
  • Our Learning, Our Uncoverings, Your Questions!
    Jun 4 2021

    You don’t learn from experience; you learn from reflecting on it! Join us in this last episode of the season as we recall, reflect and rethink on the last six months of creating this podcast; what we have learned, how we have changed and the yet uncovered, upcoming opportunities for next season.   From the start, it was about bringing both vulnerability and a growth mindset while sharing the “anecdotes” that have helped us in our roles as parents, teachers, and coaches. As we share that growth, we hope that you too will take stock of your own journey and continue to make these ideas “stick” in whatever role you have been given. It may not always be easy but that is why we play the game!  As always, enjoy, and let us know what you think.    

    In this episode we referenced: 

    Doug Lemov - Twitter:  @Doug_Lemov and https://teachlikeachampion.com/blog/ 

    Adam Grant – Twitter: @AdamMGrant and https://www.adamgrant.net/ 

    Steven Pressfield – Twitter:  @SPressfield and https://stevenpressfield.com/about/ 

    We want to thank all our listeners for sharing our journey through this first season of Anecdotal Experts. As always, you can connect with us by email at: 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com or on Twitter: @Anec_Experts 

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    49 mins
  • Success...Winning? Or Winning Ways?
    May 21 2021

    In this episode we continue to dive deeper into why team building is indeed difficult.  In this ultra-competitive world, where we are often forced to keep score, we hope that the impact we have on others as well as the relationships we have built, will lead to a true definition of success.  And it's not always about winning!  Don't take our word for it.  In this episode, we welcome two guests with more 'street cred' than us.  Sami-Jo Small (Olympic gold medalist, motivation speaker (author) and mother of a 5-year-old) and Scott Cawson (coach-trainer for over 30 years, avid reader, real estate agent) join the podcast to give us their take on the dynamic nature of teambuilding. These curious, generous, and connected "artists" are thrilled to discuss their approaches, their philosophies as well as their mindset regarding the competitive model.  As we like to say, "People before purpose". Whether setting seasonal goals, working through adversity, or dealing with inevitable conflict, important decisions will be made.   Teaching, coaching, and parenting (LIFE, in general) is all about the FUNdamentals!  

     You can connect with Phil and Cam at: 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com or on Twitter: @Anec_Experts

    You connect with Sami Jo at www.samijosmall.ca and on Twitter:  @SamiJoSmall and with Scott:  @scottcawson

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Team Building is Tough!
    May 7 2021

    In a rapidly changing and competitive world, EFFECTIVE, COLLABORATIVE, and HIGH PERFORMING teamwork is more important than ever before. While not too difficult to find a cliché about team building, it is quite challenging creating a real team where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All the complexities that make a person unique and dynamic also demand heavy lifting from leaders to be creative, empathetic, and vulnerable as they work to build a sense of belonging, trust and safety bringing out the best in others. Yeah…not so easy after all!  Join Phil and Cam in this fourth episode as they explore why Team Building is Tough

    Connect with us : 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com or on Twitter: @Anec_Experts  

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    47 mins
  • Living on the Edge..comfort zones or prisons?
    Apr 23 2021

    Episode 3?  Already?  Time does indeed fly when you accept the challenges of saying “YES AND” while giving yourself the freedom to explore.  Join Phil and Cam in this episode as they discuss the importance for learners to safely get to the edge of their comfort zones, break through their limiting walls and agree to be vulnerable as they stretch their potential. They dive into how teaching is decision making and how the everyday choices teachers make, with a dose of the right attitude, can create the environment to open a whole new world of “desirable difficulties.”  For everyone involved (teachers, parents, coaches), it’s all about a growth mindset.    

    Phil and Cam would love to hear from you at: 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com
    Follow them on Twitter : @anec_experts

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    47 mins
  • Full of Content or "Contentful"?
    Apr 9 2021

    Phil and Cam are fully aware that ‘contentful’ is an obsolete word from the French (and English) “contentment”…the play on words was just too perfect to pass up.  In today’s episode, they take a closer look at one of the biggest challenges that a teacher faces every day.  Does content matter the most or should making our students ‘contentful’ be the driving force? In other words, do students need to know stuff for the next test, or can they simply be happy to be there? Yes and yes, of course!  Science teacher, Jolene Capina, and Music teacher, Katie Donnelly, join Phil and Cam to find out what is, and what might even be possible.   

     Phil and Cam would love to hear from you at: 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com or on twitter: @anec_experts

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    52 mins
  • From Survival to Mentorship...An Experiential Arc.
    Mar 27 2021

    In this first episode, Cam and Phil discuss the "experiential arc" of a teacher.  The what?  Yeah, although most people have spent at least 12 years of their life in a school, the classroom takes on a different meaning when you are the person in front, looking out at a group of fresh young faces.  Join them as they examine from head to heart, the experiences of "SURVIVING" as a first-year teacher to "MENTORING" as a veteran. Working with students can be a journey of the most rewarding kind...as well as the most challenging.  Whether you are just starting your career or have years of experience, you'll find that you are exactly where you should be and that, even better, you are not alone!  

    Phil and Cam can be reached at 2anecdotalexperts@gmail.com

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    37 mins
  • Upcoming Podcast Preview
    Mar 25 2021

    Welcome to Anecdotal Experts. Listen for a glimpse of what is to come. Our first "real" episode will be out in a few days.

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    2 mins