
  • Fr. Gabriel Burke; A Man of Integrity
    Jan 25 2025

    Integrity, It is hard to come in this modern society. When the ends justify the means it’s okay to lie, cheat and steal. Hey you can even bare false witness about your neighbor. You can say you had nothing to do with a political decision even when the facts say otherwise. In this episode of Along The Way, Fr. Gabriel Burke joins Dave and Deacon Dave to discuss an incident that made the national news in Ireland. A pro choice politician attempted to receive communion at a funeral. This episode is about integrity, the integrity that Fr. Burke had to stand his ground and say no! In this episode Fr Burke shares some valuable advice about sticking to your guns so that we can be men or women of integrity and children of God.

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    43 mins
  • Dcn Joe Delaney; Understanding Suffering.
    Dec 27 2024

    Suffering, it is not just a subject or topic of discussion, it is a part of the human condition that we will probable understand fully in this life time. Everyone experiences it at some point in their life and when we are in those times of suffering the last thing in the world we need is to understand it at an intellectual level, no, it is in those times that we seek a connection of the heart. In this episode Deacon Joe Delaney from the Diocese of Norwich in Connecticut talks With Deacon Dave and Dave about the first steps in the journey to understand, suffering.

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    53 mins
  • Trace Chamberlain; Welcome Home Big Guns.
    Nov 17 2024

    Welcome to the celebration! That’s right… this episode is a celebration of one of my favorite people in the worlds return home. Born into the Southern Baptist tradition of Christianity, my brother in Christ has been welcomed into the fullness of truth and is living the next chapter of his life sacramentally. The past few years have been a test of the metal to which he is made and I am more convince that he has the patients of a saint. Fitting for him, that is what he wants to be, a saint. Choosing the name Dismiss Dion as a confirmation name my friend Trace Chamberlain enters into the next part of his journey along the way. I am so proud of my friend who is a model of perseverance to me and anyone else that has the privilege of this man of God’s wisdom.

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    41 mins
  • Marty Matullia; Mentoring, Returning Manliness to Masculinity.
    Sep 29 2024

    This episode begins season ten of this podcast. I am hoping this season will be a call to action in restoring kindness and charity to a world that is hurting from loneliness and fear.

    Joining me along the way is my good friend Marty Matullia who knows a thing about building up young men into men. A former educator shares his experience on how to be a mentor for Christ and return manliness to masculinity.

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    55 mins
  • Fr. Skip Thompson; Understanding The Catholic Vote.
    Sep 7 2024

    The Political season is once again upon us. I have to say that I have not seen that many political advertisement’s this time. I guess because I live in a state that is dominated by the democratic ideology. I, at one point in my life followed the tides of politics, believing that that my vote made a difference. Then out of shear frustration I gave up on politics and politicians. I became a person that didn’t think what happens in Washington had any real effect on me. Now with the price of food and everything else on the rise and the wars that rage on I once again have turned my eyes back to the political arena in hopes that someone has an answer to the problems we face as a nation.

    In this episode Fr. Skip Thompson talks with Deacon Dave and Dave about every Catholics Civic Duty to vote. You may feel as if your vote doesn’t count …but stand up and make your voice heard by casting you vote.

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Joe McClane; More Holy Than Informed
    Aug 4 2024

    We live in times when it just seem like it’s okay to offend Christians especially Catholic Christian’s. We look and the world and wonder where the world has gone wrong? And it is the world that reminds us of the people that call themselves Catholic and their short comings as well. Scandal and controversy has a way of beating us down. It makes us ask the question who can I trust? Friends I believe Jesus when he said that “This is My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” We live in a time as witnesses to the truth that the gates of hell will try to take down the church. Jesus I trust in you! Help your people through these times let us not lose even one of your sheep in these battles of attrition.

    Joining me along the way is the host of a Catholic Take is someone who prepares for these battles and delivers the information you should know my friend Joe McClane.

    To find out more about Joe McClane and a Catholic Take go to; https://thestationofthecross.com/act/

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Dcn. Lou Aaron; See It Through.
    Jul 6 2024

    Dear friends, I am so proud to bring you this episode of Along The Way. This episode is living proof that the tough times in our life can make us bitter or better and my guest has chosen the latter. He became a better man through the trials of alcoholism, a fire that left him with nothing and cancer. Through it all being drawn closer and closer to God and eventually answering the Call to the Deaconate. Today Deacon Lou a.k.a. Chef Lou Aaron uses his restaurants to help others through the tough times.

    Check out the West Side Drive in at https://www.westsidedrivein.com/about

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    50 mins
  • Dr. George Ceremuga; A Personal Pentecost.
    Jun 16 2024

    My Friend Doctor George Ceremuga joins me once again, this time to tell about his experience in the Holy Land. It was the time spent there that was the inspiration to his new book “ My 50-Day Pentecost in the Holy Land. What I love about this conversation , it is more about his experience there than it is about selling books. However I think you will want to read the book after hearing about some of Dr. Georges personal revelations.

    To find out more about Dr. George visit his website at; https://drgeorgej.com/lead-with-love-2/

    Doctor George’s YouTube channel; https://www.youtube.com/@DrGeorgeJCeremuga

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    48 mins