• “If I had to live my life over again” – a poem
    Jun 25 2018
    I'm a podcaster! :-) So schnell können Träume in Erfüllung gehen. Viel Spass mit dieser Episode, welches eine Episode aus meinem Hörbuch ist. Wir starten mit den englischen Versionen - falls Deutsch absolut gewünscht ist, bitte unbedingt mitteilen. Liebe Liebenden Ich sollte nie erzählen, was ich als nächstes tue, so wie im letzten Blog wo ich geschrieben habe, dass es im nächsten Blog um „die wilden Seiten des Lebens“ geht. Dafür habe ich was anderes und ich hoffe, dass es Dir ebenso gefällt! Die wilden Seiten folgen. Demnächst. „Was wäre, wenn ich nochmals neu beginnen könnte“ Stell Dir vor, Du bekommst eine Diagnose. Stell Dir vor, es wird Dir gesagt, dass Du nicht mehr viel Lebenszeit hast. Ein Gräuel, nicht wahr? Doch so vielen Menschen geht es so. Tag täglich. Und ab und zu ignorieren wir diese Menschen und verstehen erst, wenn es bei einem selber so weit ist. Doch vielleicht hast Du das Glück, gesund zu sein. Feierst Du das ausreichlich? Bist Du dankbar, dass Du immer noch die Dinge verändern kannst? Was würdest Du nicht mehr tun wollen? Vielleicht ist heute der Tag - einfach mal aus Dankbarkeit einen Jauchzer loszulassen. Yeeeehaaaaaa! Es gibt so viele Gedichte die geschrieben werden, sobald jemand eine Diagnose erhält. Oft heissen sie: „wenn ich nochmals neu anfangen könnte“… Ok, was wäre, wenn wir dies einfach jetzt schon tun, egal in welcher Situation und in welcher Lage wir sind? Wie würde dann Dein Gedicht klingen? Mein Gedicht hörst Du in diesem Vlog. Nun wünsche ich Dir eine fabulöse Woche - gefüllt mit Momenten der Dankbarkeit, dass Du immer noch am Leben bist. Von Herzen wünsche ich Dir diese Momente. Anna.
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    33 mins
  • Welcome to my universe of time
    Jul 2 2018
    Dear Listener I'm very happy to invite you to my new Podcasts where I talk about time. What does that mean? That the time is now. It's always time for something, isn't it? Now it's time for this Podcast. Let's talk about my vision of time, the psychology of time, chronobiology (what if we would listen to our inner clocks?) or how to use your time better. This Podcast will improve your stress management for sure. I want you to make a clear mind shift about time management; time management isn't just about methods or techniques. It is much more and I want to share my work with you. I'm very happy about this and I say: welcome to my universe of time! Click here for my Website: https://anna-jelen.com/en
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    14 mins
  • Be yourself – really?
    Jul 9 2018
    Be yourself - oh really? Let's get into the todays topic right away: 3 different ways to look at the phrase „be yourself“. What does that really mean and what shouldn’t it mean? And why am I, the time expert talking about this? Because if you aren’t trying to be yourself - it’s a huge - maybe one the biggest time thieves in your life. Now is the time to create this life to dare to be yourself. It’s better to fail now, than to have the regrets in the end of your life. One small step after another: ask yourself again and again: „How would I do it?“
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    11 mins
  • Optimal Thinking
    Jul 16 2018
    Today, let’s time travel together! I mean, did you know, that you have a 6 different time zones in yourself? Are you aware of that? Well I wasn’t until I got to know the topic about the different time perspectives. Of course, this topic would include hours and hours of me talking about it. And that would be far too much time….so I will try to look at the topic with an eagle view. Maybe another time we can dig deeper, but for this time, I’ll try to stay on the surface - which is a challenge for me, because whenever I talk about time, I just get so enthousiastic that it’s hard to stop me.
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    14 mins
  • My near-death experience in the mountains
    Jul 23 2018
    My near-death experience in the mountains This story changed my life. It’s about my near-death experience and why death became one of my greatest teacher - and still is! I will tell you this personal story because hopefully I will be able to wake something up in yourself - the desire to live, the desire to celebrate that you are still alive and the sparkle of curiosity in life. Because hey, you could be dead, but you are still here, like I am and I think we should stop to deny that death can really be around the corner, even if this makes you almost panic and freak out. Rather do that, than to be in a paralyzed mind state where you ignore those thoughts. Let me take you on this journey and afterwards - let's celebrate.
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    31 mins
  • You need this energy of life
    Jul 29 2018
    Often we are shut in our homes, offices, cars, trains, airplanes and we have those walls around us. Sometimes we need to get rid of those walls. For this, we need to go outside. Nobody can help us better to get rid of your walls than nature. I mean, think about it: Why do you have your best ideas when you are walking at the beach. Or when you are spending time in the forrest? Why are you never ever stressed when you are in nature? Why aren’t you worried anymore, after a long walk in the woods? Because than we have no more blocked energies in us. Everything is in a flow. In this podcast I talk about my eagle-story and why I think it is important to reconnect with nature. Enjoy!
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    13 mins
  • Create your own rules
    Aug 5 2018
    CREATE YOUR OWN RULES Today I'll invite you to become someone who creates his own rules. Someone who is a out of the box thinker - and believe me, your boss or yourself is going to thank you for this! Already as a kid, I have made up my own rules.
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    16 mins
  • 9 rules which changed my life
    Aug 12 2018
    9 Time Management Tips à la Anna Are you using, spending or managing your time? As you know, I look at time management differently, not in the classic way we know it. Time management is not only about techniques and methods.
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    13 mins