• Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Meditation | Episode 9
    Sep 9 2020
    Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Meditation The Morrigan

    In this podcast show, The Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Medication, learn How to Build Up Your Energy and Walk With The Gods.

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    This is a technique that required a bit of experience working with information, archetypes, and synchronicities received.

    Additional Info:

    This Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Meditation was more of a personal spiritual walk (wandering and pondering as I like to call it)

    As I was preparing for meditation and prayer, several times I walked in a circle, around a table in the middle of my living room, as I allowed the information flow into my head and I verbally discuss it.

    The purpose and goal of this Ancient Triple Goddess Celtic Meditation and exercise are to enter another headspace or the plane of thought and take your thoughts from the mundane to the higher realms of the esoteric.

    Part 1: The first part of the podcast deals with slipping into that meditative state.

    There are three things which can influence this effect:

    1. Light or Lack of Light (Darkness)
    2. Comfort Or Lack of Comfort (The Place in Between)
    3. Vulnerability (Security or the Lack of Security)

    Part 2: This segment deals with how to get into meditation when I have had difficulty entering that state.

    I learned a technique that I called, The Triple Trine during this exercise.

    During the time of this recording, I was heavily interested in Celtic Energy.

    The three main Deities I worked with her:

    1. The Morrigan
    2. Ceridwen
    3. Queen Maab (Mauve)

    It was easier for me to connect and relate with these energies because I had been working with the Ancient Kemetic Goddess Aset.

    Aset is a very prominent and powerful Goddess who's energy is very strong beyond the veil and she is also linked with the cycles of both Life and Death.

    I found the same to be true with the Celtic Energy as well.

    Part 3: The last segment deals with Vulnerability and peeling back the layers to expose who we really are.


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    45 mins
  • Saturday Ancestral Remembrance | Episode 8
    Aug 29 2020
    Saturday Ancestral Remembrance

    Welcome to The Ancient Tree of Life Podcast Show and Episode 8.

    While this show is short, it is also very sweet.

    Many ancient cultures believed in the ancestral worship and reverence of the dead.

    Ancestral Worship is about acknowledgment and respect for those who preceded us and have passed on.

    It is believed that our ancestors have a closer connection to the Gods, Ntjr, Neturu, and Deities after they have passed on.

    However, our ancestors are not truly gone or removed from this world.

    They live on through us, and we still have a connection to them.

    The practice of Ancestral worship is the act of establishing and maintaining these ties to our ancestors and kin.

    The Ancient Sumerians and Ancient Kemetic-Egyptians were heavy worshipers of the dead and those who had passed on.

    As we have learned in previous discussions, each day of the week has a particular energetic current associated with this.

    These energetic currents are certain qualities or aspects that allow us to interact beyond the fabric of this physical world and reality.

    The Ancient Sumerians had a system of Higher Learning, which was known by many names.

    The Sumerian, "Ladder of Lights" and Kemetic "7 Pillars" or "7 Foundations" are just a few.

    These higher learning systems are the basis for the information, education and wisdom learned in the Ancient Mystery Schools which is also known by the western world as High Magick (The understanding of the Higher Orders).

    Check out this brief introduction to how Saturday is used for connecting with the ancestors and paying homage to what I call "Ancestral Remembrance".

    To learn more, please visit our website at https://AncientTreeofLife.com

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    5 mins
  • The Spiritual Descent of Inanna | Episode 7
    Aug 28 2020
    The Spiritual Descent of Inanna

    Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life.

    In this podcast, we will be discussing information from a meditation that I performed on March 26, 2019.

    This would have been during the time of my annual personal Ancient Sumerian and Babylonian AkiTi or Akitu.

    The AkiTi or AkiTu is a very old celebration at the beginning of the Spring Equinox.

    The celebration is based on the old Sumerian and Babylonian reverence of the Ancient Anunnaki.

    More specifically, it is a celebration and acknowledgment (and reunion) with the God Marduk and his rise to power in the Pantheon.

    As Marduk rose, so do we rise.

    From out of the darkness and depths of the long and cold winter months, back into the birth of the sun and the revival of life on the planet.

    In this particular podcast, we will revisit some of the thoughts and correlations that I had.

    Much of those correlations are between that of Ancient Sumer and it's sister counter, Ancient Kemet.

    Note: At this time, I was still somewhat new to the Ancient Sumerian system.

    I made references that Ancient Kemetic knowledge and information was adopted from the Ancient Sumerians.

    This is not entirely accurate.

    There is much-suggested information from various authors stating the Anunnaki were here before human civilization. Which I no longer believe to be true!

    The purpose of this podcast is not logical and linear history.

    But more so, the correlations between Ancient Sumer and Ancient Kemet and how these two great ancient civilizations had much in common and were tied together by the rise of Marduk.

    It is known that Marduk became Amun Ra, which I believe, represents an attempted invasion by ancient Babylonians in Kemetic Egypt.

    It is also my belief that this is why we have more lore about Ra than about the Goddess Aset in history.

    History is written by the victors and tends to be more modern in nature.

    Our goal is to uncover, reveal, and experience the origins of spirituality.

    That which is tied to the Goddess or Matriarchal Times.

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    14 mins
  • Spiritual Ancestral Tethering Of Time | Episode 6
    Jul 20 2020
    Spiritual Ancestral Tethering of Time How to Ancestral Connection Works 👁️♀️👁️

    Date: 7/20/20

    Spiritual Journal Date: 2/20/19

    🙏🏽 Em Hotep

    In this podcast show, I discuss how I became more in touch with Spiritual Ancestral ties and connections.

    Everyone has a connection to those who went before them known as Ancestors.

    You have a connection to both your parents because they gave birth to you.

    But not only that.

    You have within your body, a combination of your parent's blood and genetic code called DNA.

    In addition to that, you may also have other things such as their likes, dislikes, reactions, tendencies, thought processes and patterns etc.

    Your parents in kind, have their parent's blood, DNA, and other proclivities.

    Just as their parents (your grandparents) and their parents (your great grandparents) and so on and so on.

    This tethering or connection is how we gain access to those who came before us.

    This is our doorway, portal, or gateway into the world of the dead, the beyond and essentially... Our Ancestors.

    In the podcast, there is a reference to how The Sun (Light) was communicating with me.

    After my mediation, I quickly wrote down what I had received.

    You can read that blog post below on our website, Ancient Tree of Life.

    Blog Post

    Transcendental Versioning


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    7 mins
  • The 7 Chakras: Societal Origins of Folklore, Vampires, Witches, and, Werewolves... Oh My! | Episode 5
    Jul 16 2020

    A few years ago, I embarked on a spiritual journey that would change my life forever.

    As child a had a huge fascination for Greek Mythology but as I grew older, I realized the Greeks were not the heroic and brave people I thought them to be.

    Their tales, stories, and myths were very ego-centric and barbaric.

    But not only that, I learned their stories were taken from much older cultures they had conquered.

    Ancient Kemetic Egypt being one of them.

    In 2017, I began to learn more about the origins and nature of this one ancient great culture and society.

    I eventually came across information that was both unbelievable but also inspiring.

    My Pathwork led me to work with many spiritual tools and energy systems.

    The 7 Chakra's being one of them.

    As I began to meditate, use prayer, and work the ancient systems, my mind and body began to react.

    I began to change.

    Anxiety began to develop.

    Both in my body and in my mind.

    Only as a child had I suffered from anxiety but it left long after I grew up.

    But this was different.

    As I worked my way up my Chakra system (starting with the Root and working my way up to the Crown), I began to feel a change inside of me.

    I would never be the same again.

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    7 hrs and 55 mins
  • 3 Celtic Goddesses, Astral Walking and the Rites of Sovereign Rule from Ancient Ireland | Episode 4
    Jun 9 2020

    Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life Spiritual Show.

    My Irish Celtic Dream: Episode 3

    Hi! My name is Ray Eason (or Ra Ea to some of you).

    Today I'll be sharing with you a very clear dream I had on February 8 2019.

    At that time, I had been working with some Celtic Energies and was discussing with a young friend about Queen Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII (Tudor), and Ann Boelyn.

    We must all begin somewhere.

    Everyone's path is different.

    But we all start at the beginning.

    A couple of years ago, I had an urge to get a DNA test.

    I was always told that my grandmother was part African American and Part Mexican and was shocked when my DNA test returned nothing of Mexican origin.

    However, I did learn that I had a large portion of Morrocan in me, along with 2% - 4% British & Irish ancestry.

    My friends all joked and laughed saying, "Well that makes sense!".

    You'll understand this more as we get to know one another.

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    12 hrs and 55 mins
  • 3 Celtic Goddesses, Astral Walking and the Rites of Sovereign Rule from Ancient Ireland | Episode 3
    Jun 9 2020

    Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life Spiritual Show.

    My Irish Celtic Dream: Episode 3

    Hi! My name is Ray Eason (or Ra Ea to some of you).

    Today I'll be sharing with you a very clear dream I had on February 8 2019.

    At that time, I had been working with some Celtic Energies and was discussing with a young friend about Queen Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII (Tudor), and Ann Boelyn.

    We must all begin somewhere.

    Everyone's path is different.

    But we all start at the beginning.

    A couple of years ago, I had an urge to get a DNA test.

    I was always told that my grandmother was part African American and Part Mexican and was shocked when my DNA test returned nothing of Mexican origin.

    However, I did learn that I had a large portion of Morrocan in me, along with 2% - 4% British & Irish ancestry.

    My friends all joked and laughed saying, "Well that makes sense!".

    You'll understand this more as we get to know one another.

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    8 hrs and 55 mins
  • 3 Celtic Goddesses, Astral Walking and the Rites of Sovereign Rule from Ancient Ireland | Episode 2
    Jun 9 2020

    Welcome to the Ancient Tree of Life Spiritual Show.

    My Irish Celtic Dream: Episode 2

    Hi! My name is Ray Eason (or Ra Ea to some of you).

    Today I'll be sharing with you a very clear dream I had on February 8 2019.

    At that time, I had been working with some Celtic Energies and was discussing with a young friend about Queen Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII (Tudor), and Ann Boelyn.

    We must all begin somewhere.

    Everyone's path is different.

    But we all start at the beginning.

    A couple of years ago, I had an urge to get a DNA test.

    I was always told that my grandmother was part African American and Part Mexican and was shocked when my DNA test returned nothing of Mexican origin.

    However, I did learn that I had a large portion of Morrocan in me, along with 2% - 4% British & Irish ancestry.

    My friends all joked and laughed saying, "Well that makes sense!".

    You'll understand this more as we get to know one another.

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    6 hrs and 10 mins