlet to release their frustration - Dads in search of growth, self love and balance - Men looking for ways to improve themselves - Men who don't feel comfortable talking about their problems Contact us: Authenticdads@gmail.com
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    52 mins
  • Why It's Your Job to Coach the Lawyer, Don't Let Them Coach You
    Jan 17 2023
    In this episode with the Host of The Divorce Dadvocate Podcast- Jude Sandvall discusses the importance of being in your child's life, no matter if you screwed up in the past. We discuss: - How dads experience divorce differently - Why it's important for you to coach the lawyer, don't let them coach you - What happens when mediation is declined by your spouse - Why it's important for dads to speak up in court - How Jude won full custody of his daughters - How divorce affects our children - How to date after divorce  - Jude's steps and suggestions to survive the divorce process  This episode is intended for: - Fathers who are going through divorce - How men can manage risk in dating - How to avoid an expensive divorce - How you can turn your pain into finding your purpose - Dads who want help for their mental and emotional state  Contact us to share your story at: Authenticdads@gmail.com  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/authenticdadsonyoutube/support
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    51 mins
  • The One Word That Holds Dads Back...
    Dec 14 2022
    In this episode, Men Unplugged Podcast Host - Jeff Jerina explains how he transformed his life and how you can too. We discuss: - How can father's speak up for what we need - How fathers spend more time with their children - Ways to find your passion during hard times - How faith can help dads worry less - The one word that holds dads back - How to find support - How fathers are living their purpose - How fathers overcome the feeling of not being good enough This episode is intended for: - Fathers who feel overwhelmed - Fathers who want help but don't know how to find it - Fathers who are going through tough times - Fathers who feel like they have lost their purpose - Fathers who feel like giving up on life - Fathers who want inspiration Contact us to share your story or sponsor an episode at: Authenticdads@gmail.com
    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Can A Relationship Work If The Woman Makes More Money?
    Nov 17 2022
    In this episode, Modern Manhood Podcast Host - German Villegas explains his definition of Masculinity and how it affects men. We discuss: - What it mean to be a man in today's society - The importance of men mentoring young boys - How courtrooms challenge a man's masculinity - Today's expectation's for men to be in their children's lives - Why men are seeking approval and validation - The need for positive male role models - How men can maintain their relationships even if the make less than their women - Why emotional men get taken advantage of by women This episode is intended for: - Fathers who are not feeling good enough - Fathers who want to have more confidence - Fathers who are feeling fear, doubt, and insecurity - Fathers who want to provide more for their family & children - Fathers who want to find support but don't know where to look - Fathers who want to be respected in their relationship Contact us to share your story or sponsor an episode at: Authenticdads@gmail.com
    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 14 mins